[Ask for certification] manolius148

Hi. I’m a new member and I’d be glad if you could give me some certs. Thank you.

Hello Manuel, we need some information from you (social account, website…) if people here don’t know you directly. + did you create an account with Cutecoin !? If so what is your ID we need to certify you ? Possibily Manuel_Jose_Pinazo_P but it’s not sure.

ID : yourid
pubkey : yourpubkey

Hi. My ID is manolius148 (new member). I’d be glad if I received some certifications. Thank you!

Or your present anywhere online ? :slight_smile:

Ok. I have actually no website. My only social account is on Google+. My id is Manuel José Pinazo Pérez.My ID is manolius148 and my pub key is 8UNxkdokgiUMDHgZni8GcCnaM4poWMx9ENz5Ui1sAxGQ

Hello Manuel,

I can’t find manolius148 here, and Cutecoin doesn’t seem to know your pubkey:


You can find him again, I’ve imported its identity from node 7p3X to HDum.

Its identity was gone because of some adminstration of my nodes. Sorry!