If node unreachable, select a random UP fallback peer

Hi, I think there are three treads about this matter (German translation of Cesium and Gchange - #20 by kimamila, Need help to test new Cesium version and this one)

I 'll try to help.

I’ll checkout @kimamila 's branch and compare with @HugoTrentesaux 's and hope I can be of some help. Sorry it’s taking me some time to understand the Cesium code. I’ve spent this weekend learning about ionicframework. I’ll let you guys know if I’m successfull at all. Best regards!

Sorry I had missed a message, I’m just trying to understand the behavior in kimamila 's branch if I find a way to help, with the work that still has to be done, I’ll let you now. A lot of concepts about blockchain, peers and communications that I still do not now. I’m learning …

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