[Ask for certification] manolollr

Oh no! Today expires my membership request.

What should I do? Renew Identity and membership? Renew only membership?

I will lose current certs if I renew Identity?


Yes you will have to renew both because the identity expired and the membership too.

When your identity will be written in the blockchain, only the membership can expire.

The identity can only get definitely revoked, by publishing a Revocation document, or because you didn’t renew membership after a long time ( @cgeek how much time is it ? I forgot)

OK, thank you.

There is something strange with certifications. This is what appears in Cesium:

2 accepted? 6 pending

In this link:


I can view the 2 accepted certs: Stanlog and Galuel. But why Mententon and Cuckooland are not accepted?

Cuckooland is only certifying me. Mententon have 2 certfications but I’m the first in the queue. It is strange, this 2 certs are not recognised.

Can you inspect this, please?

Thank you.

Twice the time of membership renewal.

Yes, and I don’t know why. Because in this other link you can see all the pending certs: http://gtest.duniter.org:10900/wot/lookup/manolollr

But for sure the latter is more complete, and you can rely on this one to make conclusions about certs.

Concernant ma certification de manolollr.

 Bonjour. Je commence à douter du fait que j’aurais loupé quelque chose

en révoquant définitivement mon identité sur Cesium autour du 2 février.
Voyant que je recevais toujours le DU, et que mes certifications et transactions passaient, j’ai continué.
Mais ce n’était peut-être qu’un acte manqué qui me ferait bien dire qu’a force de rester au bord, je, finit en effet de bord. Mententon ?

Tu as envoyé une révocation ? Es-tu sûr de ne pas avoir simplement enregistré le document de révocation ? Car celle-ci n’est pas passée en blockchain, en tout cas.

J’ai bien cliqué sur “révoquer définitivement cette identité” et confirmé 3 ou 4 fois
mais peut-être que j’ai annulé par erreur à la dernière fenêtre.
Je vais continuer à certifier et passer des transactions au cas où.
Bonne continuation.


je vois deux identités pour manolollr avec l’explorateur de WoT.

Je t’ai envoyé une certification.

One left and maybe it’ll be ok this time. :thumbsup:

Bonjour manolollr
Je viens de vous re-certifier. C’est ma seule certification en attente et j’attendrais qu’elle passe.
Bonne journée.

Only one more certification and I think I finally will be a member.

Thank you!

Maybe at 16:02 BTC today you will be in, since only @nay4’s certification can’t be replayed before that time.

Also, your distance does not depend on other pending paths.

Let’ see if I’m right :slight_smile:

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We are missing your membership. In Sakia, just press the “Renew membership” button, and you should be in within 10 minutes.

Proof: https://gtest.cgeek.fr/wot/requirements/manolollr

The pending MS = 0.

Manolollr : parece que no has renovado la solicitud de adhesión, que es asbolutamente necesaria para que Duniter considere que tienes los dos elementos de simetría :

  • número de certificaciones >= 3 (significa acuerdo de la WoT para que entres)
  • solicitud de adhesión del candidato (significa acuerdo por tu parte para unirte a la WoT)

Yes, this a known bug in Cesium.

Manolollr is now a member :slight_smile:

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:grinning::grinning: :clap::clap:

Wow!!! It was very hard, but finally I’m a member.

Now it’s time to certify and compute/forge.

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wishing you a good time!

your membership need to be asked again ! you will loose it tomorow