L’exclusion a été mentionnée ici : Runtime 801 - #9 by HugoTrentesaux. Je te réinvite :
$ gcli identity get -u tuxmain
Identity index: 1401
Username: tuxmain
Address: 5D6aqdN9m5uhAsJycKPQra6WqaaxzVb6BptgiY5HsrPkAotL
Status: Member
Certifications: issued 16, received 12
Smith status: Excluded
Smith certs: issued 6, received 6
$ gcli smith invite tuxmain
Enter password to unlock account 5Dq8xjvkmbz7q4g2LbZgyExD26VSCutfEc6n4W4AfQeVHZqz
transaction submitted to the network, waiting 6 seconds...
sent smith invitation InvitationSent { receiver: 1401, issuer: 344 }
$ gcli identity get -u tuxmain
Identity index: 1401
Username: tuxmain
Address: 5D6aqdN9m5uhAsJycKPQra6WqaaxzVb6BptgiY5HsrPkAotL
Status: Member
Certifications: issued 16, received 12
Smith status: Invited
Smith certs: issued 6, received 6
tu n’as plus qu’à faire gcli smith accept
, recevoir deux certifications, et go_online.
Bien vu pour la doc, sinon il y a une autre doc ici : Duniter | Become smith (pas encore choisi laquelle maintenir, ça me parait plus simple de faire sur le site, mais si on fait sur le dépôt, on peut facilement l’inclure sur le site de manière automatique).