Squid pour Duniter, épisode 2

@HugoTrentesaux pour le moment ton instance Squid ne propose pas de subscription, mais il suffit de les activer avec une option côté serveur:

OpenReader supports GraphQL subscriptions via live queries. To use these, a client opens a websocket connection to the server and sends a subscription query there. The query body is then repeatedly executed (every 5 seconds by default) and the results are sent to the client whenever they change.
To enable subscriptions, add the additional --subscriptions flag to the squid-graphql-server startup command. The poll interval is configured with the --subscription-poll-interval flag. For details and a full list of available options, run

npx squid-graphql-server --help


La suite ici → Duniter-squid

À ajouter, il suffit de copier ceci : hasura/migrations/default/1654617198097_add_fuzzy_search_identity/up.sql · master · nodes / duniter-indexer · GitLab dans squid.