Manque de places WS2P sur le réseau Ğ1!

A tu bien installé duniter-ui puis restart ton noeud ?

Yeap. Il faut que j’autorise ce port sur mon firewall ? N’importe qui pourrait y accéder non ?

Non car Duniter n’écoute que sur localhost, je ne sais pas comment tu a conf ton firewall mais si tu bloque des connexions locales t’est pire que moi, je ne vais pas jusque là :stuck_out_tongue:

C’est meme pas ça, vu qu’actuelement il est inactif (ce que je vais changer de ce pas)

Alors je ne sais pas :disappointed:

Sinon il existe :

  "peers": {
    "level1": 5,
    "level2": 21

Indique que tu as 5 connexions WS2P privé et 21 connexions WS2P publiques en cours.


haha oui j’avais oublié bma !


C’est bon maintenant ?
De ce que j’ai testé avec ce que j’ai lu ici : oui.

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oui c’est nickel :slight_smile:


avec un peu de délais mais c’est fait : ws2p public : 30 / ws2p private : 4

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Je fais tourner un noeud duniter-server 1.6.21 sans conf particulière.

Que dois-je faire pour changer les paramètres ws2p ?

Merci d’avance !

Salut charles

tu te mets sur Duniter,puis settings,network

ensuite tu coches enable WS2P private access,ensuite connections tu as un menu déroulant à droite de maximum
tu le fixes à 4
ensuite tu coches enable WS2P public access, tu fixes maximum à 30


With @wellno1, we are investigating why its mirror node is not staying synchronized to the network.

Looking at the WS2P connections, after a while, they disappear, and the node starts to be disconnected:

  "peers": {
    "level1": 0,
    "level2": 0

Just after a restart, we get two connections:

│2021-04-19T20:02:53+01:00 - info: WS2P: init: bundle of peers 3/6                                                                                                                                                                                           ┤
│2021-04-19T20:02:53+01:00 - info: WS2P: connected to peer 2ny7YAdm using `WS2P 20900`!                                                                                                                                                        ┤
│2021-04-19T20:03:08+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer GfKERHnJ using `WS2P 10900: WS2P connection timeout`                                                                                                                          ┤
│2021-04-19T20:03:08+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer 8UXZWg5Y using `WS2P 20901: WS2P connection timeout`                                                                                                             ┤
│2021-04-19T20:03:08+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer 4FgeWzpW using `WS2P 20900: WS2P connection timeout`                                                                                                                          ┤
│2021-04-19T20:03:08+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer EJXX8EgT using `WS2P 20901: WS2P connection timeout`                                                                                                                       ┤
│2021-04-19T20:03:08+01:00 - info: WS2P: init: bundle of peers 4/6                                                                                                                                                                                           ┤
│2021-04-19T20:03:08+01:00 - info: WS2P: connected to peer 9R9VtA9f using `WS2P 443`!                                                                                                                                                        ┤
│2021-04-19T20:03:08+01:00 - info: WS2P: connected to peer HnQH8P6n using `WS2P 443`!     

After a while, all the connections get closed:

WS2P: connection [*] has been closed  
│2021-04-19T20:04:09+01:00 - info: [CKWTXWTF] ⬇ PEER 9R9VtA9f 416705-0                                                                                                                                                                                       ┤
│2021-04-19T20:04:11+01:00 - info: WS2P: connected to peer 9R9VtA9f using `WS2P 443`!                                                                                                                                                        ┤
│2021-04-19T20:04:12+01:00 - info: WS2P: connection [9R9VtA9f `WS2P 443`] has been closed                                                                                                                                                    ┤
│2021-04-19T20:05:09+01:00 - info: WS2P: connection [Abpio1ZP `WS2P 443`] has been closed                                                                                                                                                    │
│2021-04-19T20:05:09+01:00 - info: WS2P: connection [HnQH8P6n `WS2P 443`] has been closed                                                                                                                                                   ┤
│2021-04-19T20:05:09+01:00 - info: WS2P: connection [9UuWHs3Z `WS2P 443`] has been closed                                                                                                                                                     ┤
│2021-04-19T20:05:09+01:00 - info: [CKWTXWTF] ⬇ PEER 5fPevx21 416705-0                                                                                                                                                                                       ┤
│2021-04-19T20:05:09+01:00 - info: [CKWTXWTF] ✔ PEER 5fPevx21 416705-0                                                                                                                                                                                       ┤
│2021-04-19T20:05:24+01:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer 5fPevx21 using `WS2P 20903: WS2P connection timeout`                                                                                                                        ┤
│2021-04-19T20:05:24+01:00 - error: Unhandled rejection: WS2P connection timeout                                                                                                                                                                             ┤
│2021-04-19T20:05:24+01:00 - error: WS2P connection timeout                                                                                                                                                                                                  ┤
│2021-04-19T20:05:55+01:00 - info: WS2P: connection [2ny7YAdm `WS2P 20900`] has been closed    

Is there anything we can do here? Thanks for the help.

  • Demander à des propriétaires de nœuds connus d’ajouter dans leurs clés privilégiées la clé publique du nœud miroir.
  • Demander à tous les propriétaires de nœud connus de bien paramétrer leur WS2P Public (et le faire soi-même).
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Thanks for the solutions. Is there any solution on the implementation, the protocol or default configuration to overcome the issue of having to ask to add a mirror pubkey as privileged into other nodes. That’s quite rough to ask that when setting up a Duniter mirror node for the first time.

Should we do an other announcement request to go into this direction?

Should it be due to the fact that I’m still not a member?

In the meanwhile, I set up a cron restart every 2 hours to work around the problem


Oui fait donc, que ce ne soit pas toujours moi :slight_smile:


Unsure what you mean here. I thought that the only difference between a member node and a non-member node was the fact that non-member does not calculate blocks. Are you saying that there is also an impact on connectivity to the network?

Oui, chaque nœud WS2P Public à un quota de connexion entrantes, et s’il y a trop de demandes de connexion, les demandes provenant de nœuds membres sont priorisées.