Dockerisation duniter 1.9

Bon je suis parti des images docker de @pini pour créer une configuration nginx par défaut qui devrait fonctionner le docker-compose up est proche :slight_smile:

Quelle commande que je peux utiliser dans le healthcheck du docker pour surveiller duniter ?
J’ai essayé un duniter status mais ca me renvoie une errno 2 :frowning: pas bon signe ?

@francoislibre tu parlais d’un paramètre --store-txs aussi mais je n’ai pas encore croisé cette option tu pourrais m’expliquer un peu en quoi ca consiste ?

je ne vois pas pk tu as besoin de nginx en container ?

Je veux pas de gestion SSL intra container hein, perso j’ai un reverse proxy derrière dans tous les cas sur une autre VM

Ah pour les routes GVA et compagnie c’est ça ? Ainsi dans mon reverse proxy j’aurais que 1 seul port à écouter c’est ça l’intéret ?

hâte de tester vos confs :slight_smile:

c’est vrai pas vraiment besoin de nginx au final j’ai un load balancer aussi de mon côté pour gérer le ssl, mais bon ca m’aura permis de rentrer un peu dans nginx-proxy ca me plait bien :slight_smile:
Au final j’ai toujours un problème avec GVA je n’arrive pas à l’activer.
Il ne prend pas en compte mes variables d’environnement DUNITER_GVA_* et la commande duniter dans mon docker ne supporte pas l’option start --gva :frowning:

1 Like

Il n’y a plus besoin de cette option depuis un momoent, je ne sais pas sur quoi tu te base mais ce n’est pas à jours, la doc ne doit pas être à jours là dessus et sur d’autres trucs…

Normalement ya rien besoin de faire hormis config le json conf.json
et faire écouter tout les ports sur dedans

Ce paramètre permet de stocker les transactions en local sur le noeud : par exemple j’en ai besoin pour mes outils d’analyse de données (

Bon j’ai beau mettre ce que je veux dans le conf.json ou comme variable d’environnement j’arrive pas à lancer gva le port 30901 ne répond pas :frowning:

/var/lib/duniter/duniter_default $ ps axu
    1 duniter   0:00 bin/duniter --home /var/lib/duniter direct_webstart
   19 duniter   0:24 node --max-old-space-size=4096 bin/duniter_js --home /var/lib/duniter --loglevel info direct_webstart --webmhost
   76 duniter   0:00 /bin/sh
  286 duniter   0:00 ps axu
/var/lib/duniter/duniter_default $ nc -v localhost 30901
/var/lib/duniter/duniter_default $ ls
conf.json                data                     duniter.db               duniter.log              g1-test                  keyring.yml              modules-conf             peers.db                 rs_duniter_rCURRENT.log
/var/lib/duniter/duniter_default $ cat conf.json
 "currency": "g1-test",
 "endpoints": [],
 "rmEndpoints": [],
 "upInterval": 3600000,
 "c": 0.0488,
 "dt": 86400,
 "dtReeval": 631152,
 "ud0": 1000,
 "stepMax": 5,
 "sigPeriod": 86400,
 "sigReplay": 1051920,
 "sigValidity": 12623040,
 "msValidity": 6311520,
 "sigQty": 5,
 "xpercent": 0.8,
 "percentRot": 0.67,
 "powDelay": 0,
 "avgGenTime": 150,
 "dtDiffEval": 12,
 "medianTimeBlocks": 24,
 "httplogs": false,
 "udid2": false,
 "timeout": 3000,
 "isolate": false,
 "forksize": 100,
 "switchOnHeadAdvance": 3,
 "nonWoTPeersLimit": 100,
 "txsMempoolSize": 200,
 "sigStock": 100,
 "sigWindow": 1051920,
 "idtyWindow": 1051920,
 "msWindow": 1051920,
 "msPeriod": 1051920,
 "udTime0": 1496527200,
 "udReevalTime0": 1496570400,
 "cpu": 0.8,
 "nbCores": 1,
 "loglevel": "info",
 "prefix": 1,
 "nobma": false,
 "bmaWithCrawler": false,
 "upnp": true,
 "dos": {
  "whitelist": [
 "maxcount": 50,
  "burst": 20,
  "limit": 40,
  "maxexpiry": 10,
  "checkinterval": 1,
  "trustProxy": true,
  "includeUserAgent": true,
  "errormessage": "Error",
  "testmode": false,
  "silent": false,
  "silentStart": false,
  "responseStatus": 429
 "gva": {
  "enabled": true,
  "host": "",
  "port": 30901,
  "path": "gva",
  "subscriptionsPath": "gva-sub",
  "remoteHost": "",
  "remotePort": 443
 "ws2p": {
  "uuid": "b0e031cc",
  "privateAccess": true,
  "publicAccess": true,
  "preferedOnly": false,
  "privilegedOnly": false,
  "upnp": true
 "proxiesConf": {
  "reachingClearEp": "clear",
  "forceTor": false
 "rootoffset": 0,
 "storage": {
  "transactions": false,
  "wotwizard": false
 "remoteport": 443,
 "ipv4": "",
 "remotehost": ""
/var/lib/duniter/duniter_default $ env
/var/lib/duniter/duniter_default $ cd
~ $ node bin/duniter_js --version
~ $ node bin/duniter_js --help |grep tx
~ $ node bin/duniter_js --help |grep gva

Je n’ai pas l’option --store-txs dont tu parles @francoislibre je suis bien sur la bonne version ?
J’ai loupé un truc à la compil ?

avec duniter --help regarde comment conf GVA en mode interactif, je crois me souvenir de ce problème, Duniter ne parse pas le json alors qu’il devrait, mais attends les paramètres via le mode CLI interactif


Et passe ça à true surtout avant pour voir!

Et là tu n’est pas dans ton home, normalement faut éditer ta conf user dans ~/.config/duniter/duniter_default/conf.json

Si ta une conf user ici, je crois qu’elle surcharge celle que tu édites là

ok j’ai bien ce répertoire ~/.config/duniter/duniter_default mais pas de fichier de conf dedans.
Si j’active la variable DUNITER_MANUAL_CONFIG il boucle sur : Waiting for initial configuration file… Please copy your configuration file to ‘$profile_default/conf.json.orig’
Je vais le lancer duniter en debug pour voir si il prend bien le fichier en compte.

essai alors de copier ta conf ici

ahaha malin :slight_smile:

Alors en fait j’ai retrouvé le fait que c’est une option à indiquer lors de la synchronisation du noeud duniter.
Donc finalement je crois que c’est hors sujet du package sauf si tu gères la synchronisation.

L’option est encore présente avec la version 1.8.6 de duniter :

$ sudo -u duniter duniter --help |grep -i store
–store-txs Enable full transaction history storage.
–store-ww Enable WotWizard regular export.

$ sudo -u duniter duniter --version

Je lance une synchro initiale si le noeud est vide mais je ne voie pas plus l’option store-txs lors de la synchro :frowning:

/var/lib/duniter $ duniter sync --help
duniter-sync 1.9.0-dev
Synchronize blockchain from a remote Duniter node

    duniter sync [FLAGS] <source> [port]

    -h, --help              Prints help information
        --no-interactive    Disable interactive sync UI
        --no-p2p            Disables P2P downloading of blocs
        --no-peers          Do not retrieve peers
        --no-sandboxes      Do not retrieve sandboxes during sync
        --only-peers        Will only try to sync peers
        --slow              Download slowly the blokchcain (for low connnections)
    -V, --version           Prints version information

    <port>      Port
/var/lib/duniter $ node /duniter/bin/duniter_js --help |grep store
/var/lib/duniter $ duniter --help
duniter 1.9.0-dev
Crypto-currency software to operate D1 libre currency.

    duniter [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

        --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -h, --home <home>          Path to Duniter HOME (defaults to "$HOME/.config/duniter")
    -l, --log <log>            Logs level (If not specified, use the logs level defined in the configuration or INFO by
                               default) [possible values: OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE]
    -p, --profile <profile>    Profile name (default "duniter_default")

    config             Duniter configuration options
    wizard             Launch the configuration wizard
    ws2p               WS2P operations for configuration and diagnosis tasks
    sync               Synchronize blockchain from a remote Duniter node
    direct_start       Start Duniter node with direct output, non-daemonized
    direct_webstart    Start Duniter node with its web interface with direct output, non-daemonized
    start              Starts Duniter as a daemon (background task)
    webstart           Starts Duniter (with its web interface) as a daemon (background task)
    status             Get Duniter daemon status
    logs               Follow duniter logs
    restart            Stops Duniter daemon and restart it
    stop               Stops Duniter daemon if it is running
    reset              Reset configuration, data, peers, transactions or everything in the database
    completions        Generate tab-completion script for your shell
    help               Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

ok c’est bon j’ai trouvé mon pb en debug :

load_module_conf(module_name: gva): envy error=invalid IP address syntax

C’est une de mes variables d’environnement qui posait soucis.

Ayé c’est bon vous pouvez tester ma branche et faire un docker-compose up :slight_smile:

Avec un peu de chance vous pouvez même laisser opérer la magie de make…

$ make && make install

Impeccable !

Bon par contre tu n’as pas fait de vrai release du coup ? Je veux dire ça compile tout Duniter dans le docker au premier boot.
Je pensais que Duniter serais installé dans l’image docker, juste à le lancer avec les config montés.
Mais au moins là on est sûr d’avoir toutes les bonnes dbs pour GVA.

Mais j’avoue Make c’est tellement stylé !

Pour résumer donc vous faite:

git clone -b release/1.9 && cd duniter
make && make install

Vous êtes partie pour au moins 10 bonnes minutes de build la première fois (dans un container), et puis c’est partie et lance la sync à partir du noeud définit dans le .env.

Je laisse tourner la sync, je vais me coucher. Je verrais demain si GVA est OK.
Bravo @aya !
Et bravo @elois pour GVA et cette 1.9 !

Y’a pas de runner sur gitlab et je voudrais lancer les tests d’intégration avant de faire une vrai release. On pourra publier une image docker 1.9 ensuite et la prendre en compte par défaut.

Une fois l’install terminée tu peux lancer la commande dex migrate avec :

$ make gva

J’arrive pas à initialiser mon noeud de prod :frowning:

En partant d’une install vierge il lance une premiere synchro mais elle plante toujours à peu près au même endroit :

