Ask for certification raluca_t

Hi Ucoiners !!!

Raluca is interested in cutecoin community.

Could you certify my friend ?.

This is her link on facebook

Raluca Timisescu

Thanks for raluca_t

Can’t she come talk to us ? Are we so frightening that she prefer to not come here ? ^^

But it seems I can trust her identity so I’ll sign but still :wink:


i certified her yesterday

and today my name was deleted … weird

is it Normal ?

sorry come back on WoT…

Ca s en va puis ca revient… hahaha

Hi , sorry because I didn’t present by myself , but I was a little bit confused with the site , so my friend just helped my .
and thanks Jeff :slight_smile:

why she have 3 certifications and still red…

She probably has to ask for joining the community using Cutecoin.

I sent now -membership demand- in cute coin , soo should be ok ?

Yes, everything is OK on your side. You just have to wait now :slight_smile: (we have a bug that prevent newcomers to join currently …).

Welcome! :smile:

thank you :slight_smile: