Certification best practices

I just found this statement by cgeek:

Citing the discussion from What percentage of evil actors is necessary to overtake a group?:

[quote=“cgeek, post:6, topic:311, full:true”]
Typically, you just have to sign individuals you deeply know (family, neighboors, etc) and do not try to reach your maximum stock of signatures.[/quote]

As I wrote prior, I’m not sure if this is a reasonable assumption as long as the system is not completely adopted worldwide. I.e. I propably don’t have any chance to get any certification that meets this criteria, and this will be true for most of the other members, as long as the WoT is below a certain size, so with the current certification process, there isn’t very much trust in the WoT. But as long as there can be no trust in the WoT, the possibility that this currency gains any value is propably very low (as it could be easily exploited). So no more people will add to the network and this is were we got a catch-22 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catch-22) / are moving in circles.