[Release] uCoin v0.13

A new uCoin version is available!

This version fixes a lot of bugs, has a really better network management (maybe the end of forks?) and requires much less RAM (0.12 was ~400MB and increasing, 0.13 is <100MB and stable). You can check release notes for further details.

Please be careful on updating your node. Below are the steps depending on your installation, so you won’t loose time by making mistakes :slight_smile:

See you on the network!

New install

Simply follow installation tutorial.

Updating from v0.12

The installation is not hard, but you will have to stop your current node, install v0.13 and sync again with the network.

Stop your node

Run the following command:

$ ucoind delete ucoin_default

This will both stop your instance and remove it from pm2, a Node.js app monitor which is no more used by v0.13.

Install v0.13

Just follow the step Update your software. Do not follow the section inviting you to restart the node.

Reset your node’s data

The previous database (v0.12) is no more compliant with v0.13, so you can remove it:

$ ucoind reset data

Sync with the network

You now need to rebuild your blockchain from an existing one:

$ ucoind sync metab.ucoin.io 9201

Start your node!

Your node is now ready, you can start it:

$ ucoind start

How can i see the logs in v13?
ucoind logs seems to be obsolete.

Currently you could watch live logs with this command:

tail -f ~/.config/ucoin/ucoin_default/ucoin.log

It will be fixed.

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