Ğcli a command line tool for Duniter v2

do you have news about ssl issues in gcli ? can we set an endpoint in .env like gdev.p2p.legal or something ?

“chez moi ça marche”

I just did:

./target/debug/gcli --url wss://gdev.trentesaux.fr:443/ws expire -s 10000

Authority members:
Must rotate keys before 399 sessions:
  “ tuxmain ” (7139)
Must rotate keys before 1033 sessions:
  “ Pini ” (7228)
  “ Pini ” (7228)
Must rotate keys before 1451 sessions:
  “ poka ” (6951)
Must rotate keys before 1454 sessions:
  “ HugoTrentesaux ” (2457)

Je confirme, ça marche aussi chez moi !! bravo !

New command: tech-members for listing technical committee members.

I would like to add commands to list, submit, vote proposals, but displaying correctly the extrinsic would be challenging. Some calls can be represented in a canonical way, but others need a specific interface, for example adding or removing committee members should be differential.


New command: smith-cert to emit a smith certification.
in MR !4


I am trying to add a simple CI to gcli to publish a release. Can someone test the artifact linked in gcli v0.1.0 · clients / Rust / Ğcli-v2s · GitLab ? It should work on ubuntu contrary to the binary I build on my manjaro.
(this release will be deleted as soon as the pipeline is ok)

It works for me, Debian 11 x86_64.

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Does not work on the old Ubuntu 18.04.
Work on Ubuntu 20.04.

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New release :

This release is compatible with gdev network in the current state:

./gcli --network gdev identity get -u poka 
⚠️ indexer does not have the same genesis hash as blockchain
Account id:  5CQ8T4qpbYJq7uVsxGPQ5q2df7x3Wa4aRY6HUWMBYjfLZhnn
Identity id: 6951
Username:    poka

Look at examples to see how to configure your keys (unprotected) and your favorite endpoints.

NB : if someone want to improve the CI to publish artifacts to the release page in a clean way (currently quick and dirty), do not hesitate

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Thanks to @guenoel I added membercount command to gcli (MR !9) for member and smith member. This reveals a Duniter bug for the smith_membership().counter_for_membership() CountedStorageMap.

Might be linked with Renommage de "smiths" en "smith" : jongler avec deux runtimes.

I added a very basic documentation page on the duniter user wiki: Duniter | Ğcli. It still has to be completed and we also have to make gcli easier for users to install it:

Fix proposal:

Please not that at the moment the secret is written in clean and not secured.


Please note that gcli stores the secret as plain text (not secured).

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