[0|301/1/0|24/9/1|7.7]aya:123@sonic:~/Sources/duniter (release/1.9)$ make run 'duniter sync --no-interactive'
2022-12-08T18:45:02+00:00 - info: blocks_chunk_16: 1515724 bytes
2022-12-08T18:45:05+00:00 - info: Milestones 74%, Downloaded 14%, Applied 12%
2022-12-08T18:45:05+00:00 - info: Milestones 75%, Downloaded 14%, Applied 12%
2022-12-08T18:45:07+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #317/2331 from 79250 to 79499 on peer
2022-12-08T18:45:07+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #318/2331 from 79500 to 79749 on peer
2022-12-08T18:45:07+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #318/2331 from 79500 to 79749 on peer
2022-12-08T18:45:10+00:00 - info: Milestones 76%, Downloaded 14%, Applied 12%
2022-12-08T18:45:10+00:00 - info: Milestones 77%, Downloaded 14%, Applied 12%
[0|301/1/0|24/9/1|7.7]aya:123@sonic:~/Sources/duniter (release/1.9)$ make run 'duniter sync --no-interactive'
2022-12-08T18:52:04+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #331/2331 from 82750 to 82999 on peer
2022-12-08T18:52:04+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #332/2331 from 83000 to 83249 on peer
2022-12-08T18:52:05+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #332/2331 from 83000 to 83249 on peer
2022-12-08T18:52:09+00:00 - info: Milestones 56%, Downloaded 14%, Applied 13%
2022-12-08T18:52:10+00:00 - info: blocks_chunk_17: 2430694 bytes
2022-12-08T18:52:11+00:00 - info: Milestones 57%, Downloaded 14%, Applied 13%
[0|301/1/0|24/9/1|7.7]aya:123@sonic:~/Sources/duniter (release/1.9)$ make run 'duniter sync --no-interactive'
No config file - Initializing currency from ''...
No peers database - Initializing from ''...
2022-12-08T18:55:19+00:00 - warn: No configuration loaded
2022-12-08T18:55:19+00:00 - info: mode=Sync
2022-12-08T18:55:19+00:00 - info: open duniter databases...
2022-12-08T18:55:19+00:00 - info: Databases successfully opened.
2022-12-08T18:55:19+00:00 - info: Current block: no blockchain
2022-12-08T18:55:19+00:00 - info: start dbs threadpool...
2022-12-08T18:55:19+00:00 - info: Duniter sever started.
2022-12-08T18:55:19+00:00 - info: start duniter modules...
2022-12-08T18:55:19+00:00 - info: generated self endpoints: ["GVA S 443 gva"]
2022-12-08T18:55:20+00:00 - info: Block resolution: 0 potential blocks for root block...
2022-12-08T18:55:20+00:00 - info: Connecting to address :443...
2022-12-08T18:55:20+00:00 - info: Try with 38MEAZ
2022-12-08T18:55:20+00:00 - info: [BqFg5tFT]  PEER 38MEAZN6 582745-0
2022-12-08T18:55:20+00:00 - info: [BqFg5tFT]  PEER 55oM6F9Z 582747-0
2022-12-08T18:55:20+00:00 - info: Database closed.
2022-12-08T18:55:20+00:00 - info: Database closed.
No 'data' folder.
Starting synchronization...
2022-12-08T18:55:22+00:00 - info: mode=Sync
2022-12-08T18:55:22+00:00 - info: open duniter databases...
2022-12-08T18:55:22+00:00 - info: Databases successfully opened.
2022-12-08T18:55:22+00:00 - info: Current block: no blockchain
2022-12-08T18:55:22+00:00 - info: start dbs threadpool...
2022-12-08T18:55:22+00:00 - info: Duniter sever started.
2022-12-08T18:55:22+00:00 - info: start duniter modules...
2022-12-08T18:55:22+00:00 - info: generated self endpoints: ["GVA S 443 gva"]
2022-12-08T18:55:23+00:00 - info: Block resolution: 0 potential blocks for root block...
2022-12-08T18:55:23+00:00 - info: Connecting to address :443...
2022-12-08T18:55:23+00:00 - info: Try with 38MEAZ
2022-12-08T18:55:23+00:00 - info: [6xh1x5mh]  PEER 38MEAZN6 582745-0
2022-12-08T18:55:23+00:00 - info: [6xh1x5mh]  PEER 38MEAZN6 0-E3B0C4
2022-12-08T18:55:23+00:00 - info: Sync started.
2022-12-08T18:55:23+00:00 - info: Getting remote blockchain info...
2022-12-08T18:55:23+00:00 - info: Peers...
2022-12-08T18:55:24+00:00 - info: Downloading Blockchain...
2022-12-08T18:57:07+00:00 - info: Milestones 59%, Downloaded 13%, Applied 12%
2022-12-08T18:57:08+00:00 - error: { Error: ESOCKETTIMEDOUT
    at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/duniter/node_modules/request/request.js:816:19)
    at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:286:20)
    at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:198:13)
    at TLSSocket.emitRequestTimeout (_http_client.js:673:40)
    at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:286:20)
    at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:198:13)
    at TLSSocket.Socket._onTimeout (net.js:443:8)
    at ontimeout (timers.js:436:11)
    at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:300:5)
    at listOnTimeout (timers.js:263:5)
    at Timer.processTimers (timers.js:223:10) code: 'ESOCKETTIMEDOUT', connect: false }
2022-12-08T18:57:08+00:00 - error: Wrong number of blocks from
2022-12-08T18:57:09+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #307/2331 from 76750 to 76999 on peer
2022-12-08T18:57:09+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #308/2331 from 77000 to 77249 on peer
2022-12-08T18:57:09+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #309/2331 from 77250 to 77499 on peer
2022-12-08T18:57:09+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #309/2331 from 77250 to 77499 on peer
2022-12-08T18:57:09+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #308/2331 from 77000 to 77249 on peer
2022-12-08T18:57:09+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #310/2331 from 77500 to 77749 on peer
2022-12-08T18:57:09+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #311/2331 from 77750 to 77999 on peer
Starting duniter with:
/usr/bin/duniter direct_webstart
2022-12-08T18:57:11+00:00 - info: mode=Start
2022-12-08T18:57:11+00:00 - info: open duniter databases...
2022-12-08T18:57:11+00:00 - info: Databases successfully opened.
2022-12-08T18:57:11+00:00 - info: Current block: #6410-00000927247B7D9ED218DA259E5935019C72F581010546241F5FBEAF3C9F97F7
2022-12-08T18:57:11+00:00 - info: start dbs threadpool...
2022-12-08T18:57:11+00:00 - info: Duniter sever started.
2022-12-08T18:57:11+00:00 - info: start duniter modules...
2022-12-08T19:11:09+00:00 - info: blocks_chunk_17: 2424742 bytes
2022-12-08T19:11:15+00:00 - info: Milestones 100%, Downloaded 14%, Applied 13%
2022-12-08T19:11:16+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #333/2331 from 83250 to 83499 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:16+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #334/2331 from 83500 to 83749 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:17+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #333/2331 from 83250 to 83499 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:17+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #334/2331 from 83500 to 83749 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:17+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #335/2331 from 83750 to 83999 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:17+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #336/2331 from 84000 to 84249 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:17+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #336/2331 from 84000 to 84249 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:17+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #335/2331 from 83750 to 83999 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:17+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #338/2331 from 84500 to 84749 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:17+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #337/2331 from 84250 to 84499 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:17+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #338/2331 from 84500 to 84749 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:17+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #337/2331 from 84250 to 84499 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:17+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #340/2331 from 85000 to 85249 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:17+00:00 - info: Milestones 100%, Downloaded 15%, Applied 13%
2022-12-08T19:11:17+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #341/2331 from 85250 to 85499 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:17+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #339/2331 from 84750 to 84999 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:18+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #340/2331 from 85000 to 85249 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:18+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #339/2331 from 84750 to 84999 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:18+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #341/2331 from 85250 to 85499 on peer
2022-12-08T19:11:18+00:00 - info: Getting chunck #342/2331 from 85500 to 85749 on peer

En mode debug

2022-12-08T18:18:26+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #320/2331 from 80000 to 80249 on peer
2022-12-08T18:18:26+00:00 - info: GOT chunck #321/2331 from 80250 to 80499 on peer
2022-12-08T18:18:28+00:00 - info: Milestones 65%, Downloaded 14%, Applied 12%
2022-12-08T18:18:32+00:00 - info: Milestones 69%, Downloaded 14%, Applied 13%
2022-12-08T18:18:33+00:00 - info: blocks_chunk_17: 2424742 bytes
[0|267/1/0|23/9/1|10.2]aya:123@sonic:~/Sources/duniter (release/1.9)$ docker volume rm aya-duniter-master_data
[0|267/1/0|23/9/1|10.2]aya:123@sonic:~/Sources/duniter (release/1.9)$ make run 'duniter -l DEBUG sync --no-interactive'
No config file - Initializing currency from ''...
No peers database - Initializing from ''...
2022-12-08T18:27:50+00:00 - warn: No configuration loaded
2022-12-08T18:27:51+00:00 - info: mode=Sync
2022-12-08T18:27:51+00:00 - info: open duniter databases...
2022-12-08T18:27:51+00:00 - info: Databases successfully opened.
2022-12-08T18:27:51+00:00 - info: Current block: no blockchain
2022-12-08T18:27:51+00:00 - info: start dbs threadpool...
2022-12-08T18:27:51+00:00 - info: Duniter sever started.
2022-12-08T18:27:51+00:00 - info: start duniter modules...
2022-12-08T18:27:51+00:00 - info: generated self endpoints: ["GVA S 443 gva"]
2022-12-08T18:27:51+00:00 - info: Block resolution: 0 potential blocks for root block...
2022-12-08T18:27:51+00:00 - info: Connecting to address :443...
2022-12-08T18:27:52+00:00 - info: Try with 2ny7YA
2022-12-08T18:27:52+00:00 - info: [9QGWvbvz]  PEER 2ny7YAdm 582739-0
2022-12-08T18:27:52+00:00 - info: [9QGWvbvz]  PEER CPP5X54w 582745-0
2022-12-08T18:27:52+00:00 - info: Database closed.
2022-12-08T18:27:52+00:00 - info: Database closed.
No 'data' folder.
Starting synchronization...
2022-12-08T18:27:54+00:00 - info: mode=Sync
2022-12-08T18:27:54+00:00 - info: open duniter databases...
2022-12-08T18:27:54+00:00 - info: Databases successfully opened.
2022-12-08T18:27:54+00:00 - info: Current block: no blockchain
2022-12-08T18:27:54+00:00 - info: start dbs threadpool...
2022-12-08T18:27:54+00:00 - info: Duniter sever started.
2022-12-08T18:27:54+00:00 - info: start duniter modules...
2022-12-08T18:27:54+00:00 - info: generated self endpoints: ["GVA S 443 gva"]
2022-12-08T18:27:55+00:00 - info: Block resolution: 0 potential blocks for root block...
2022-12-08T18:27:55+00:00 - info: Connecting to address :443...
2022-12-08T18:27:55+00:00 - info: Try with 2ny7YA
2022-12-08T18:27:55+00:00 - info: [2DpkFSA3]  PEER 2ny7YAdm 582739-0
2022-12-08T18:27:55+00:00 - info: [2DpkFSA3]  PEER 2ny7YAdm 0-E3B0C4
2022-12-08T18:27:55+00:00 - info: Sync started.
2022-12-08T18:27:55+00:00 - info: Getting remote blockchain info...
2022-12-08T18:27:58+00:00 - info: Peers...
2022-12-08T18:27:59+00:00 - info: Downloading Blockchain...
2022-12-08T18:27:59+00:00 - info: Connecting to address :10902...
2022-12-08T18:27:59+00:00 - info: Connecting to address :57586...
2022-12-08T18:27:59+00:00 - info: Connecting to address :10900...
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57140346-57140369 to disk at offsets 55567482-55567505, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57140990, 25)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57140966-57140989 to disk at offsets 55568102-55568125, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57140298-57140321 to disk at offsets 55567434-55567457, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57140966, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57140346, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57140298, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57140298 - 57140369
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57140370 - 57140417
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57140418 - 57140441
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57140442 - 57140465
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57141160-57141183 to disk at offsets 55568296-55568319, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57141015-57141038 to disk at offsets 55568151-55568174, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57141088-57141111 to disk at offsets 55568224-55568247, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57141039-57141062 to disk at offsets 55568175-55568198, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57141184-57141207 to disk at offsets 55568320-55568343, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57141160, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57141088, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57141015, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57141184, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57141039, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57141304-57141597 to disk at offsets 55568440-55568733, maxed false complete_len 294
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57140466-57140489 to disk at offsets 55567602-55567625, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57141256-57141279 to disk at offsets 55568392-55568415, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57141622-57141645 to disk at offsets 55568758-55568781, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57141208-57141231 to disk at offsets 55568344-55568367, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57141112-57141135 to disk at offsets 55568248-55568271, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57141304, 294)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57141136-57141159 to disk at offsets 55568272-55568295, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57141112, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57141063-57141087 to disk at offsets 55568199-55568223, maxed false complete_len 25
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57141063, 25)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57141136, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57141280-57141303 to disk at offsets 55568416-55568439, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57141280, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57140466, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57140466 - 57140513
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57141622, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57140514 - 57140941
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57140942 - 57140965
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57140966 - 57140989
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 57141598-57141621 to disk at offsets 55568734-55568757, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57140990 - 57141014
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57141256, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57141598, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57141015 - 57141038
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57141039 - 57141062
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57141063 - 57141087
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57141088 - 57141111
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57141112 - 57141135
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57141136 - 57141159
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57141160 - 57141183
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57141184 - 57141207
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(57141208, 24)
2022-12-08T18:35:41+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 57141208 - 57141231

