Starting a new testing currency

Cool :slight_smile: I’ve just signed you too (since you seem to be the Inso I’ve heard of :p):

So now we a bidirectionnal link, 2 more persons to start the currency!

Yes I am sir :wink:

Didn’t pay attention of the fact that your post was in english ahah…

I’ll try to host a node too : )

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Welcome to @vit ! (vit):

Btw, could you try to check each other’s identity @vit & @Inso? And sign your respective identity.

Without your signatures, WoT will collapse on block#1, and the blockchain will be stuck.

Edit: you might encounter the following error when joining:

Error: { [Error: socket hang up] code: 'ECONNRESET' }

This is due to a bug in the ucoin node when using old version of ucoin-cli (called vucoin v0.22.x). To avoid it, update your ucoin-cli with the following command:

sudo npm install -g vucoin

You can check your version using:

$ ucoin --version

0.23.0 is the latest available version right now, and the good one to use.

Great great job !
This is awesome and I’m very exciting to play with ucoin :smile:

I just published my key and joined the WOT of zeta_brouzouf !
I also signed you @cgeek.
@Inso Can you give more information about you so I can sign your identiy ?

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“Successfully sent certification of ‘vit’”

@ManUtopiK : What kind of information do you need ? My key is named “inso” and i’m @_inso on twitter !

I’ve sent a private message to @ManUtopiK on, so I can have confirmation if its identity on ggouv is the same as on this forum.

Here we are:

  • Inso needs vit’s (@vit) and Manutopik’s signature
  • vit needs Manutopik’s signature
  • Manutopik needs our 3 signatures

Also, what is ManUtopiK key name ?


Lookup allows you for a fulltext search!

I have certified “inso” and “maNutOpIk”, no, “MAnuTOpik”, damned, what a ?’(è’(’ nickname ! Looks like a password !
Full text search to the rescue, copy, paste, done :wink:

Great! I’ve signed him too. So now we just need @ManUtopiK to sign both @vtexier & @Inso, and we can finally start.


And now, what next ?

Hi, nice work !
I’ve added myself and signed cgeek, ManUtopik and inso.
My public profiles : _ mhugo _ on twitter, mhugo on github

Ok, blockchain is now started! :smile: First members are @vit, @ManUtopiK, @Inso and I.

As of now, current block is #2, which is the third block.

First UD should occur on November 25th, at 6th a.m. approximately. If new members join in by that time, they will benefit from it too.

Now, I will make another thread so members can participate writing the blockchain using their own node!

@mhugo :

I’ve just signed you. However, you need to gather 2 more signatures to join in. Plus, you will have to send a join membership again since root memberships are kinda special, and your wasn’t written since you lacked signatures. You can send it right now :wink:

Some news: blockchain has been stoped 2 weeks ago for protocol changes. I’ve restarted the blockchain yesterday, back from scratch. Hopefully root members & signatures could be replayed.

New rule

Now, protocol integrates an “average time to generate a block” parameter, which is a frequency of block validation time. I’ve set this parameter as 1 block ~ 10 minutes.

Web of Trust state

So, right now we have members @vit, @Inso, @ManUtopiK and @cgeek.

Pending members are: @mhugo and @Galuel. I’ve signed both of you guys, but you need 2 more signatures to join in.

@mhugo: you have to send a join membership again, otherwise you cannot be integrated in the WoT.

I’ve joined again.

Welcome @Galuel, you have been granted as member!

We now have a WoT of 5 members :wink:

Welcome @mhugo too :wink:

We are now 6 members!

Hello there. How do I join?

Hello @Folatt, have a look out there : Subscribe Testing Currency (zeta_brouzouf)

pour ceux qui obtiendraient l’erreur suivante à l’installation (de vucoin ou ucoin sous Debian) :

/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory

ou équivalente, il suffit de créer un lien symbolique comme suit:

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node