API des événements

Nouveaux événements - smith-members

Il s’agit de la nouvelle palette permettant de définir les Smith.

Je liste ses événements ici afin pour obtenir d’éventuelles réactions.

cc créateurs de clients : @kimamila @poka @HugoTrentesaux @vit

  • SmithMembers - 10
    • InvitationSent(receiver, issuer) - 0 An identity is being inivited to become a smith.
      receiver: T::IdtyIndex
      issuer: T::IdtyIndex
    • InvitationAccepted(idty_index) - 1 The invitation has been accepted.
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex
    • SmithCertAdded(receiver, issuer) - 2 Certification received
      receiver: T::IdtyIndex
      issuer: T::IdtyIndex
    • SmithCertRemoved(receiver, issuer) - 3 Certification lost
      receiver: T::IdtyIndex
      issuer: T::IdtyIndex
    • SmithMembershipAdded(idty_index) - 4 A smith gathered enough certifications to become an authority (can call `go_online()`).
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex
    • SmithMembershipRemoved(idty_index) - 5 A smith has been removed from the smiths set.
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex