[Cesium Desktop] Lancement impossible sur certaines distributions Linux (Cesium >= 1.6.2)

Non, pas d’idée ! Je vais avoir besoin de vous @Nassim et @Reumy pour débugger tout ça. Je vais mettre à disposition une version de Cesium avec un NWJS (qui gère le navigateur intégré) en version SDK. Ainsi le lancement avec --debug ouvrira une console Javascript de débogage. Je vous tiens au courant.


Pas de soucis, envoies moi la version quand tu veux !

J’ai pu faire une version SDK de Cesium-desktop, pour mieux débugger tout ca.

@Nassim, @Reumy, pouvez-vous s’il vous plait :

  • télécharger de SDK (.deb) v1.6.7 : https://github.com/duniter/cesium/releases/
  • installer le paquet
  • lancer la commande cesium --debug --menu et donnez moi :
    • Vos logs console
    • Ou mieux, les logs de la fenetre de développement Javascript qui s’ouvre (enfin normalement).

Merci !

EDIT: il faut bien mettre --menu pour que les logs s’affiche dans le terminal. C’est un bug résiduel…

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Salut @kimamila

Voici les logs au démarrage :

nassim@nassim:~$ cesium --debug --menu
[9383:9383:0506/212255.747122:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(371)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
[9386:9399:0506/212255.979624:ERROR:nss_util.cc(750)] After loading Root Certs, loaded==false: NSS error code: -8018
[9383:9383:0506/212256.001510:ERROR:buffer_manager.cc(488)] [.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <- error from previous GL command
[INFO] [desktop] Opening debugger…
[INFO] [desktop] Launching Cesium… {« debug »:true,« menu »:true,« sdk »:true,« home »:"/home/nassim"}
[DEBUG] [desktop] Getting settings from the local storage…
[INFO] [desktop] User home: /home/nassim
[INFO] [desktop] User locale: fr
[INFO] [desktop] Preparing settings…
[DEBUG] [desktop] Opening window {id: ‹ cesium ›, title: ‹ Cesium ›} …
[9383:9383:0506/212257.499220:ERROR:buffer_manager.cc(488)] [.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <- error from previous GL command
[9383:9383:0506/212257.525036:ERROR:buffer_manager.cc(488)] [.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <- error from previous GL command
[DEBUG] [desktop] Getting settings from the local storage…
[DEBUG] [desktop] Adding menu…
[INFO] [desktop] Opening debugger…
[9383:9383:0506/212258.141924:ERROR:buffer_manager.cc(488)] [.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <- error from previous GL command
[DEBUG] [storage] Starting {local} storage…
[DEBUG] [settings] Locale [fr-FR]
[DEBUG] [cache] Creating cache {csWot-idty-300s} with {storageMode: memory}…
[DEBUG] [cache] Creating cache {csWot-requirements-300s} with {storageMode: memory}…
[DEBUG] [app] Root path is [chrome-extension://eddgpcgfbhhopcmllclnjdoiepjnmnjj/cesium/index.html]
[DEBUG] [settings] Starting…
[DEBUG] [cache] Creating cache {esWot-memberships-300s} with {storageMode: memory}…
[DEBUG] [crypto] Starting…
[DEBUG] [crypto] Loading ‹ FullJS › implementation…
[WARN] pre-main prep time: 3 ms
[DEBUG] [cache] Creating cache {csHttp-3600s} with {storageMode: memory}…
[DEBUG] [device] Ionic platform ready - no device detected.
[DEBUG] [storage] Started in 259ms
[DEBUG] [settings] Loaded from local storage in 5ms
[DEBUG] [settings] Started
[DEBUG] [BMA] Starting g1.duniter.org {ssl: true)…
[DEBUG] [http] Checking actual version [1.7.21] is compatible with min expected version [1.1.0]
[DEBUG] [BMA] Started in 347ms
[DEBUG] [currency] Starting…
[DEBUG] [cache] Creating cache {BMA-54000s} with {storageMode: memory}…
[DEBUG] [cache] Creating cache {BMA-300s} with {storageMode: memory}…
[INFO] [app] Current version [1.6.7] is the latest release
[DEBUG] [http] Waiting websocket [/ws/block]…
[DEBUG] [currency] Started in 183ms
[DEBUG] [wallet] Starting…
[DEBUG] [wallet] Restore {wdt2QRpA} from local storage
[DEBUG] [wallet] Started in 6ms
[DEBUG] [filter] Loading translations for locale [fr-FR]
[DEBUG] [home] Loading feeds from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/duniter/cesium/master/doc/feed/feed-fr.json…
[DEBUG] [cache] Creating cache {3600s} with {storageMode: memory}…
[DEBUG] [ES] [http] Starting on [g1.data.duniter.fr] (SSL on)…
[DEBUG] [filter] Computing constants from currency parameters
[DEBUG] [crypto] Loaded ‹ FullJS › implementation in 964ms
[DEBUG] [home] Feeds loaded in 206ms
[DEBUG] [ES] [http] Started in 302ms
[DEBUG] [ES] [profile] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [notification] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [notification] Loading count…wdt2QRpA
[DEBUG] [ES] [wallet] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [wallet] Loading user avatar+name…
[DEBUG] [ES] [message] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [message] Loading count…
[DEBUG] [ES] [subscription] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [registry] Loading pages count…
[DEBUG] [ES] [group] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [invitations] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [invitation] Loading count…
[DEBUG] [ES] [subscription] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [subscription] Loading subscriptions count…
[DEBUG] [ES] [tx] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [settings] Enable
[DEBUG] [http] Waiting websocket [/ws/block]…
[DEBUG] [ES] [notification] Loaded count (0) in 130ms
[DEBUG] [ES] [notification] Starting listen user event…
[DEBUG] [http] Waiting websocket [/ws/event/user/:pubkey/:locale]…
[DEBUG] [ES] [wallet] Loaded user avatar+name in 148ms
[DEBUG] [ES] [message] Loaded count (0) in 157ms
[DEBUG] [ES] [invitation] Loaded count (0) in 157ms
[DEBUG] [ES] [group] Detecting 0 unread notifications
[DEBUG] [ES] [registry] Loaded pages count (0)
[DEBUG] [ES] [subscription] Loaded count (0)
[DEBUG] [http] Listening on websocket [/ws/block]…
[DEBUG] [currency] Received new block {320082-0000019DC3A8673910F0C242DCFCBE165A9ED985525218FDDB315564CCCB9216}
[DEBUG] [http] Listening on websocket [/ws/event/user/:pubkey/:locale]…

Pas grand chose dans la console javascript :

cesium-desktop.js:169 [desktop] Opening debugger…
cesium-desktop.js:174 pre-main prep time: 3 ms
console.warn @ cesium-desktop.js:174
cesium-desktop.js:169 [app] Current version [1.6.7] is the latest release

Sinon l’application se lance correctement chez moi !

Juste cette phrase m’aurait suffit :slight_smile: Du moment que ca marche.
Maintenant peux tu tester le fichier .deb normal, pour voir si ca se lance toujours ?
Il te faudra peut-etre déinstaller l’autre version.

Toujours bon avec le .deb normal :wink:

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Cool ! Plus qu’à attendre la confirmation de @Reumy avant de déployer sur le site officiel cesium.app

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ça fonctionne (sdk et normal) merci @kimamila :wink:

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Sur une autre instal ubuntu 20, césium 1.6.7 ne se lance pas…
Voici le résultat de:

cesium --debug
[6865:6865:0519/182853.815367:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(371)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
[6844:6844:0519/182854.030772:ERROR:component_loader.cc(165)] Failed to parse extension manifest.
[6865:6865:0519/182857.929372:ERROR:buffer_manager.cc(488)] [.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <- error from previous GL command
[INFO]  [desktop] Opening debugger...
[INFO]  [desktop] Launching Cesium...	{"debug":true,"menu":false,"sdk":true,"home":"/home/alicia"}
[DEBUG] [desktop] Getting settings from the local storage...
[6865:6865:0519/182900.754941:ERROR:buffer_manager.cc(488)] [.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <- error from previous GL command
[ERROR] [desktop] Error while trying to launch Cesium: Cannot read property 'split' of null	TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of null
    at loadSettings (chrome-extension://eddgpcgfbhhopcmllclnjdoiepjnmnjj/cesium-desktop.js:222:96)
    at startApp (chrome-extension://eddgpcgfbhhopcmllclnjdoiepjnmnjj/cesium-desktop.js:518:5)
    at chrome-extension://eddgpcgfbhhopcmllclnjdoiepjnmnjj/cesium-desktop.js:553:20
[6844:6844:0519/182900.900743:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: DevToolsAPI is not defined", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools_app.html?remoteBase=https://chrome-devtools-frontend.appspot.com/serve_file/@ac9418ba9c3bd7f6baaffa0b055dfe147e0f8364/&dockSide=undocked (1)
[6844:6844:0519/182900.900912:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: DevToolsAPI is not defined", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools_app.html?remoteBase=https://chrome-devtools-frontend.appspot.com/serve_file/@ac9418ba9c3bd7f6baaffa0b055dfe147e0f8364/&dockSide=undocked (1)
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Ok, du coup avec la trace je vais pouvoir régler cela facilement. Merci

