German translation of Cesium and Gchange

ok, i had this one

Thanks. Can you submit a merge request with you fix ?

do not care about pipeline for now. We need to release a version with new translations soon.
We could fix CI issues later

Did you try to rename CA locales files into locale-es-CA ? Or add a file for numeral translations ? (like for esparanto : js/vendor/numeral.eo.js)?
Question : Are you sure to that “CA” = Catalonia ? Why not “CT” ?

You may have right. Let’s do that, but in Cesium V2 (on Duniter v2).

Ok sorry. I tought that was compulsive. I’ll make the changes again upon last commit. Not really used to. I’ll learn better.

Did you try to rename CA locales files into locale-es-CA ?

That would be the wrong way around, it would be ca-ES (my examples for Belgium where incorrect, too). But, ca-ES does not exist, if you configure Firefox to prefer Catalan, it will also send “ca”.

Or add a file for numeral translations ?

That would be a way, though it would just duplicate what’s within “es” from the lib.

Question : Are you sure to that “CA” = Catalonia ?

Yes, see
It is Catalan, not Catalonia, i.e. purely a language code.

I’ll work on a MR for license-de later, but it may take till tomorrow.

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I think you already did it. Cool, thank you. I arrived late.

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I’ll work on a MR for license-de later, but it may take till tomorrow.

Sent MR#658 with a few fixes for the license in german.

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By the way, there is a new wallet, a precharged walled, very, very easy to use, and fast.

it needs german translators (only few strings should be translated, about 100). Here you can translate it: Ğ1nkgo/g1nkgo @ Weblate

@fab @trayeur @RutenRolf

I am working on the :de: translation!

Hi fab, that’s great!
I just had a look here: assets/translations/de.json · master · vjrj / ginkgo · GitLab
Is that your work? Looks good, I just noticed that you use “Geldbeutel” for “Wallet”, while for cesium and gchange we used “Brieftasche”. I did go for “Brieftasche”, because that seemed to be more commonly used in the context of other crypto currencies. Other than that one isn’t obviously better than the other, I just think, we should use one of them consistently across applications.

Hi @Lupus,
thank you for your comment. I don’t know the other translations. Yes, it would be good to use the same terms. I will adapt my translation.
But with “Geldbeutel”, you could make a word game with “Ğeldbeutel” :wink:

I finished the :de: translation. Could you have a look, please, @Lupus @trayeur @RutenRolf ?
Here the Weblate link, and here the GitLab link (The GitLab is not up-to-date yet!).

Hi fab, it looks good. In opposition to Lupus, I would prefer “Konto” instead of Brieftasche as translation for wallet. The majority of the junistes have no experience with cryptocurrencies but with normal banking accounts and the german word for such account s ist Konto. To me it always looks strange. In addition to that the translation “Brieftaschen-Konto” for a simple wallet is to my opinion an understandable distinctionto the member wallet simply called Konto. And our experience is, that exactly that is more easyly understood by newbies to the topic.
A suggestion to your word game: Ğonto would be a nice translation for the people from Saxonia ;-).

They only have a hard and a soft G instead of K and G ;-). But the german keyboards are missing the needed accent fot the G, so it is always difficult to write on a PC keyboard.

Isn’t it “Saxony”? :wink: Anyways … “Konto” as translation for “Wallet” has the disadvantage, that there are other things that we translated with “Konto”, e.g. “account / compte”, “identities / identités” … it’s hard to make the distinction. Even in the english and french versions, the distinction isn’t always clear.
So … none of the ideas is perfect, so I have no strong oppinion to any of them. I just think whatever is chosen should be as consistently used as possible.
And, if we change the cesium / gchange translation again, it should be done before the 1.7 release.

Hi Lupus,

I’ve just post about this:

So, let me understand: we are using a self-created language code (es-CA) because the l10n doesn’t map “ca” with l10n “es”? I think the right way is use “ca-ES” instead of “ca”.

Where could we see where the l10n mappings are?

Hi arbocenc, I don’t know, how it became “es-CT”, this is definitely wrong. Your suggestions are better, but also do not choose a correct number format. The localization of numeric values is happening in the “numeral” lib. After running yarn, you’ll find all available codes in lib/numeral/languages. It does not know ca*. I guess the best way to go would be to go back to and to copy lib/numeral/languages/es.js to www/js/vendor/, possibly adapt it and load it from index.html and api/index.html

I get an error trying to execute yarn:

$ yarn
yarn install v1.22.19
[1/4] Resolving packages...
warning Resolution field "gulp@4.0.2" is incompatible with requested version "gulp@^3.7.0"
warning Resolution field "graceful-fs@4.2.4" is incompatible with requested version "graceful-fs@4.1.15"
[2/4] Fetching packages...
error An unexpected error occurred: " certificate has expired".
info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the information provided in "/magatzem/magatzem_joan/tmp/kk/cesium/cesium/yarn-error.log".
info Visit for documentation about this command.

But, previously, I get more errors when trying:

npm install -g yarn gulp cordova@10.0.0 @ionic/cli web-ext


128553 error node v6.17.1
128554 error npm  v3.10.10
128555 error path /home/joan/.nvm/versions/node/v6.17.1/lib/node_modules/.staging/@types/node-90fe7149/package.json
128556 error code ENOTDIR
128557 error errno -20
128558 error syscall open
128559 error ENOTDIR: not a directory, open '/home/joan/.nvm/versions/node/v6.17.1/lib/node_modules/.staging/@types/node-90fe7149/package.json'
128560 error If you need help, you may report this error at:
128560 error     <>
128561 verbose exit [ -20, true ]

Could you easily attach here the from your dev instance??

By the way, I’va changed the language code to the catalan generic code: ca

and I’ve added, to my merge request, the Catalan numeral, just adapting the existant Esperanto file:

@kimamila , is all OK from your side? Here you the Merge request:

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