Importing an Account from a *.acc File Using ucoind

I recently installed Sakia onto my Windows 10 OS, and I have a dual-OS computer (it has Linux Mint). I mounted the Windows drive and have the account file, but I can find no way to import it using ucoind.

When I put in my salt and password, I seem to have a different public key than on Windows. Is there a way to fix this?

(Will building Sakia help with this?)

ucoind is not compliant with Sakia .acc file, you won’t be able to use it.

However, ucoind just need the same salt / password than on Windows. Are you sure to type the same values?

I see you successfully installed your node :slightly_smiling:

You issued 5 blocks yesterday:

$ curl -s | grep -o "issuer\": \"\(.*\)\"" | grep -oE "\w{40,50}" | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
16 5ocqzyDMMWf1V8bsoNhWb1iNwax1e9M7VTUN6navs8of
14 6jtZDwCd3xZMhdVzK37FSY3NFPC5zsTxPv1TQN8LJUNt
13 8Fi1VSTbjkXguwThF4v2ZxC5whK7pwG2vcGTkPUPjPGU
16 HBSSmqZjT4UQKsCntTSmZbu7iRP14HYtifLE6mW1PsBD
14 HnFcSms8jzwngtVomTTnzudZx7SHUQY8sVE1y8yBmULk
5  FT8hfXyqvYQpNY3F8SVy2ZfTZtXv15SqXVTqSWn6Jtyz
1  J78bPUvLjxmjaEkdjxWLeENQtcfXm7iobqB49uT1Bgp3
1  ATkjQPa4sn4LBF69jqEPzFtRdHYJs6MJQjvP8JdN7MtN

Thank you for letting me know. I knew I had it installed, but I was not sure that it had generated the correct PubKey.

It has! :grin: