Objection in the model of the web of trust of Ucoin

So there is a “vote” ? Where are the sources of all those informations you give to us ? Where are the communities “small” or “big” who have adopted them ? Are you speaking alone in your own road, or are there some people who follow you with this “vote” ? For sure I’m not in.

But then, what is this assertion of “vote” ? I don’t understand. Where is the source and where is the “big community” ?

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What you dont undestand?
Suppose you voted an inital value of ucoin to be 10. And I voted to be 30.

The initial value then becomes 20 (the average).

Then I die, and you are still alive, so immediately after my death, the initial value becomes 10.

So I suppose your definition of “democracy” include somewhere a “vote” I don’t know what it is, and some bizarre other things…

But I don’t see any link to any source where all this is defined, with a community who adopted it. So are you alone in your own road, or is there a “big community” ? How can I check it ? Where is your work ?

Please give us the links towards your definitions, where we will find the “big community” with many members who will be able to answer our questions about what you call “democracy” I cannot understand…

There is no big community. There was one, back in ancient times. But now its over.

I am here trying to rebuilt it.

It is a wannabe big community, like your coin ucoin, is a wannabe big coin.

Well, demo, please write about your idea of democracy somewhere. Something complete that we can analyse. Because right now, we are using words without even according ourselves on the words. Obviously, we do not understand each other.

So, let’s stop here for now. We have a limited life expectancy and time to work on our projects, so let’s not waste it :wink:

I have not many things to write.
Democracy is not a theory. The theories remain stable, so they are the points of view of the dead people. And as I said before, democracy does not take into account the opinion of the deads.
Democracy is a practice.
And you can practice democracy everywhere, including here in the ucoin project.

[quote=“demo, post:86, topic:764”]
I have not many things to write.Democracy is not a theory. The theories remain stable, so they are the points of view of the dead people. And as I said before, democracy does not take into account the opinion of the deads.Democracy is a practice.And you can practice democracy everywhere, including here in the ucoin project.[/quote]

So if there is no “many things to write”, just write them in your own website, practice it with a “big community”. We will take a look at your “practice”, and everybody will have his own opinion of what you mean.

[quote=“Galuel, post:87, topic:764, full:true”]

But the democratic practice in another community has nothing to do with the democratic practice in your community. You cannot compare democracies, and you will not learn something about democracy if you just stand outside, watching it or studying it. Life for every individual varies and you cannot live by watching the others. The same analogy is democracy for every community.

You have to practice democracy to understand it.

If there is someone among you who wants to practice democracy, just give me a list of all your initial values, for ucoin project and for the relative theory of money. And I will try to give you an example on how democracy can be applied in practice in your project. Or you may give me an initial value in which you think democracy cannot be applied, and I will try to explain to you how it can be.

I don’t trust you as an individual to be legitimate to give examples of anything, neither to define any word.

First give us a source where there are yet “examples on how democracy can be applied in practice”, and where some people “try to explain how it can be”.

Then, when you will have done that, some of us will probably enter in contact with other people to do some practice and to learn “what is democracy, and what is not democracy”.

Then, after all that, perhaps, there will exist some people who will think “I know what is democracy and I know what is not democracy, following those people definitions and practice”, and then he will think :

  • It’s good I want to practice it
  • It’s not good and I don’t want to practice it
  • I don’t care
  • By the way where is my cake ?

Like you can do following uCoin project definitions and practice, which have : sources whit definitions, people working with it and practice it, people able to give some explanations to understand it better, possibilities to learn and practice it, and then make their own opinion.

And this you can check it.

But, at the moment, we cannot check what you say about what you are speaking about. So, when it will be available, just put a link here towards the source where we will be able to enter, learn, practice, and then decide what to do, or what not to do.

You dont undestand me.

Democracy is not a theory, it is practice.
Democracy is a customization.
Democracy is not the same for every community, It varies, like life in every individual (even of the same species) varies too.

If you want a big example of democracy, you should study the history of ancient Athenians.It was a Democracy without computers of course. Democracy with computers has not been implemented yet anywhere.

This is what I am trying to do. A digital community that works democraticaly. And I will do it of course if I could find some people here, who agree with the whole idea.

