Je propose que tu votes par confiance en attendant qu’on rende la vérification plus facile. Pour voter, voici comment faire (à l’envers) :
Comme l’a montré cgeek, tu peux aller dans (Governance > Technical Committee > Proposals) et cliquer sur “vote”.
Cela nécessite d’avoir installé au préalable l’extension navigateur polkadot{.js} et d’y avoir ajouté ton mnemonic Ğecko (avec le bon chemin de dérivation si nécessaire, je ne sais plus où on en est de ce point de vue).
You have to read messages 5 and 6, this issue remains to be fixed. A chmod
is necessary.
@vit this is what happens:
- srtool allows to build the runtime in a reproducible manner
- it gives two hashes written on the release page:
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash: 0x59e84456b6e8ae8e8ddba9e4617e673e1569773d359989e689ada34206d0f8d3
which is the hash of the runtime (the output binary)🗳️ system.setCode hash: 0xe377706f91aea6f20911f2bb750de9c267fd1019227424dbd64465e732c85efb
which is the hash of the scale encoded call to upgrade the runtime to this version
- in the proposal (screenshot below), you can see three hashes:
which is the hash of the “system.setcode” call we are voting for. The call is not submitted yet, but it can be published after the vote is accepted, since there is no need to upload a runtime to the blockchain if it is rejected0xf7dc7...
which is the hash of the “schedule.schedulenamedafter” call allowing us to schedule a call in the future0x946a9...
which is the hash of the proposal, the one we have to vote for
But as shown above, there is no need to perform this call manually because the pallet collective we are using for the “technical committee” has been implemented in recent version of polkadotjs app. And so there is a rather intuitive interface to cast the vote.