Universal Dividend (formula) UD t+1 = MAX ( UD t ; c * Mt / Nt+1 )
Universal Dividend (comput) UD t+1 = MAX ( 100.00 ZB ; 1% * 6900 ZB / Nt+1 )
So typically, since N = 9 (or 10 if you join), we will still have 100 ZB for next UD. Actually, it will be this value for the next 8 months. Then, value will increase exponentially.
As you can see, UD is written every 3.5 days, precisely on Monday 11h20 p.m. and Friday 11h20 a.m.
So signatures will have to be revoked from the user? There’s a way to unsign a person? What if the person that signed the person is a fraud or uncontactable?
Universal Dividend (formula) UD t+1 = MAX ( UD t ; c * Mt / Nt+1 )
Universal Dividend (comput) UD t+1 = MAX ( 100.00 ZB ; 1% * 6900 ZB / Nt+1 )
Help me break this down,
UD = “Universiol divident”
t = ?
c = ?
Mt = ?
Nt = ?
I installed through npm, npm install vucoin so its the default version. Feature request: add ucoin -v command to see the version.
And yes, stonersanta is my uid
UD = universal dividend
t = time for the current UD
t+1 = time for the next UD
c = monetary mass growth
Mt = monetary mass at t
Nt = number of members in the community at t
A signature cannot be revoked. If you made it, propagate it and the signature gets written in the blockchain, then it’s too late. However, a signature has an expiration date.
You can deduce from previous paragraph: no!
He is not a fraud: he was accepted in the system.
However, if you think he was a fraud, then you should alert other members and see who signed this fraud guy to alert both them about this fraud identity, and other members about its signatories too since they signed a fraudulent identity.
So there’s no way to discredit a person once hes been accepted to the network, unless you wait for the signatures to expire? What if someone has 3 signed fraud accounts, and create 1000 more accounts and screw up the system? Just figuring out how waterproof is the system against basic income fraud.
I see theres a topic on this, problèmes des identités multiples / service de détection des fraudes cant read french though.
Universal Dividend (formula) UD t+1 = MAX ( UD t ; c * Mt / Nt+1 )
Universal Dividend (comput) UD t+1 = MAX ( 100.00 ZB ; 1% * 6900 ZB / Nt+1 )
UD = universal dividend
t = time for the current UD
t+1 = time for the next UD
c = monetary mass growth
Mt = monetary mass at t
Nt = number of members in the community at t
Couldn’t it be simplified to
Universal Dividend (formula) UD t+1 = MAX ( UD t ; c * Mt / Nt )
Universal Dividend (comput) UD t+1 = MAX ( 100.00 ZB ; 1% * 6900 ZB / Nt )
I dont get the Nt+1
So, basically, its 1% inflation that is given to all members, with a minimum of UD?
It is: N(t+1), so N on next Dividend time. It is not known by advance.
Yes, 1% every 3.5 days. Which roughly makes 9% per month. Not inflation, but new money.
Actually, 9.22% is the goal we should have for 1 year in a real free currency. But since we want to make a quick simulation, we simulate 1 year of money creation in 1 month.
He would have to be at minimal distance from every other member to be able to do this. For example if we have a distance 3 max parameter, the fraudulent accounts would have to be at a distance 2 from any other member.
With little WoT, this is quite “easy” to do. But the bigger the WoT, the harder to fit distance rule.
But what is not easy in little WoT is to have a fraudulent identity, since people are very close to each other. Furthermore, a little WoT is likely to have a small currency power
How is distance detected in the system? I mean, its quite important to have virtually unfraudable ID, since because of UD, the security of identification is as important as the security of the ledger.