Cutecoin previews

Cutecoin 0.8.0 is under heavy development !

In the mean time, a small preview of the parameters tab where you will see complete informations about the money you use.

  • Actual % Growth c = UD(t)/[M(t-1)/N(t)]
  • 10% Growth parameter c
  • missing : 7,077 Monetary Mass in UD

Isn’t it c=\frac{\mathit{UD}(t)}{M(t-1)/N(t-1)} rather?

No you have UD(t+1) = c M(t)/N(t+1) look at the formula at the bottom. But you will have quite the same, because it is a diffential quantity it will not be so different to calculate it with a “± dt” change in the formula…

Ah, OK. I see why. First $\Delta M(t)=cM(t-1)$ is calculated, and then $\mathit{UD}(t)=\frac{\Delta M(t)}{N(t)}$. And I agree there is little difference.


Some of you will have to renew their membership soon :wink:


Small improvements on the transactions table…

Cutecoin 0.9.0 : new wallet tab preview :slight_smile:


I tried and sent some money to myself. An error occurred (sender and receiver must not be the same), but my money was sent! (Not received yet)

Nice catch. Registered as a bug

EDIT : Ah I thought it was a bug due to your screenshot, but the transaction is displayed in red. Which means it’s not sent, and instead listed as an error. You can right click on it and select “cancel” or “send back” to send it again to another pubkey.

Ah, right click doesn’t work (no contextual menu displayed).

On which column ? There is a bug in 0.8.1 when right-clicking the date column.

On any column, and any line too. No response at all for right clicks in the Transactions tab (but they work well in other tabs).

Ok its a bug which will be fixed in 0.8.2.

Cutecoin 0.9.0 : WoT path preview

In the Web of Trust view, when you select another member, the path between you and him is now displayed.
So you can see the distance between you and him…


Excellent !

Great !

2 suggestions for 0.9 release :

  • In the wot view we could open popups on members to get informations currently displayed in the wot table
  • Another interesting point, to realize what is the wot, would be to have a “n” parameter, with :
    • “n=1” : the wot displays only the certifiers and the certified of a member
    • “n=2” : the wot displays the certifiers of the certifiers, the certifiers, the certified of the certified, and the certified of a member
    • “n=3” : same with more depth

hello, what s the meaning of colors and uncontinuous lines and circles around a Person Name?

Red and uncontinuous lines around the name means it is not a member.
Red and uncontinuous arrows means the certification is going to expire soon.