et le debug en double aveugle s’arrête là… :frowning:

2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332087-68332111 to disk at offsets 67283511-67283535, maxed false complete_len 25
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332087, 25)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68331529, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 68331504 - 68331600
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 68331601 - 68331624
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 68331625 - 68331648
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 68331649 - 68331672
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 68331673 - 68331696
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 68331697 - 68331720
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 68331721 - 68331744
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 68331745 - 68332038
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 68332039 - 68332062
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 68332063 - 68332086
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 68332087 - 68332111
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332209-68332232 to disk at offsets 67283633-67283656, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332209, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332401-68332694 to disk at offsets 67283825-67284118, maxed false complete_len 294
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332401, 294)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332695-68332718 to disk at offsets 67284119-67284142, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332695, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332719-68332742 to disk at offsets 67284143-67284166, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332719, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332743-68332767 to disk at offsets 67284167-67284191, maxed false complete_len 25
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332743, 25)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332768-68332791 to disk at offsets 67284192-67284215, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332768, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332792-68332815 to disk at offsets 67284216-67284239, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332792, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332233-68332256 to disk at offsets 67283657-67283680, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332233, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332841-68332864 to disk at offsets 67284265-67284288, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332841, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332136-68332159 to disk at offsets 67283560-67283583, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332136, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332160-68332184 to disk at offsets 67283584-67283608, maxed false complete_len 25
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332160, 25)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332816-68332840 to disk at offsets 67284240-67284264, maxed false complete_len 25
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332257-68332280 to disk at offsets 67283681-67283704, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332329-68332352 to disk at offsets 67283753-67283776, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332377-68332400 to disk at offsets 67283801-67283824, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332353-68332376 to disk at offsets 67283777-67283800, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332112-68332135 to disk at offsets 67283536-67283559, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332305-68332328 to disk at offsets 67283729-67283752, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: wrote lsns 68332185-68332208 to disk at offsets 67283609-67283632, maxed false complete_len 24
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332816, 25)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332353, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332257, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332112, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332329, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332377, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332305, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: mark_interval(68332185, 24)
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 68332112 - 68332184
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 68332185 - 68332256
2022-12-08T19:27:21+00:00 - debug: new highest interval: 68332257 - 68332280

Edit: ok trouvé :slight_smile:

Dec  9 16:08:18 sonic kernel: [4329381.964169] oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_MEMCG,nodemask=(null),cpuset=31cd3331b2a7ef22054a5ca5a66d57f67a7a4fc0c79a4be5e6e5f438d5747b24,mems_allowed=0,oom_memcg=/docker/31cd3331b2a7ef22054a5ca5a66d57f67a7a4fc0c79a4be5e6e5f438d5747b24,task_memcg=/docker/31cd3331b2a7ef22054a5ca5a66d57f67a7a4fc0c79a4be5e6e5f438d5747b24,task=node,pid=12278,uid=1111
Dec  9 16:08:18 sonic kernel: [4329381.972442] Memory cgroup out of memory: Killed process 12278 (node) total-vm:2528912kB, anon-rss:2084216kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:0kB, UID:1111 pgtables:8504kB oom_score_adj:0

And here comes a new gva player !


Trop biiieeeennnnn ! @aya t’es trop fort !!!

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