Implementation / programming of ucoin core

just want to understand the implantation decisions behind ucoin core little bit better.
Which programming language has been chosen and what was the reasons behind it.
How much is it a fork of other currencies like bitcoin, what are the main differences?
What coding tools do you use?


uCoin node is implemented in JavaScript and based on Node.js which is adapted to networking and where there is many libraries to ease first free money implementation.

Differences between these software are:

  • The programming language: bitcoin core is written in C++.
  • Rules they follows:
  • Mining rules in the case of Bitcoin: CPU power competition for money creation like for gold mining.
  • Free money rules in the case of uCoin: universal dividend, human-base money creation, spatial and temporal symmetry in the economical zone.
  • Web of trust which is only implemented in uCoin.


  • Proof-of-work
  • Blockchain principle for decentralized database
  • Crypto-based currency
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was the reason to choose java script to be more compatible to web based programming, or what was the reason to choose java script?
was node.js forked from somewhere.
For example is the network code similar to bitcoins, or is it mostly newly made?
Is the protocol / implementation based on the bitcoin protocol, or is id made mostly newly?

just to get some understanding how ucoin will behave in comparison to how bitcoin currently behaves.

I will let @cgeek answer this question because this is him which launched and develop uCoin core software.

Node.js project

uCoin code isn’t forked from an other project. It has been developed from zero.

uCoin protocol is completely new and different from bitcoin protocol.

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Moul mostly answered, I will just give few details:

Which programming language has been chosen and what was the reasons behind it.

Node.js engine was chosen due to its design which is said to be a very good solution for I/O applications (typically network applications) with a low memory/CPU footprint, but also:

  • due to its high level compared to C/C++
  • due to its popularity
  • due to the tremendous amount of modules being actively developped by the Nodejs community
  • due to JavaScript which is a language I use every day and am very fond of, but also is known by a lot of developers and is quite accessible

How much is it a fork of other currencies like bitcoin, what are the main differences?

It is a fork of ideas. No code has been forked from any other project. Like @Moul said, both the code and the protocol are completely new. Yet we share a lot of ideas (blockchain, PoW, crypto, …) with Bitcoin.

What coding tools do you use?

I’ve been using SublimeText a lot of time, then switched to WebStorm for about 1 year now (which is really powerful, with debugging/profiling/autocomplete features and all).

This is a community edition gracefully offered by JetBrains I can share with other contributors of the project (same idea for Sakia which uses PyCharm, the Python equivalent editor).

was node.js forked from somewhere.

Do not understand the question :smile: