Cas possibles pour un extrinsic en échec

Je liste ici les cas possible pour un extrinsic en échec, à partir de ce que j’ai trouvé dans le code de substrate :

InvalidTransaction::Call => "Transaction call is not expected",
InvalidTransaction::Future => "Transaction will be valid in the future",
InvalidTransaction::Stale => "Transaction is outdated",
InvalidTransaction::BadProof => "Transaction has a bad signature",
InvalidTransaction::AncientBirthBlock => "Transaction has an ancient birth block",
InvalidTransaction::ExhaustsResources => "Transaction would exhaust the block limits",
InvalidTransaction::Payment =>
	"Inability to pay some fees (e.g. account balance too low)",
InvalidTransaction::BadMandatory =>
	"A call was labelled as mandatory, but resulted in an Error.",
InvalidTransaction::MandatoryValidation =>
	"Transaction dispatch is mandatory; transactions must not be validated.",
InvalidTransaction::Custom(_) => "InvalidTransaction custom error",
InvalidTransaction::BadSigner => "Invalid signing address",
pub enum InvalidTransaction {
	/// The call of the transaction is not expected.
	/// General error to do with the inability to pay some fees (e.g. account balance too low).
	/// General error to do with the transaction not yet being valid (e.g. nonce too high).
	/// General error to do with the transaction being outdated (e.g. nonce too low).
	/// General error to do with the transaction's proofs (e.g. signature).
	/// # Possible causes
	/// When using a signed extension that provides additional data for signing, it is required
	/// that the signing and the verifying side use the same additional data. Additional
	/// data will only be used to generate the signature, but will not be part of the transaction
	/// itself. As the verifying side does not know which additional data was used while signing
	/// it will only be able to assume a bad signature and cannot express a more meaningful error.
	/// The transaction birth block is ancient.
	/// # Possible causes
	/// For `FRAME`-based runtimes this would be caused by `current block number
	/// - Era::birth block number > BlockHashCount`. (e.g. in Polkadot `BlockHashCount` = 2400, so
	///   a
	/// transaction with birth block number 1337 would be valid up until block number 1337 + 2400,
	/// after which point the transaction would be considered to have an ancient birth block.)
	/// The transaction would exhaust the resources of current block.
	/// The transaction might be valid, but there are not enough resources
	/// left in the current block.
	/// Any other custom invalid validity that is not covered by this enum.
	/// An extrinsic with a Mandatory dispatch resulted in Error. This is indicative of either a
	/// malicious validator or a buggy `provide_inherent`. In any case, it can result in
	/// dangerously overweight blocks and therefore if found, invalidates the block.
	/// An extrinsic with a mandatory dispatch tried to be validated.
	/// This is invalid; only inherent extrinsics are allowed to have mandatory dispatches.
	/// The sending address is disabled or known to be invalid.

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