ĞDev5 smiths

Anyone ? Thanks in advance.

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I wanted to list all your received smith cert, but since it’s not yet available in the custom indexer https://gdev-indexer-graphiql.p2p.legal/, I wanted to use the generic indexer https://hydra.gdev.librelois.fr/ but it’s down, so I wanted to setup one (like this). I do not want to put it on the same server as my gdev validator, so I needed to setup a new node, and because it’s the occasion to test the docker image produced in your MR !123, I tried to use pinidh/duniter-v2s:sha-3189d769 but it seems to be private, can you make it public?

[edit] I added a branch release/poka-chainspec-gdev5-pini-docker on your commit to get the CI running on this one.

It is public already. Can you try pinidh/duniter-v2s:sha-latest?

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Ça marche :slight_smile:


Right now, Pini has received one two three four smith certifications:

over 6 smith

These smith are currently the one defined in the genesis:

I added a smith cert for elois using sudo, but for the other, please certify Pini to allow him to add blocks.


@Pini it should be ok now, you should be able to call smithsMembership.claimMembership() smithsMembership.requestMembership() with success.

[edit] process is documented here La sous-toile forgerons

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The call smithsMembership.requestMembership() fails with an error which resemble IdtyNotAllowedToRequest...

Here is how I proceeded:

  1. Connect to my smith node using PolkadotJS
  2. Rotate key with RPC call author.rotateKey()
  3. Copy the resulting key into the clipboard
  4. Extrinsic call smithsMembership.requestMembership() using my registered account ‘PINI’ with parameters:
    a. P2P endpoint = /dns/gdev-smith.pini.fr/tcp/443/wss/p2p/12D3KooWCEVBrLK9g8unsHLj8wWzobbwArDZMMwg5LeCbiWhB3ug
    b. Session key = <clipboard content from 3.>

The reason is that your identity is not member of the main web of trust. I should improve the error message (note: TODO). You have to become member of the main wot, which means get certification from any member. You can ask the beta-testers of Ğecko to certify you for example.

A better way would have been to migrate your Ğ1 identity imported in the genesis to a SR25519 key. But now you have two identities (this should only happen in a test currency). You can also ask for smith certs on the other identity. I did just see that you were not member of Ǧ1 !

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How many certs does this require? It was 3 when I tried on another iteration a few months ago.


It’s 3 smith certs, but 5 certs to become member on the main wot. You already have 3, so 2 more needed :wink:

  • 2457 = HugoTrentesaux
  • 6951 = Poka
  • 7139 = tuxmain

Je suis dans la toile forgerons moi ??


pardon Manu, probablement moi qui t’es ajouté à py-g1-migrator pendant le hackaton de bordeaux.

On peut te retirer si tu veux.

Retirer du prochain genesis, oui, mais pas de la toile forgeron Ğdev5. Si tu veux en sortir, tu peux appeler smithsMembership.revokeMembership().

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Il est techniquement possible de lancer un proposal au commitée tech pour se faire aussi non ?

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Oui, comité tech ou sudo, tu as raison.

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I now have smith membership. As I understand it I don’t need to wait for 48h before going online since my node has been running for 3 weeks already. Am I right?


I must have done something wrong:

  • smithMembership > requestMemberShip() → seems OK
  • authorityMembers > setSessionKeys() → error NotMember
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Seems not because the smithsMembership.counterForMembership() is still 6. I would like to have an indexer to search in the blockchain history, but this one has been deleted, so we have to setup a new.

I would have check whether you called

successfully. Otherwise, I’ll have to dig to understand why you were not added to authority members.

I did. And I checked using smithMembership.membership(7228) which returned a record with an expiration value. But when checking again afterwards it doesn’t return anything anymore, just <None>. Weird.

EDIT: Trying smithsMembership.requestMembership() again I have the error MemberShipAlready. Maybe I should retry after rotating the key again?


  ownerKey: 5GBVhdJUdsGhxozu6R8X6x2pTZvuuW46s7JSU4tiW7Zd3WmY
  p2pEndpoint: /dns/gdev-smith.pini.fr/tcp/443/wss/p2p/12D3KooWCEVBrLK9g8unsHLj8wWzobbwArDZMMwg5LeCbiWhB3ug
  sessionKeys: 0x3b8ccba0a36ab6c5b04d159d2e3188c6bd2e8257bdec6935ae6d812e31d36d857610e984e7cf0f444c47369a490373d4389ec37c32a5139f61d3935137595e10d4969256ac9618dd33046693ec6d2114f0ee5979a6fa83434d972f306ed88b031e7f4b506d028435d0916ce059914b4d9fb1bd00e8f76f1912855af225126775


