A 3 months Hackerspace, who, where and when? I pay!

Dear uCoin community,

I am a young fellow of 26 years of age, currently working in the movie industry as a camera technician, but in the free time researching a lot and developing constantly ideas and concepts around currencies, co-creation and co-investing in the open source world, since about the last 7 years.

The essence and conclusion in short so far is to take the concept of open source out of the successful software world and adapt it to everything else. One of the last missing pieces is a relational currency just exactly, like you awesome people are developing it at the moment here at uCoin. I was coming at the exactly same solution, but from the side of a demurrage currency like FreiCoin, combined with a basic income.

My wish now, is in cooperation with you guys, to develop a strong usecase for uCoin, advancing the technology at a faster rate, in form of a collaboration, coinvesting and co-creation plattform, with a tiny specialization on open source movies and music as well as an open hardware rental system.

I am planning on financing a minimum 3 months hackerspace and co-living spot, dedicated to advancing uCoin and bootstrap the CO|OPEN Plattform as a possible use case for it. With the goal to create enough buzz in the open source world and build up a small community, big enough for further exploration on a social experiment level.

Everything, I have so far is still all a bit fussy communicated, but pretty clear in my head. I have developed two prototype mockups to get an idea of the direction I am heading to. As for the real coding and development I prefer to pass this task over to the professionals :wink:
(This is basically just a javascript equivalent of Meta_Brouzouf, but with MANGOS and at a 1 second interval, introducing a nice and more interactive realtime component for the testing and prototype stage of a relational currency and a lower entry barrier )

And the older one, more dedicated to demonstrate a possible contribution and distribution model for open source projects at: livio.meteor.com

My two questions to you guys:
Who would be interested in such a hackerspace and where is the best location for it, to last as long as possible on a budget of 10.000€

All the best from currently Munich,

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Hello Samuel,

First of all: thanks for your interest, it is always heartwarming to receive such compliments about our work :smile:

I don’t know exactly what you await from us with your proposal. I will personally decline it, since I’ve already found a way to have my full time working on uCoin for some time and the core need to be developed.

Maybe you already noticed you are coming in the very first steps of uCoin development, even if we started it back in august 2014. So there is a lot of work to accomplish before we can develop anything else like music/movie platform accepting uCoin currencies for payment! Also, free currencies won’t create money like Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies, so you won’t have big flows of money and neither a buzz phenomenon about it. And it’s preferable we do not have one.

Our work is slow, but economy changes will take time! Let’s take our.

So you (and maybe some interested people out here!) should definitely start to develop services at the same time for it to be usable when we start real currencies. But we should not hurry up too much.

Also, if you want to contribute developing free currencies, the very first step is to carefuly read the RTM. You have probably done it, but I prefer to spread the word :wink:


I’d like to precise something : the theory behind ucoin is not Relational Money Theorem.

It’s the Relative Theory of Money, written by Stephane Laborde, please use the correct title :wink:

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@Inso: Oh jes, thank you! I will correct.
@cgeek: You are right, lets take our time. It is just, that I am full of energy and excitement at the moment, keeping me highly motivated and ready for action.

Great to here, Me likowitsch!
A hackerspace for a specific timeframe though, has the benefit of a more intensive and collaborative exchange and a better channeling of progress between a greater amount of people, since not everyone like you and me has at the moment this nice freedom we got :wink:

I am totally aware of that and prefer it the same way. The Buzz to be created was more about community building and pull in more expertise and programmers. If you have a prototype that is simulating, how an economy could look like the playful way with for example delicious Mangos, it could be an interesting thing to have and spread the word about it in the various basic income communities that are popping up all around the world, with the potential to create a more united moving into the same direction.

Yes, but to increase that efficiency we need a fecund basis which in the case of uCoin would mean:

  • I have developed a stable basis, pruning all code that is non-necessary and would slow comprehension
  • some entry points to the code have been written to ease at max the appropriation, with examples and easy testing
  • me being available for explanations

This 3 points are not true right now, but will be in the next months.

From what I’ve seen so far, is that RTM is written in French, its autor is French and explains a repetedly what he has understood but still very few of us really get its point. And I’m including myself.

So the probability that English-speaking people reading the RTM written in our modest English will move in the same direction as us is a soft dream in short-term to me. They will probably want to modify the rules of uCoin so it does “what they think is better”, and will only lead us to loose time in the end.

I prefer to be more selective :slight_smile: and so far, this has worked just like I wanted it to. When we need to have a wider audience, be sure we will follow ideas like the one you mention. Definitely!

Who says, we have to start right away :wink: I am open minded for everything over the course of the next year.
But your answer made me think a bit and I tried to break the project into independent parts. So my proposal is a 3 layer setup.

Blockchain/Database/Security Layer, which is the decentralized technology below everything, powering the whole system.

The Trust and Verification Layer, which is providing the WebOfTrust and relational money generation Algorithms.

The Exchange, Transactions and Collaboration Layer, which is enabling the participants to co-create, co-invest and trade goods and services.

As far as I am able to judge, you main focus is currently on the 1. and 2. Layer, as you are tightly knitting both elements together. On the long run I believe those could be two independent topics to be tackled, since database technologies will improve at a much quicker rate, then the WebOfTrust mechanism, once a working solution is found.
How do you think about that?

My main focus in the next weeks, will be prototyping with mangos.meteor.com the layer 3 and test various co-investing mechanisms and voting buttons that are connected to the currency itself, incase someone is interested in helping there.

Me too! :relaxed:

It’s not that I want Layers 1 & 2 to make only one layer, it is just they have to be. Because the blokchain of uCoin is not the same as Bitcoin, and blocks cannot be made without members to be defined before.

So we always have an intrication between the blockchain and WoT, because new blocks also define new members.

The 3 layers model you are showing does not reflect uCoin to me, but it can reflect Mangos if you want it to. uCoin is rather made up of these layers:


Technical storage engine. Currently, this layer is hold by uCoin software which writes simple JSON files.

uCoin software

The heart of the system. It ensures the rules of uCoin protocol are respected, rules notably defining who are the members, what is money and who owns it. For this task, uCoin uses a database where it stores the result of each interpreted block. Also, the software is listening to the network through one or more network interfaces to be able to receive new data like incoming blocks.

The network

The network is composed of all uCoin instances. Each instance is identifed by its public key, which may be the key of a member (which means the instance is able to compute acceptable new blocks) or the key of a non-member (which means the instance cannot compute acceptable new blocks).

With this overview you may understand how uCoin is deeply linked to the WoT rules, rules which cannot be changed without changing the protocol. uCoin does not rely on technical layers to decide wether a given publey is a member or not (excepted for the database). It verifies every single bit of information it receives, checks it against the protocol rules, and accepts it or rejects it.

I don’t know how distant is your current vision from what I’m telling you.

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I totally understand your complete approach, but since I always have a hard time communicating my own brain, let me just go down further my road and we have a chat again, when I can show you more what I am heading to :wink:

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