[0.7.5] Questions

What means the second column in the Wallets tab?

These are the money “sources”.

If you see a source of 100 (from a UD for example),
If you send 10 to cgeek, this source will be consumed and new sources will be created in the next block :

  • One of 10 in cgeek wallet
  • On of 90 in your wallet

I see. But it’s difficult to understand. I suppose it will be hidden in the final version.

Yeah, if you have any ideas for the UI, do not hesitate to post your suggestions.

Another question. In the Wallets tab, I could see a 100metaB entry. I suppose it’s the UD. But this income doesn’t appear in the second tab (it’s not exactly a transaction, I suppose). So, there is no label for it. It’s annoying, since the amount of the UD will change with time (in metaB, of course).

Yeah it could be an idea to specify in Wallet sources which source comes from what (UD, Transaction received, Money change) for example.

For example.

I’ve got these error messages:

Cannot check new block : HTTPConnectionPool(host=‘metab.ucoin.io’, port=9201): Max retries exceeded with url: /blockchain/current (Caused by <class ‘socket.gaierror’>: [Errno -2] Nom ou service inconnu)

Cannot check new block : HTTPConnectionPool(host=‘metab.ucoin.io’, port=9201): Max retries exceeded with url: /blockchain/current (Caused by <class ‘ConnectionResetError’>: [Errno 104] Connexion ré-initialisée par le correspondant)

@cgeek node is having some problems I guess… Memory leaks issues.

But these errors could be handled better in the client. It should try to connect to another node because the errors is not locally but from the remote server. Added as a bug https://github.com/ucoin-io/cutecoin/issues/43

I see Urodelus in the WOT, but not in the Members tab. ???

New error, while user idle:

Cannot check new block : HTTPConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=9201): Max retries exceeded with url: /blockchain/current (Caused by <class ‘ConnectionRefusedError’>: [Errno 111] Connexion refusée)

Same as previous. Should not be displayed to the user.

Before I saw Carolef in the WOT, I added her as a new contact but I couldn’t do anything (certification, transaction) with it.
Now, she appears in the WOT and it’s ok.
BUT in my “Contacts” there is now 2 Carolef ! Is there a solution to delete then “wrong” one ?

Not yet sorry ^^

As you can’t remove accounts at the moment.

There are two options if like to put your hands dirty, you got two options :

  • Remove your cutecoin data directory to reset your properties.
  • Edit your ~/.cutecoin/[uid]/properties file, it’s json, you can remove a contact there

The feature come with 0.8 I guess

Strange! I have no ~/.cutecoin directory.

Ups, ~/.config/cutecoin :slight_smile: