Ğ1-migrator: export v1 history to v2s indexer

Now, g1-migrator provides the JSON of all Ğ1v1 transactions history converted into indexer V2S format: https://g1-migrator.axiom-team.fr/indexer/history.json (41MB)

The addresses declared here are switches as expected.
This is update every days.
Maybe some multidests transactions are missed due to my script, you can check.

The data comes directly from the Duniter SQLite db txs.db, ​​as @elois suggested to me.

sqlite3 txs.db --json "select time,comment,issuers,outputs from txs;" > transactions_history.json

https://g1-migrator.axiom-team.fr/inputs/transactions_history.json (56MB)

Here is the script for converting the input data: generate_transactions_history.py · master · tools / py-g1-migrator · GitLab

We already integrated that in v2s indexer with @ManUtopiK , will be up soon on gecko web and mobile.


I let you click on the address 5G75WSGCvY7U5RoUbn44d8vUxWBbLtfPsrHB2DAZpQzmtuoC, scroll down, and guess who it belongs to.

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