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Çà ressemble à l’issue que j’avais faite…

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Je viens d’upgrade mon ubuntu en 20.04 et j’ai le même problème que @Reumy :

$ cesium
[10005:10005:0811/225345.354809:ERROR:component_loader.cc(165)] Failed to parse extension manifest.
[10032:10032:0811/225345.394998:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(371)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
[10032:10032:0811/225345.482660:ERROR:buffer_manager.cc(488)] [.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <- error from previous GL command
[INFO]  [desktop] Launching Cesium...	{"debug":false,"menu":false,"sdk":true,"home":"/home/elois"}
[ERROR] [desktop] Error while trying to launch Cesium: Cannot read property 'split' of null	TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of null
    at loadSettings (chrome-extension://eddgpcgfbhhopcmllclnjdoiepjnmnjj/cesium-desktop.js:222:96)
    at startApp (chrome-extension://eddgpcgfbhhopcmllclnjdoiepjnmnjj/cesium-desktop.js:518:5)
    at chrome-extension://eddgpcgfbhhopcmllclnjdoiepjnmnjj/cesium-desktop.js:553:20 

@kimamila tu disais pouvoir résoudre cela facilement’ est-ce déjà fait ? Si oui peut tu publier un hotfix pour que l’on puisse bénéficier du correctif ? Merci :slight_smile:

En attendant, existe t’il un moyen de contournement pour faire fonctionner cesium desktop sur ubuntu 20.04 ?

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Je vais tacher de faire une release cette semaine.

Oui, dans l’installation de Cesium-desktop, tu peux modifier le fichier cesium-desktop.js à la ligne 222, comme suit :

-  options.locale = (options.settings && options.settings.locale && options.settings.locale.id).split('-')[0] || options.locale || 'en';
+  const localeId = options.settings && options.settings.locale && options.settings.locale.id;
+  options.locale = localeId && localeId.split('-')[0] || options.locale || 'en';

Merci :slight_smile:

Merci cela fonctionne :slight_smile:


Peux tu tester la nouvelle version 1.6.8 (en pré-release) ? Puis me dire.
Merci :slight_smile:

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Installation ok sous version Xubuntu 20.04 (mais j’ai une fenetre blanche qui s’ouvre en plus de césium)
voici les logs :

