Installing Cesium desktop on Linux Mint 22

i recently upgraded my linux OS to LM22… and tried to reinstall cesium, but doesn’t seem to work.
i tried recent version, as well as older version…
but seems both require libgconf-2-4, afaics… but here’s what i get trying to install:

Screenshot from 2024-09-13 14-30-53

from the website i see that this command i’ve entered in above screenshot could solve my issue… but as u can see, ‘package can’t be found’.

im not a linux expert. but learning every day.
i wonder if changing the mirror i source my software from could remedy this?

also, i tried both the .deb and appimage option. neither responding to my opening command.

any pointers appreciated. thanks.

Can you try apt-cache search libgconf to see which version is available for Mint 22 ?

just tried.
it paused, and then didn’t show any output. just starting point.


Hum. I have no idea.

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I use Cesium as a browser extension, would it be OK on your side ?

not a problem. thanks for the input. im sure ill figure something out.
yes, aware of the ext option. but not keen on extensions, if not ‘necessary’… if can get the app, that’s my preference for sure.

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i’ve been in talks on the Lmint forum and i was told that ‘the package isn’t being maintained, and shouldn’t be used’…

i guess i can just access my member account from my mobile…
i wonder if there are any other desktop clients, that i can use, to access my member and other accounts?

You can try Silkaj, the CLI client.
Should be available in Linux Mint repositories.