Cutecoin 0.9 released!

Thanks for this release @Inso, @vit!

I have a question, see this screenshot:

Indeed, 3 nodes exist with the block 13698. Right. But will the 2 unreachable nodes (in red here) be removed from my screen at some day? What is Cutecoin behavior about this?

Since Cutecoin 0.9.1, the behaviour has been changed to be more clear :

  • When you configure a community, you define core nodes. These nodes will always be checked. These are your local core nodes
  • To remove a core node just configure the community and remove it !
  • The network is then traversed, starting from your core nodes. Cutecoin is looking for other nodes in the network. It will save all the new nodes it finds in the cache of the community.
  • When a cached node could not be joined for a long time, it is removed and won’t be checked anymore unless another node says it knows this peer.
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Very nice:

Works great, without any restart. Nice job :thumbsup:

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Just released 0.9.3, fixing multiple network bugs :

Here is a beautiful screenshot of 0.9.3: the network!


Good job !
[Wallets] Is it possible to add thousands separator in different amounts ?

WOW Faster

Yes. The great next 0.10 version is localised with pretty display of numbers. Be patient

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c normal d avoir deux certifications et ĂȘtre membre ?

Si tu parles de toi, tu as bien 3 signatures :

yvcute n’est plus membre, mais sa signature est encore valide. C’est trùs important comme rùgle : le membre peut mourir/sortir de la toile, sa signature reste. Elle a sa propre existence.

c pas encore arriver en Asie :smiley:

15792 / 16114 tu as du retard au niveau des blocks :wink: !

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Ah non! Dis-moi pas que je suis mort :wink:.

Moi j’ai un peu la situation inverse :

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c du a quoi ?

@jeff737 : A vu de nez je dirais que relancer cutecoin t’affichera les bonnes donnĂ©es.

@vfree : ta situation est tout Ă  fait valide ! tes certifications ont Ă©tĂ© faites quand tu Ă©tais membre. Tu ne l’est plus, mais elles persistent :smile: d’ailleurs si tu veux redevenir membre, un “Renew membership” est tout ce qu’il te reste Ă  faire, vu que tu as les certifications !

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after restart

Sinon, selon le conseil de @vit au-dessus :

Oui merci du rappel, il faut juste que je me connecte au réseau avec un peer valide.

oki re restart

merci du conseil :smiley:

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hello, i changed my Phone and bought a Utouch one, so i wonder if there is a possibility to include an entrance of cuteCoin in the ubuntu store ?