German translation of Cesium and Gchange

Hi everyone,

I’m “Lupus”. I am a software developer and have helped RutenRolf with work on and testing of the german translation of Cesium. I would say it is about 95% done and already pretty usable. I would like to be able to open a Merge Request on and thus

I’m requesting an account for GitLab.

Would anyone be so kind? :slight_smile:

All the best

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Thanks! Here is your account: You should have received an email. I invited you to the cesium repo.

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Wow, that was fast, thank you!

Hi again, I’ve recently opened a MR on gitlab for Cesium.

Yesterday, I also opened a PR for gchange-client on github, because it looks like development of gchange-client was shifted to github. Is that right?

Thanks for your MRs!

Looking at the other MRs, it seems nobody is maintaining these repos anymore. So we are looking for a volunteer maintainer for these repos if @kimamila does not reply quick enough. I can add rights on GitLab, but not on GitHub. @Moul would you be ok to introduce somebody to the maintainer role?

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@kimamila is the maintainer of these projects. That’s on him to share the maintenance with other contributors, if he is willing. Then, the projects go at their pace. I can’t introduce someone as a maintainer role like that to someone else project. Even though this is not what is asked here. What is asked here is to get the MRs merged and released. Let’s @kimamila answer on these topics.

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Recently in the spanish community we launched a bounty to release new versions of Cesium, specially because there were important typos and text corrections to implement.

@davidbp845 (who came with us at RML16) would like to have access to maintain the cesium gitlab repo and be able to merge those MR and do small changes…

he has already access to the website repo but we’d like to know who has access to re-deploy the website (or if access can be provided to him to do so, or a know-how if it’s via ContinousIntegration in github)…

We also will like to add Cesium to Fdroid repos.



Thanks!! That’s a very good initiative ^^

I added him to Cesium members: Members · clients / Cesium-grp / Cesium · GitLab
Thanks @davidbp845 for taking care of this!

I think it was done manually, there is not trace of CI in the repo:

I do not even know who deployed this website. Is this @kimamila or someone else?


Hello! @atlasan and I have been trying to compile the merge requests with Android Studio and have not succeeded because of a version issue. Could anyone with a working version of the Android Studio, tell us exactly what the versions of all components should be? (Android Studio, Sdk, Ndk, etc). We follow the instructions given in the repo documentation but are not able to get the right combination of versions. @atlasan is coming to Toulouse tomorrow and I’ll be working on this subject to see if I succeed.

I just merged some merge requests on translations in master.
Thanks all of you !!

Before to release, we need to solve some minors issues :

  • PT : missing a flag (png);
  • CA : missing a license file (license/
  • DE : missing a license file (license/
  • update the Duniter node list (defaultPeers in app/config.js). You should then rungulp config --env default to apply it;
  • update the Cesium+ pods list;

@HugoTrentesaux is the MR #647 still need to be merged ? Can you update with my last changes ?


For Android Studio issues, can you check the branch feature/startup_node_selection ? I have already update many scripts.
Can you peek changes and create a new MR from master ? Thank !

Hi @kimamila, thank’s a lot, I think I do not understand / know how to do it ’ Can you peek changes and create a new MR from master ? Thank !’ : peek the merge requests that really are ready to be merged?

I have merged the @matograine MR that add question when certify someone.
But the lint failed. The code use the ES6 syntax (such as let/const), instead of old javascript syntax (var).

[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:300:0 -> let pubkeyWithCk;
[10:49:46]  'let' is available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6') or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz).
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:303:0 -> let matches = BMA.regexp.PUBKEY_WITH_CHECKSUM.exec(text);
[10:49:46]  'let' is available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6') or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz).
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:304:0 -> console.log(matches)
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:306:0 -> let checksum = matches[2];
[10:49:46]  'let' is available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6') or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz).
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:307:0 -> let expectedChecksum = csCrypto.util.pkChecksum(pubkey);
[10:49:46]  'let' is available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6') or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz).
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:309:0 -> console.debug("[wot] checksum {" + checksum + "} valid for pubkey {" + pubkey + "}")
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:310:0 -> text = pubkey
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:311:0 -> pubkeyWithCk = pubkey + ':' + checksum
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:783:0 -> let answers_are_right = $q.defer();
[10:49:46]  'let' is available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6') or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz).
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:785:0 -> return $scope.showLicenseReminderIfNewCert(cert_status)
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:788:0 -> if (! confirm) {return}
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:813:0 -> return $scope.displayConfirmationModalOrLicenseQuestions($scope.formData, wallet, answers_are_right )
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:860:0 -> }
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:872:0 -> )
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:875:0 -> }
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:880:0 -> return $scope.certRenewalConfirmationModal(answers_are_right)
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:887:0 -> }
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:899:0 -> })
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:900:0 -> }
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:950:0 -> let answers_are_right = $q.defer();
[10:49:46]  'let' is available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6') or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz).
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:952:0 -> return $scope.showLicenseReminderIfNewCert(cert_status)
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:955:0 -> if (! confirm) {return}
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:980:0 -> return $scope.displayConfirmationModalOrLicenseQuestions(identity, wallet, answers_are_right )
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:1501:0 -> let answers_are_right = parameters.answers_are_right;
[10:49:46]  'let' is available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6') or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz).
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:1505:0 -> const original_cert_checklist = [
[10:49:46]  'const' is available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6') or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz).
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:1551:0 -> for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
[10:49:46]  'let' is available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6') or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz).
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:1552:0 -> let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); // random index from 0 to i
[10:49:46]  'let' is available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6') or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz).
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:1553:0 -> let t = array[i]; array[i] = array[j]; array[j] = t
[10:49:46]  'let' is available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6') or Mozilla JS extensions (use moz).
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:1553:0 -> let t = array[i]; array[i] = array[j]; array[j] = t
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:1559:0 -> }
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:1563:0 -> $ question => {
[10:49:46]  'arrow function syntax (=>)' is only available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6').
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:1572:0 -> }
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] /mnt/data/git/cesium/www/js/controllers/wot-controllers.js:1622:0 -> })
[10:49:46]  Missing semicolon.
[10:49:46] -----------------------------------------

@matograine can you fix it ?
Also, is it possible to enable/disable your feature by a config option ?
Because some translations are missing, i guest.

DE : missing a license file (license/

@RutenRolf I know you have a german translation of the license in PDF format. Could you provide me with a version in MarkDown format to enable Benoit to build a release, please?

We canot merged the MR #647 for now. Because this feature is still unstable (lack of user tests). BUT i you browse changes, you may find solutions for your Android issues

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official repo for license is here : documents / g1_monetary_license · GitLab
Cesium code should just have a copy (and change extension to .md)

One issue to add, I think:
It is not 100% correct to directly couple localisation with internationalisation. E.g. when you choose Catalan, it will lead to a fallback to american number format, because the numeral module does not know “ca”, but it would know “es”, which should be the correct one. Other variations of the problem would be e.g. be-FR vs. be-NL vs. be-DE (which don’t exist, yet, but …). So a mapping i18n → l10n should be introduced.

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I’ve committed fixes for eslint, semicolons and dependency 404 error here

Anyway the pipeline is failing, Not sure why and how to fix it. Looking into it.

ok, i had this one

Thanks. Can you submit a merge request with you fix ?

do not care about pipeline for now. We need to release a version with new translations soon.
We could fix CI issues later