The idea that it is unacceptable to let a single person to decide all the initial values of the community, for now on and for the future generations of the community.

If you agree with that simple idea, if you refuse the authority of this person, then you are with me.
Otherwise you are his/her slave.

This seems an interesting theory… Where is the source ? Where do you publish this work and this theory ?

I hope you will do it finding some people here or not here… Some people “who agree with the whole idea” that seems that has many points of partial definitions you give in this list of posts, just here, without us a source of your whole work on it, this “whole idea” like you say.

Another point of this theory here, with partial ideas like “unacceptable” (what does it mean, how to make it in practice ?), or “community” (what is this ?) etc.

I won’t follow you it’s true, as a single person authority. Perhaps I will learn somewhere some time, some thing you will have explained, practice it, and then perhaps I will adopt it, or not, with or without you.

I wish you the best following your own road.

I told you democracy is not a theory, it is a practice and you are still asking me where the theory is.
I think we cannot communicate eachother.

If you are searching for a theory to guide you, this is not democracy. You will never find such a theory in democracy, because democracy is not guidance. Stop beeing a fan of theories. Free yourself.

But If you want to practice democracy, lets discover the initial values and decisions of your project, and lets put them into a democratic process.

I am asking for your help, because it is hard for me to discover the initial values into your code. You know better than me how you initialized the code and what initial decisions you took, so if you want to participate in a democratic process, it is easy for you to reveal where those values are. On the other hand, if you dont reveal your initial values and decisions, and you keep them hidden into the verbosity of your theory, then you confuse and mislead (willingly or involuntary) the fans of your theory.

When you will have explained in your own website, with your own “big community”, all the definitions of the words and expressions you use like :

  • Democratic process
  • Democracy is not a theory, it is practice.
  • Democracy is a customization.
  • Democracy is not the same for every community, It varies

Perhaps some people will study this and will do something with this, or not.

Concerning uCoin project, it is a free software project, so all is published with all necessary links in the official website, so you can find them.

By the way, free doesn’t mean gratis, so you need to make your own job in order to enter the project, you won’t have all information by asking people here.

What we can observe here, is that uCoin project is published, with all code, parameters etc. And in the other hand what you are speaking about is unclear, not published, not available…

So probably you want to confuse and mislead (willingly or involuntary) the fans of your theory (or process, or definition of your theory, or whatever you want to speak about nobody understand…).

So do your job ! Stop confusing people speaking about not-defined and not-published unclear concepts and definitions.

We have many documents about our theory because it’s a free theory and people are free to write it as they understand it. Like in free softwares :slight_smile:



We also have some youtube videos translated into english.

Theories are important, these are how you define your system. I can’t agree or disagree with someone who does undefined premises.

I dont care about your documents and your theories.
I am asking the initial values and decisions in your code and in its protocol.

Many people are talking theories , but the code and the protocol you are using (as a community that has some glue on itself) is a single one.

So I am asking for this specific information, the initial values and decisions for your protocol and its implementation (the code). Can we find them all together somewhere? Or do I have to read all the code to extract them?

You don’t read the answers we give to you apparently (it is not the first time, it is always the case !). uCoin is a free software, so you can access all information thru the official website.

After that, you can make a proposition with economical exchange if you prefer, it is open of course.

I read the answer YOU gave me.
You dont want to reveal those initial values and decisions, this is clear to me.
You want to hide them into the verbosity of your theory, and into the mess of your code.

I hope some other person reveal them.

So I am still asking for this specific information, the initial values and decisions for your protocol and its implementation (the code). Can we find them all together somewhere? Or do I have to read all the code to extract them?

Just check this reading the official website of the project. It’s a free software, so all necessary is published.

If you need a formation to understand all in a different way, it is possible, just try to make some economical proposition to try to obtain an offer.

Who decides what the official web site is? Are the same people who want to hide their initial decisions and values into the verbosity of their theories and into the mess of their code?

And what is this “make an economical proposition”? Do some people want to gain some economical profit from this project?

I am starting to understand the motivation of some of you, over here.

You could try to find them, you would not find them hardcoded. These are protocol parameters and are specific to each currency.

So we don’t know “what will be” the initial values, because we don’t know who will create one and which values this/these guy(s) will choose.

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