Cool and simple contribution : Translation of the clients

Hello everybody,

We finally reinstalled correctly our weblate instance. You could find it at the following address :

You can register with your email address, and you will be able to help us translate the clients. If you speak a language not present and would like to translate, just ask and we will add the necessary files !

In the end, all your suggestions are automatically provided as pull request on the repositories

To configure automatically the languages you want to translate, just add them in your profile ! Then configure your watched projects and you will be able to see the state of the translations on your home, like below :

I hope this will help the clients to get translated in many languages :wink:


weblate is unfortunately not available anymore. Is it possible to reactivate it? I am particularly interested in Cesium in Spanish, and the license Ğ1.

I installed weblate for communecter last weeks, and the last versions are actually really cool. A lot of enhancements since the last time we used it.

I think we could reinstall it after the infrastructure upgrade we are planning.

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could you give me an approximate date, without commitment, to avoid asking again too soon?

( could i have the url of communecter weblate ? )

By the end of the year hopefully :slight_smile:

For communecter’s weblate :

damn! I wanted to translate on workshop in May in Perpignan.

Maybe it will happen sooner, we have a lot of work planed :frowning:

You could still translate using the manual method, its quite easy. Just translate the words in the following files and send it to @kimamila :


git will be less comfortable, but we will adapt. thank you.

You can try the framasoft platform, and configure it to push merge request on the gitlab cesium repo.

If you are in warrior mode, you can try to install pootle:wink: