[Ask for Certifications] Anoa


My name is David Thévenot alias Anoa and I’m happy to discover uCoin. I think it can be the seed of the new world, a world based on financial security, freedom, respect and love. I’m glad to contribute to its advent.

My facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dlthevenot
My website: http://www.heptapusway.com
My user identity: Anoa
My public key: 9rvAdoHzXFsm6HgMB7XAXyiA1WZrQwRybjhUK2KqrdDA

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Welcome Anoa :slight_smile: Certified.

I am really sorry, but you guys @Moul and @dieterdp will have to do the certification again. I had a blockchain issue and must have reverted 2 blocks your certifications were based on. So your certifications are invalid now.

Also @Anoa, you will have to send your membership again for the same reason.

@kimamila I’m using uCoin Apps on Android, and when I validate “Devenir membre” (“Send membership”?) there is this message: “Echec de l’envoi de l’inscription (erreur technique) ucoin.client.statusHTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request”.

Bienvenu Anoa !
Dès que je serai à nouveau membre je pourrais te certifier !

Bonjour @Anoa, et bienvenu à toi !
La version en ligne de uCoin Apps date maintenant de juin… elle est pas mal buggée. De même les transfertsne marchent pas toujours, à cause d’un problème de longueur de chiffre (je n’utilisait pas partour le type long, et le type int ne suffit plus).
La prochaine fonctionnera, sur ces points.

Je vais quand même faire une anomalie pour tracer le truc.

Merci à toi pour tes tests !

For now, you should use cuctecoin to be able to join the community. Thank’s.

I can’t run cutecoin, it says that MSVCR100.dll is missing.

Install this : https://www.microsoft.com/fr-fr/download/details.aspx?id=40784

I still have the same error message after having installed Visual C++ 2013: MSVCR100.dll is missing.

My bad, wrong link : https://www.microsoft.com/fr-fr/download/details.aspx?id=14632

Do I have to install Visual C++ 2010 too? That’s not written here: https://github.com/ucoin-io/cutecoin/wiki/Cutecoin-install

Moreover, your new link is about Visual C++ 2010 x64. But since I’m on a 32bit platform, I wonder if x64 is good for me…

Get the 32 bits version so !

Yes you need to install it. The installation procedure should be updated I guess.

Bienvenue a toi je t ai certifie

Thank you Inso, now I can launch CuteCoin.

I want to use my existing account (created from my phone with uCoin Apps) but I don’t know how to do. CuteCoin asks me to import a file. Is this file somewhere on my phone? I can’t find it.

You can add an account with the same cryptoid (salt)/password than in ucoin apps, and add meta brouzouf community !

Thank you, it works. I see that I have 204.000 billions MB, and I’m not a member since October 31st.

Well it’s not that much, I have currently 7 Peta MB. :wink:

Do there is an issue?

I can see you have 4 certifications confirmed 0/101 which date a bit.