Synchroniser en ligne de commande avec Duniter 1.7

  1. mise Ă  jour de duniter en 1.7.5
  2. sudo duniter reset data
  3. sudo duniter sync --cautious --memory



bon je rĂ©essaie sur un autre nƓud ? :roll_eyes:

Pourquoi rajoutes-tu l’option --cautious ? Ça va te faire une synchro extrĂȘmement lente. En plus sur ĞTest la chaĂźne n’est pas valide (je ne sais plus quel bloc, < 100000).

Et puis si tu le fais en mémoire (option --memory), au prochain lancement tu perds toute ta synchro.

Parce que sans ça “plantait”
 ça commence mĂȘme pas Ă  tĂ©lĂ©charger :confused:
0% et je retourne sur mon prompt.


je me trompais dans ma commande :frowning:

j’ajoutais deux point en le nom de domaine et le port
du coup cette commande fonctione direct :wink:

sudo duniter sync 443

[EDIT] voici les logs :

2018-12-03T19:06:38+01:00 - info: Next peering signal in 4 min
2018-12-03T19:06:39+01:00 - info: WS2P: init: bundle of peers 1/1
2018-12-03T19:06:39+01:00 - info: Block resolution: 0 potential blocks after current#443...
2018-12-03T19:06:39+01:00 - info: Block resolution: 0 potential blocks after current#443...
2018-12-03T19:07:08+01:00 - info: Block resolution: 0 potential blocks after current#443...
2018-12-03T19:07:08+01:00 - info: Web administration accessible at following address: http://localhost:9220
2018-12-03T19:07:08+01:00 - info: BMA server listening on
2018-12-03T19:07:08+01:00 - warn: Local node is not a member. Waiting to be a member before computing a block.
2018-12-03T19:07:08+01:00 - info: Sibling endpoints:
2018-12-03T19:07:08+01:00 - info: BMA access:
2018-12-03T19:07:08+01:00 - info: [9Uwy2bEb] ⬇ PEER 9Uwy2bEb 414-0000
2018-12-03T19:07:08+01:00 - info: [9Uwy2bEb] ✔ PEER 9Uwy2bEb 414-0000
2018-12-03T19:07:08+01:00 - info: Next peering signal in 4 min
2018-12-03T19:07:10+01:00 - info: WS2P: init: bundle of peers 1/1
2018-12-03T19:07:10+01:00 - info: Block resolution: 0 potential blocks after current#443...
2018-12-03T19:07:10+01:00 - info: Block resolution: 0 potential blocks after current#443...

2018-12-03T19:07:39+01:00 - error: Error: timeout
    at Timeout._onTimeout (/opt/duniter/node_modules/nat-upnp/lib/nat-upnp/client.js:187:14)
    at ontimeout (timers.js:458:11)
    at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:296:5)
    at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:259:5)
2018-12-03T19:10:23+01:00 - error: Error: timeout
    at Timeout._onTimeout (/opt/duniter/node_modules/nat-upnp/lib/nat-upnp/client.js:187:14)
    at ontimeout (timers.js:458:11)
    at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:296:5)
    at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:259:5)

Current block # 443

mouai, il a pas du faire la sync en entier
 je trouvais ça rapide aussi :thinking:

[EDIT] du coup j’ai “reset data” puis re-sync sur et ça tourne
 faut que ça rattrape tout les blocks

La syntaxe a en effet un peu changĂ©, dorĂ©navant c’est :

duniter sync

C’est tout. Le 3Ăšme argument de commande c’est la “source” depuis laquelle tĂ©lĂ©charger, ce peut ĂȘtre un nom de serveur avec ou sans port, un chemin vers un dossier aussi.

Si tu prĂ©cises un 4Ăšme argument (comme 443), ça dit Ă  Duniter de s’arrĂȘter au bloc 443. Donc ne mets rien :slight_smile:

ah ah ok :wink:

Bon oui mais non

2018-12-03T19:43:10+01:00 - info: Sibling endpoints:
2018-12-03T19:43:10+01:00 - info: BMA access:
2018-12-03T19:43:10+01:00 - info: [9Uwy2bEb] ⬇ PEER 9Uwy2bEb 7808-000
2018-12-03T19:43:10+01:00 - info: [9Uwy2bEb] ✔ PEER 9Uwy2bEb 7808-000
2018-12-03T19:43:10+01:00 - warn: WS2P OUT => Document detected 2 times: {"version":10,"currency":"g1-test","status":"UP","statusTS":1498110958,"hash":"685395991969E0A2136BB39CFC408D730900AA077EA7C07526EFB1309E2A8301","first_down":null,"last_try":null,"lastContact":1543862590,"pubkey":"9Uwy2bEbYUiUfB6SVrkhGheEiuBr6TSh6bD8AH8dajy7","block":"7808-0000834F29ED80F4CC8824957546D27A1EE0A5F665C7514726F927FD6F638649","signature":"70jP4RxVChvslR8PC/vUR/+tMgn5ZkkZsw1P2F+Z+bdJdrMKN2Wbskg+ONnJR4Em95g81gYmwkrq2OvAhMTpCQ==","endpoints":["BMAS 443","BASIC_MERKLED_API 443"],"raw":"Version: 10\nType: Peer\nCurrency: g1-test\nPublicKey: 9Uwy2bEbYUiUfB6SVrkhGheEiuBr6TSh6bD8AH8dajy7\nBlock: 7808-0000834F29ED80F4CC8824957546D27A1EE0A5F665C7514726F927FD6F638649\nEndpoints:\nBMAS 443\nBASIC_MERKLED_API 443\n","nonWoT":false}
2018-12-03T19:43:10+01:00 - info: Next peering signal in 5 min
2018-12-03T19:43:27+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 0009C6B2EFC7449D37257729476015626A5E598FDC5899883E61B8179194EAE3 with Nonce = 10099900028133 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:43:38+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 0009911C84EFF90FAA8C0B4587E0A4B9A02BFAB8A02BD6675504D453312F6726 with Nonce = 10099900031118 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:44:41+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 0005C2856BEDD13A26540FF4D2C8C8C64F0AB9EB2AD1A34BE3701361B531B26A with Nonce = 10099900048261 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:44:45+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 000748B08AC13EAC35BB4337DCEC2D5210203FDE5F2CB3E68BCC716BACE4B201 with Nonce = 10099900049255 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:45:09+01:00 - info: [9Uwy2bEb] ⬇ PEER CrznBiyq 285756-0
2018-12-03T19:45:09+01:00 - warn: Unknown reference block of peer
2018-12-03T19:45:15+01:00 - info: [9Uwy2bEb] ⬇ PEER DpJse2t7 285755-0
2018-12-03T19:45:15+01:00 - warn: Unknown reference block of peer
2018-12-03T19:45:17+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 000DDD8F893E38EB8F6B43EBB30E93736374367E4C485F80388459062F32FD5D with Nonce = 10099900057805 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:45:19+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 00015EAE8F0F16E6BD3735E6F6A6EAB6F7C56CEFEE66ADB53F1933A2F392219B with Nonce = 10099900058445 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:45:21+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 000222500B04DB7F98C8EDA302AA0D494526B8A734E271AF55247F0C892E8C40 with Nonce = 10099900058980 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:45:22+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 000DFA46D519B1ADC34821270DCAA8598596A29500B42BECEA9FF0E9408F69DF with Nonce = 10099900059174 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:45:28+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 00030503B7E592704B45EADC0347241412973A3F6E75186060B431312FEB4910 with Nonce = 10099900060684 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:45:50+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 000114F9DF08468BF0A8CE5F1E664D0DDD64096DFBB07F87A65AD983E0D6FEB4 with Nonce = 10099900066751 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:45:50+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 000A803F19B6840A546F64846FA94DC7C416DDDAB7609007BDBE8A74702A599A with Nonce = 10099900066896 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:45:54+01:00 - info: [9Uwy2bEb] ⬇ PEER 3dnbnYY9 285760-0
2018-12-03T19:45:54+01:00 - warn: Unknown reference block of peer
2018-12-03T19:46:09+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 000DFB1861AE252AB88971823EB815CFF4BF0248626A1310E63CC9ECF13F1629 with Nonce = 10099900071885 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:46:11+01:00 - info: [9Uwy2bEb] ⬇ PEER 5B8iMAzq 285757-0
2018-12-03T19:46:11+01:00 - warn: Unknown reference block of peer
2018-12-03T19:46:13+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 00042F060D41AECB7845483AE1FF9237F3843A24D5414A797E422789F7D0EDB5 with Nonce = 10099900073104 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:46:34+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 0009B23149EF6BA5CF6816660113BBC87CD30A407BDA0115A79CB1D5AA097A88 with Nonce = 10099900078700 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:46:34+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 000860347A4E336EEF5717F1563B6AE414A8DE28C40CD8FFF9BD2CCCA8064292 with Nonce = 10099900078817 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:46:35+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 000459FB8732EA7B117690DC065E276D1DEFA11FF212268C2BC69DD461D621A8 with Nonce = 10099900079048 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:46:56+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 000A71C3676849AB17EBCF65822C56A17BF8F28CD4CD8413E6021BC8D7BF9472 with Nonce = 10099900084914 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:47:06+01:00 - info: Matched 4 zeros 0000EDCA96E987FDF93EE2C9AE346B24A3AFBFFFDC551AE69EA2723EEA701A5E with Nonce = 10099900087682 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:47:20+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 000B24985197E685C441CE8B31CB22DBD7F8359C6D57FE16193DFC59B7A119C2 with Nonce = 10099900091596 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:47:42+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 000AB8684C12E74A1DF12E48BFB11C11ACF5AD284950A4D697CA9480960511BC with Nonce = 10099900097539 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:47:43+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 0005901ECA3412D9B9BD339FF7115C7468199E62C774D546C64FD65C58A05891 with Nonce = 10099900097933 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:47:55+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 000163F69FE1DFC0E916B3BDE5E5BDC64ED3C12602AEC60ECF1926E5F0606346 with Nonce = 10099900101172 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:48:06+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 000ABB0B66012C9ECCA8E311461F4F84E4CC2CAC457409B1545C33667CABF1B9 with Nonce = 10099900104177 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:48:07+01:00 - info: Matched 3 zeros 000221B016E44ED545575513D14379F60B2180AC164964615B1855789765553C with Nonce = 10099900104474 for block#7837 by 9Uwy2b