cesium --debug
[11416:11416:0814/143327.977316:ERROR:component_loader.cc(165)] Failed to parse extension manifest.
[INFO]  [desktop] Opening debugger...
[INFO]  [desktop] Launching Cesium...	{"debug":true,"menu":false,"sdk":true,"home":"/home/vincentux"}
[DEBUG] [desktop] Getting settings from the local storage...
[INFO]  [desktop] User home:  	/home/vincentux
[INFO]  [desktop] User locale:	en
[INFO]  [desktop] Preparing settings...
[DEBUG] [desktop] Opening window {id: 'cesium', title: 'Cesium'} ...
[11416:11416:0814/143329.939396:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: DevToolsAPI is not defined", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools_app.html?remoteBase=https://chrome-devtools-frontend.appspot.com/serve_file/@ac9418ba9c3bd7f6baaffa0b055dfe147e0f8364/&dockSide=undocked (1)
[11416:11416:0814/143329.939466:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: DevToolsAPI is not defined", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools_app.html?remoteBase=https://chrome-devtools-frontend.appspot.com/serve_file/@ac9418ba9c3bd7f6baaffa0b055dfe147e0f8364/&dockSide=undocked (1)
[INFO]  [desktop] Opening debugger...
[DEBUG] [storage] Starting {local} storage...
[DEBUG] [settings] Locale [fr-FR]
[DEBUG] [cache] Creating cache {csWot-idty-300s} with {storageMode: memory}...
[DEBUG] [cache] Creating cache {csWot-requirements-300s} with {storageMode: memory}...
[DEBUG] [app] Root path is [chrome-extension://eddgpcgfbhhopcmllclnjdoiepjnmnjj/cesium/index.html]
[DEBUG] [settings] Starting...
[DEBUG] [cache] Creating cache {esWot-memberships-300s} with {storageMode: memory}...
[DEBUG] [crypto] Starting...
[DEBUG] [crypto] Loading 'FullJS' implementation...
[11416:11416:0814/143330.697753:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: DevToolsAPI is not defined", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools_app.html?remoteBase=https://chrome-devtools-frontend.appspot.com/serve_file/@ac9418ba9c3bd7f6baaffa0b055dfe147e0f8364/&dockSide=undocked (1)
[11416:11416:0814/143330.698024:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: DevToolsAPI is not defined", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools_app.html?remoteBase=https://chrome-devtools-frontend.appspot.com/serve_file/@ac9418ba9c3bd7f6baaffa0b055dfe147e0f8364/&dockSide=undocked (1)
[WARN]  pre-main prep time: 4 ms
[DEBUG] [cache] Creating cache {csHttp-3600s} with {storageMode: memory}...
[DEBUG] [device] Ionic platform ready - no device detected.
[DEBUG] [storage] Started in 279ms
[DEBUG] [settings] No settings in local storage. Using defaults.
[DEBUG] [settings] Started
[DEBUG] [BMA] Starting g1.duniter.org {ssl: true)...
[DEBUG] [app] Registering protocol '%s'...
[INFO]  [app] Current version [1.6.8] is the latest release
[DEBUG] [crypto] Loaded 'FullJS' implementation in 699ms
[DEBUG] [http] Checking actual version [1.8.0] is compatible with min expected version [1.1.0]
[DEBUG] [BMA] Started in 584ms
[DEBUG] [currency] Starting...
[DEBUG] [cache] Creating cache {BMA-54000s} with {storageMode: memory}...
[DEBUG] [cache] Creating cache {BMA-300s} with {storageMode: memory}...
[DEBUG] [http] Waiting websocket [/ws/block]...
[DEBUG] [currency] Started in 242ms
[DEBUG] [wallet] Starting...
[DEBUG] [wallet] Started in 2ms
[DEBUG] [filter] Loading translations for locale [fr-FR]
[DEBUG] [home] Loading feeds from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/duniter/cesium/master/doc/feed/feed-fr.json...
[DEBUG] [cache] Creating cache {3600s} with {storageMode: memory}...
[DEBUG] [ES] [http] Starting on [g1.data.e-is.pro] (SSL on)...
[DEBUG] [filter] Computing constants from currency parameters
[DEBUG] [home] Feeds loaded in 54ms
[DEBUG] [http] Waiting websocket [/ws/block]...
[DEBUG] [ES] [http] Started in 352ms
[DEBUG] [ES] [profile] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [notification] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [wallet] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [message] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [subscription] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [group] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [invitations] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [subscription] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [tx] Enable
[DEBUG] [ES] [settings] Enable
[DEBUG] [http] Waiting websocket [/ws/block]...
[DEBUG] [http] Listening on websocket [/ws/block]...
[DEBUG] [currency] Received new block {347793-00000011235F1A6CBEA18A1BEB6BABCC0C0386ADCECA0FC1A3E40251EF05ED80}
^C[11455:11461:0814/143355.615926:ERROR:broker_posix.cc(106)] Error sending sync broker message: Relais brisé (pipe) (32)

AH oui, ca doit être un résidu de la version avec SDK que j’avais faite.
Sans le --debug c’est OK ?

Oui :+1:

[13141:13141:0814/160521.496961:ERROR:component_loader.cc(165)] Failed to parse extension manifest.
[INFO]  [desktop] Launching Cesium...	{"debug":false,"menu":false,"sdk":true,"home":"/home/vincentux"}
[INFO]  [desktop] User home:  	/home/vincentux
[INFO]  [desktop] User locale:	en
[INFO]  [desktop] Preparing settings...
[WARN]  pre-main prep time: 2 ms
[INFO]  [app] Current version [1.6.8] is the latest release

Merci ça fonctionne nickel sur ubuntu 20.04 désormais :slight_smile:

1 Like

Merci pour la release 1.6.8 qui solutionne le problème de lancement.
En revanche serait-il possible (je ne sais pas qui gère le site) de mettre cette dernière en téléchargement plutôt que la 1.6.7 qui ne fonctionne pas correctement au démarrage ?