Point de suivi
Rappel : toutes les issues sont référencées par la Milestone 802 qui sert de référence à ce qui suit :
Cette milestone vise à optimiser, nettoyer et fiabiliser Duniter V2S. Seule une grande modification pourrait avoir lieu à travers #197 qui pourrait fusionner les palettes membership, smith-members et authority-members. Nous n’avons pas encore échangé dessus.
Mais en réalité, nous en sommes à un stade où le cœur est presque prêt les fonctionnalités sont là, il faut maintenant bichonner les clients à travers le développement des indexeurs (travaux effectués @poka et @HugoTrentesaux notamment) et se préparer pour le lancement de la ĞTest qui, je l’espère, se produira d’ici cet été 2024.
Total : 22
Total : 20
ID | Status | Assignees | Title |
#200 | opened | debian package | |
#197 | opened | Fix pallet session config | |
#196 | opened | bgallois | Check that transfer_all on a linked account does not lead to empty linked account |
#195 | opened | c-geek | Dissociate release of Runtime and release of Client |
#191 | opened | Misleading error message in logs for distance oracle | |
#183 | opened | Refac generated documentation | |
#182 | opened | smiths-members: Unscheduling | |
#181 | opened | smith-members: supprimer CurrentSession | |
#180 | opened | bgallois | firstEligibleUd displays default value |
#179 | opened | HugoTrentesaux | Merge identity/pubkey “conversion” trait into one |
#174 | opened | Calibrate distance MAX_EVALUATIONS_PER_SESSION |
#172 | opened | Optimisation: transactional opt out | |
#167 | opened | bgallois | Membership handler weight accounting |
#163 | opened | Split OnEvent(membership_event) | |
#161 | opened | bgallois | Add live tests for membership status coherence |
#158 | opened | Identity creation should only be possible for an account that already “exists” | |
#144 | opened | Automatically publish ARM images of indexer | |
#141 | opened | c-geek | Have a testing strategy |
#73 | opened | Manually remove certification at expiration from a non-mandatory inherent | |
#54 | opened | Improve explicit revocation |
Fermées depuis la clôture du runtime-801
Total : 2
ID | Status | Assignees | Title |
#142 | closed | Contribute to Cesium² | |
#112 | closed | c-geek | Could not find protoc |
Fichier source YAML
milestone: runtime-802
date: 2024-02-22
- title: debian package
number: 200
status: opened
assignees: - title: Fix pallet session config
number: 197
status: opened
assignees: - title: Check that transfer_all on a linked account does not lead to empty linked account
number: 196
status: opened
assignees:- bgallois
- title: Dissociate release of Runtime and release of Client
number: 195
status: opened
assignees:- c-geek
- title: Misleading error message in logs for distance oracle
number: 191
status: opened
assignees: - title: Refac generated documentation
number: 183
status: opened
assignees: - title: ‘smiths-members: Unscheduling’
number: 182
status: opened
assignees: - title: ‘smith-members: supprimer CurrentSession’
number: 181
status: opened
assignees: - title: firstEligibleUd displays default value
number: 180
status: opened
assignees:- bgallois
- title: Merge identity/pubkey “conversion” trait into one
number: 179
status: opened
assignees:- HugoTrentesaux
- title: Calibrate distance
number: 174
status: opened
assignees: - title: ‘Optimisation: transactional opt out’
number: 172
status: opened
assignees: - title: Membership handler weight accounting
number: 167
status: opened
assignees:- bgallois
- title: Split OnEvent(membership_event)
number: 163
status: opened
assignees: - title: Add live tests for membership status coherence
number: 161
status: opened
assignees:- bgallois
- title: Identity creation should only be possible for an account that already “exists”
number: 158
status: opened
assignees: - title: Automatically publish ARM images of indexer
number: 144
status: opened
assignees: - title: Contribute to Cesium²
number: 142
status: closed
assignees: - title: Have a testing strategy
number: 141
status: opened
assignees:- c-geek
- title: Could not find
number: 112
status: closed
assignees:- c-geek
- title: Manually remove certification at expiration from a non-mandatory inherent
number: 73
status: opened
assignees: - title: Improve explicit revocation
number: 54
status: opened
count: 22
issues:- 200
- 197
- 196
- 195
- 191
- 183
- 182
- 181
- 180
- 179
- 174
- 172
- 167
- 163
- 161
- 158
- 144
- 142
- 141
- 112
- 73
- 54
count: 13
issues: - 200
- 197
- 191
- 183
- 182
- 181
- 174
- 172
- 163
- 158
- 144
- 73
- 54
count: 0
count: 0
count: 20
issues: - 200
- 197
- 196
- 195
- 191
- 183
- 182
- 181
- 180
- 179
- 174
- 172
- 167
- 163
- 161
- 158
- 144
- 141
- 73
- 54
count: 2
issues: - 142
- 112
count: 0