J’ai corrigé ce bug, il y a une nouvelle version de :latest
sur https://hub.docker.com/r/duniter/duniter-v2s-gdev-800/tags. Elle s’appelle duniter/duniter-v2s-gdev-800:900-0.9.1
Voici une démo :
> docker pull docker pull duniter/duniter-v2s-gdev-800:latest
> docker run -it -p9988:9944 -e DUNITER_CHAIN_NAME=gdev -e DUNITER_VALIDATOR=true duniter/duniter-v2s-gdev-800:latest
Generating node key file '/var/lib/duniter/node.key'...
Node peer ID is '12D3KooWQjWJ12m7A83Mo1ZxBDR8EKWqyFHEojN11WAhw1ifxv1h'.
Starting duniter with parameters: --node-key-file /var/lib/duniter/node.key --rpc-cors all --rpc-methods Unsafe --validator --chain gdev -d /var/lib/duniter --unsafe-rpc-external
WARNING: No public address specified, validator node may not be reachable.
Consider setting `--public-addr` to the public IP address of this node.
This will become a hard requirement in future versions.
WARNING: No public address specified, validator node may not be reachable.
Consider setting `--public-addr` to the public IP address of this node.
This will become a hard requirement in future versions.
2025-01-15 16:07:01 Duniter
2025-01-15 16:07:01 ✌️ version 0.9.2-unknown
2025-01-15 16:07:01 ❤️ by librelois <c@elo.tf>:tuxmain <tuxmain@zettascript.org>:c-geek <https://forum.duniter.org/u/cgeek>:HugoTrentesaux <https://trentesaux.fr>:bgallois <benjamin@gallois.cc>:Duniter Developers <https://duniter.org>:Axiom-Team Developers <https://axiom-team.fr>, 2021-2025
2025-01-15 16:07:01 📋 Chain specification: ĞDev
2025-01-15 16:07:01 🏷 Node name: disturbed-stove-9945
2025-01-15 16:07:01 👤 Role: AUTHORITY
Donc c’est bon, plus besoin de manips étranges pour que ça fonctionne !