2018-12-03T19:48:10+01:00 - info: Sibling endpoints:
2018-12-03T19:48:10+01:00 - info: BMA access:
2018-12-03T19:48:10+01:00 - info: [9Uwy2bEb] ⬇ PEER 9Uwy2bEb 7809-000
2018-12-03T19:48:10+01:00 - info: [9Uwy2bEb] ✔ PEER 9Uwy2bEb 7809-000
2018-12-03T19:48:10+01:00 - warn: WS2P OUT => Document detected 2 times: {"version":10,"currency":"g1-test","status":"UP","statusTS":1498111046,"hash":"868F6036962CECBB24BDFEC2A6DF43E23CF99C897787466BD5E6C67A84CC8ECE","first_down":null,"last_try":null,"lastContact":1543862890,"pubkey":"9Uwy2bEbYUiUfB6SVrkhGheEiuBr6TSh6bD8AH8dajy7","block":"7809-000028E9F1C8439503F36C361E6367A895DAF455A3784F480B1FD50A6F089EE8","signature":"jGdT8UyWB9Om6BLO/hbYcfcEqUKxBFRtQj7U6BvH45Yom1UNQNwmMOWwJqd5akpEAYeoOF0Zqr5bolRaUIoyCw==","endpoints":["BMAS 443","BASIC_MERKLED_API 443"],"raw":"Version: 10\nType: Peer\nCurrency: g1-test\nPublicKey: 9Uwy2bEbYUiUfB6SVrkhGheEiuBr6TSh6bD8AH8dajy7\nBlock: 7809-000028E9F1C8439503F36C361E6367A895DAF455A3784F480B1FD50A6F089EE8\nEndpoints:\nBMAS 443\nBASIC_MERKLED_API 443\n","nonWoT":false}
2018-12-03T19:48:10+01:00 - info: Next peering signal in 5 min
2018-12-03T19:48:12+01:00 - info: WS2P: init: bundle of peers 1/1
2018-12-03T19:48:12+01:00 - info: Blocks were not applied.
2018-12-03T19:48:12+01:00 - info: Block resolution: 1 potential blocks after current#7836...
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - error:  Error: ruleInputIsAvailable
    at Function.checkBlock (/opt/duniter/app/lib/blockchain/DuniterBlockchain.js:186:19)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: 48 potential block(s) found...
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7885-0000BE23 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7884-00001781 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7883-0000D9CE is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7882-0000ABD6 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7881-0000663A is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7880-0000D4AA is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7879-00001710 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7878-00001390 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7877-0000A01F is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7876-0000C4E7 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7875-00000D65 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7874-00008B4B is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7873-0000311D is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7872-0000661A is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7871-0000183A is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7870-00009294 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7869-00007655 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7868-00005D81 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7867-0000064C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7866-00001A49 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7865-00005CFC is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7864-00000F78 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7863-0000A2EE is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7862-00008406 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7861-0000066A is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7860-00003ECD is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7859-000066CF is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7858-00005F66 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7857-0000196B is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7856-00001BC3 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7855-0000797C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7854-00002EFB is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7853-0000CA21 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7852-00002BB4 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7851-00002948 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7850-000039CC is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7849-00000C53 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7848-000098DD is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7847-0000A16A is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7846-0000BEE4 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7845-0000B0FD is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7844-00000259 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7843-0000676C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7842-000067C9 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7841-0000AD11 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7840-0000A9BA is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7839-00003723 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:13+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7838-0000B8A6 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:14+01:00 - info: Blocks were not applied.
2018-12-03T19:48:14+01:00 - info: Block resolution: 1 potential blocks after current#7836...
2018-12-03T19:48:14+01:00 - error:  Error: ruleInputIsAvailable
    at Function.checkBlock (/opt/duniter/app/lib/blockchain/DuniterBlockchain.js:186:19)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
2018-12-03T19:48:14+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: 48 potential block(s) found...
2018-12-03T19:48:14+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7885-0000BE23 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:14+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7884-00001781 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2018-12-03T19:48:14+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #7883-0000D9CE is known as incorrect. Skipping.

Bon ce matin impossible de me sync sur
mais par contre si je mets un chiffre derriĂšre l’url, lĂ  la synchronisation commence
 mais s’arrĂȘte Ă  ce chiffre comme disait @cgeek :frowning:
je verrais ça ce soir

Stp donne les commandes que tu lances, sinon je ne peux pas savoir pourquoi ton noeud se retrouve dans cette situation.

Aussi commences par supprimer ton dossier .config/duniter/duniter_default et vĂ©rifies que tu n’as pas dĂ©jĂ  un autre noeud Duniter qui tourne.

Donc j’ai supprimĂ© le dossier :

sudo rm -rf /root/.config/duniter/duniter_default/

ensuite :

sudo duniter sync

et ça coince ici :


Milestones:   [||                  ] 12 %
Download:     [|                   ] 9 %
Apply:        [|                   ] 9 %
Sandbox:      [                    ] 0 %
Peers:        [                    ] 0 %

Status: GOT chunck #111/1144 from 27750 to 27999 on peer

je reviens sur mon prompt :confused: (et avec --slow comme argument je bloque Ă  5%)

[EDIT] sur le noeud d’ @elois ça ne bloque pas
 je vous tiens au jus :wink:

1 Like

Je suppose que ça vient de la protection DDOS alors. Je vais essayer de relancer le nƓud dĂ©jĂ , ça soulagera peut-ĂȘtre mon nƓud !

C’est partie
 1er bloc :yum:


Tiens ça me fait penser que ça fait un an que je me dis qu’il faut corriger

1 Like