Cesium > version iOs

Salut @bpresles !

Je ne sais pas si tu as vu cet article sur le site d’Apache Cordova : https://cordova.apache.org/announcements/2021/02/04/cordova-ios-release-6.2.0.html

Est-ce que cela te semble utile de monter la version de cordova-ios en 6.2.0 ?

Hi @kimamila , couple of users have told me that Cesium in iOS seems it can’t be installed since few days ago… i’m a bit ignorant but maybe that is some parameter that has expired in the AppleStore from the developer side?

thanks for checking if you have time… :heart:

I also added a bug in gitlab: Cannot install in iOS (#990) · Issues · clients / Cesium-grp / Cesium · GitLab


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I @kapis,

ok, i should renew my apple developer account (99 UNL / year).
I will renew tomorrow.

I did not received any notification from Apple, because i use an old iphone (and a old email) to connect (two factors authentication).

Sorry about that

Back on track ?
I don’t have an IPhone :wink:
just to know for the others

My Apple account has been restored.
Can you check if the App is now available ?

Thanks ! :slight_smile:

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Merci bcp @kimamila pour tes efforts et ta contribution en UNL… je ne sais pas si Axiom-Team peux te recompenser pour ça au tu on peux directament redireccioner les gents qui utilitse iOS pour te contribuer en UNL…

Des temoinages de quelques utilisateurs:
ipad Pro 2ndgeneration: ipadOS 15.7 → 24Oct: ça functione bien.
iphone 5: 24oct: ça marche.

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