Conseil de lecture

J’admire le discution, cest admirable de voir un discours aussi autoalimenté, au moins elle avance sans rien faire, ou presque juste quelques remarques et mots et çà repart, dans quelle directions çà va … ?? Il faut aller au bout du bout pour le savoir, mais il n’y en aura peut etre pas avant la sortie de l’uCoin et que l’experimentation soit faite pour recadrer tout çà.
Bon aller je participe un tout petit peu, je dois partir dans 5 minutes

Parce que ca empeche les gens d’utiliser FB, le train, la TV, internet ou les Telephones portables de ne pas savoir comment çà fonctionne? Il n’y a pas besoin de combattre, seulement de proposer et que les gens se rende compte que çà leur apporte quelque chose de plus que d’utiliser des €/$.

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Mais je lirai ce livre ^^

Mais il y a une authorite a ucoin. L authorite est celui qui construit le code, celui qui construit le protocol. Et cette authorite est enorme.

Il y a aussi unicite a ucoin, c est l unicite de ceux qui choisir le meme code et protocole. Mais cette unicite n est pas tres grande au moment qu on a une communaute des esclaves (esclave au code at au protocole) et pas une communaute des libres.

L authorite est un grand problem pour ucoin, et if faux faire quelque chose pour la diminuer.
Il faut construir le code d une telle facon qu il change le code et le protocol au moment de le execution. Cette propriete, a l informatique on l appelle reflection. Un programme qui change au momment de l execution par commandes non d une personne (ca c est authorite) mais par commandes d une communaute.

Tu as raison ici. C est pour cella qu il faut le code et le protocol de ucoin puisse changer par les commandes d une communaute. D une telle facon ucoin peu devenir un object social.

Je me suis arrêté à la réponse 17. Bon courage les gars. Vous faites preuve d’une grande endurance et patience…

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De toute évidence, nous ne sommes pas d’accord et nous n’arriverons pas nous mettre d’accord. Alors comme l’a si bien dit Paypay :

Nous allons aller jusqu’à l’expérimentation avec notre idée et nos objectifs à nous. Et nous verrons alors si nous avions tort. Seule l’expérimentation peut nous permettre de conclure car nous ne sommes de toute façon pas d’accord sur les axiomes à utiliser pour analyser la monnaie et les individus.

Donc, s’il vous plait, laissez nous travailler tranquillement. Vous êtes libre d’aller travailler de votre coté avec vos objectifs et vos idées.


Je vous laisse tranquilles, si vous me donnez une réponse à cela.

Ce problème peut être résolu que par l’ Assemblée, une Assemblée ouvert.

It exists at least another solution to this problem, the proof of individuality algorithm ( ). With Pelinquin’s solution, they all need a form of centralization.

  • The PoI algorithm needs a temporal centralization
  • The assemblies needs a spatial & temporal centralization
  • Pelinquin solution needs a to give power to centralized users

Obviously, this is not compatible with the RTM principles, so we didn’t not implement any of these solutions.

What we built is a generic system. It’s individuals which certify the identity of other individuals. The individuals recognize who is an individual and who is no So if these individuals wants to use the PoI algorithm, the assemblies, or a centralization on users, they can.

The Web of Trust is compatible with your solution. It’s individuals who chose which mean they want to use to check the identity of other individuals. So in the end, there is absolutely no problem, you are free to initiate a uCoin currency using your assembly mechanism.

I hope it answers your question, please do not enter in another unstoppable debate.

In order for the cryptoparty assembly to be compatible with Ucoin, you have to support a batch upload of public keys, where every key signs all the rest. Is this feasible in your software?

If it is not, then the cryptoparty assembly is difficult to implement for ucoin.

You can upload Identities (pubkeys) with their memberships (signed docs) and all certifications (where all pubkeys sign all other pubkeys).
Actually this is how the block 0 is initialized.

And after block 0?
How can we batch upload public keys for another assembly, the second one?

The web of trust of assemblies is a batch upload of public keys, each signed with the other. And then those public keys elect or choose randomly a trusted observer, which uploads a batch of public keys of a second assembly that he/she attended. And so on for the third assembly, the fourth e.t.c. This is how the web of trust of assemblies is created.

The process remains the same. But if you want to hold previous generated pubkeys in the WoT, they will have to sign the new public keys of the second assembly, for the WoT to have a link between the first assembly and the second assembly.

The second assembly is not the same that repeats itself. Its another assembly in another place.

There is a link of just one observer that he/she was elected (or selected randomly) in order to attend the procedures of the second assembly and verify that it was not a fake one.

It is a WoT of assemblies, not a WoT individuals. We have to consider the whole assembly as an individual in the WoT, but in the same time we have to give Universal Dividant to all members of the assemblies (that of course have not equal number of participants).

So do we need 4 observers to sign all the keys of the second assembly?
Is this a solution?

It is…ok then…thank you

On the other hand, what you said (signing old public keys when an assembly repeats itself every 4 years) could be a problem when we want anonymity.

Public keys can expire every 4 years. You can generate new public keys, signed by a more recent assembly.
For example, with -> the process of elected leaders of first assembly checking the generation of the second assembly.

Year 1 : Assembly A (WoT = A)
Year 2 : Assembly A -> Assembly B (Wot = A+B)
Year 3 : Assembly B -> Assembly C (Wot = A+B+C)
Year 4 : Assembly C -> Assembly A’ (Wot = B+C+A’)

Yet another question (and I am sorry for asking again questions)
What about anonymity in ucoin?
Are public keys directly associated with the amount of ucoin eachone owns?
Do you take any precautions in favor of anonymity?

There is a protocol in cryptography where you can prove that X is greater than Y, whithout revealing neither X nor Y. Do you know that? Are you using this or something similar, in order to protect the anonymity of rich ucoin owners?


Also, you can use pseudonyms.

So you take no precaution for anonymity?
Pseudonym is not enough.
We have to find a way to encrypt somehow the amount of ucoin each public key owns.
There are special protocols for that (all or nothing disclosure of secrets(ANDOS) e.t.c)

Yes, you will do it. In your own project.

I dont think I am good enough understanding these protocols.
But they do exist, so if you can undertand them you can give them a try.
Unless you hate anonymity, and you want to create a ucoin facebook.

What I don’t want is answering trolls.