Duniter squid doubts

Please copy the error as text, it is easier to read and quote and it allows a search on the forum to point directly to other people with the same problem as you!

This means that the state data is not available anymore in the duniter node. You are likely missing - DUNITER_PRUNING_PROFILE=archive on you mirror node to make it an archive node. If you added it later, you must delete the volume and re-sync the node in order to keep all states.

Haha not very clear at the moment :joy:, but I guess the doc also is not clear, and this discussion will help improve it!

An archive node is a mirror node with an ā€œarchiveā€ pruning profile, meaning it does not discard states. I agree we should add a doc page for that.

I prefer to split docker-compose files for more manageability but thatā€™s mostly a personal preference. I know that my archive node is stable and that I do not want to accidentally remove its volume or shut it down. I want to manage updates separately. Moreover, Iā€™m likely to run multiple instances of the indexer on the same archive node, and thatā€™s not easy with a single docker compose (I would have to precise every time the services in the docker compose commands). But I totally understand the ā€œgiga docker composeā€ approach, itā€™s just not mine.

Depends on who recommends it!! This is the decision tree I would suggest:

  • do you have a lot of disk space on your machine?
    • no: only run a mirror node
    • yes: set your mirror as archive
  • do you still have a lot of disk space after the archive node?
    • no: consider running squid on another server on the same network as the archive node
    • yes: run squid on the same server as your archive node

You can always use an external archive node for your squid indexer, but the main thing to consider is network traffic. Thatā€™s why I suggested to use a docker network on the same machine.