Renouvellement des certifications / ≥ 1.6.28 & 1.7.x

Voilà, c’est releasé. Je teste encore, ça a l’air de tourner.


Cool parce que pour l’instant je n’arrive pas à avoir de 1.7.x fonctionnelle sur mon serveur (d’où mon absence sur GT en ce moment…)

Selon mes calculs basés sur la vue réseau WS2P de l’interface web de mon nœud, il y a un pourcentage de ~ 38 % des nœuds dans la fenêtre courante qui implémentent le passage aux blocs en version onze avec la possibilité de renouvellement de certifications. À savoir ≥ 1.6.28 et ≥ 1.7.7.

Puis-je me permettre de mettre au courant les personnes de mettre à jour au minimum en 1.6.28 ?

Non pas pour l’instant, j’essaie de valider la version avant ce soir.

C’est uniquement une vérification d’invariance des index entre 1.7 et 1.6.28.

1 Like

Mon nœud sur Ğtest est bloqué :

2019-01-02T17:18:57+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #300889-00002440 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T17:18:57+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #300889-00002440 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T17:18:57+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #300889-00002440 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T17:18:57+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #300889-00002440 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T17:18:57+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #300889-00002440 is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T17:18:57+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: block #300889-00002440 is known as incorrect. Skipping.

Je l’ai redémarré et il part en boucle infinie pour résoudre le fork :

2019-01-02T17:24:31+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 13/230 REFUSED block#300982: Block's signature must match
2019-01-02T17:24:31+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 13/230 reached HEAD + 94. Now rolling back.
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Block #300887 added to the blockchain in 7 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 (-> #300982-000770) revert to fork point block#300886
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Block #300887 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300887-0004698173587DDB339BADD6BF697DE4ECC09A1B0A22B93817567E22F1A78169
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Block #300888 added to the blockchain in 6 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300888-00054738A4FB4D85E82D29299F318D0780F864CF76CD06D40AC4A4DED1FD4051
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Block #300889 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300889-00002440A947D7E5DC032DAE1BE9EE2638E6DB3E2082FAD5FD0FD50BF7CCBA13
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Block #300890 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300890-000276F89F06B69389D3651152D743746E035A96A97816AC1C092C9870A23C36
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Block #300891 added to the blockchain in 7 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300891-00042586681C347BE925320EFE09773B8F6E5B7B4B24B3FEDBF467109BCE2D1C
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Block #300892 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300892-0000FB72027D27A46B855B148613227D8345906B8324B54D12C216DE3C3F15D8
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Block #300893 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:33+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300893-000387DC374382A995C0921DA572CC5E1BA867289F2A709BAF84F5F4C0D260CE
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300894 added to the blockchain in 6 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300894-0006C4429DC8DA846B675B15E0390FE6EEF41439B4F7CF697CB95F654AE991C1
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300895 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300895-000640728D9F7B098EE91185B6F40CEB2F598DFCD83AB101EBCF57F6BAA298E5
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300896 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300896-00061CABCCFAEFB4BE8BC7EBE1A8A69D021E70FB18FC02A0464A602144200CC4
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300897 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300897-00035B0BF10EC50A1A9611B6BCB98F860487DDFD4B3AF18384C01E26FD42896E
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300898 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300898-000654A4F8E1BF2DABB79D03BE921EC4E1C061B1076A5BFF589B6FD50BE1935E
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300899 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300899-0004A495C5F0F878E3ABA1060DDB0B0E15E42A9F94503571CF13A9CD60A15F06
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300900 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300900-00046809FFB06148C43AFC129F6E33D7823FFDD32DB0512F0DDC2F31FE9E98CC
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300901 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300901-0007D9E579D5780B1C522D15EB07BA53B397E86021A2B02D256CCAE8D2B50A10
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300902 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300902-00085BFBFE3537AD859650B5D396117CCFF5226D4D3A17D83726CA73EC46A293
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300903 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300903-00046C4AF0B982116E3C2CB7AE4361005F69B9E30CB3745CA97FD60309EC8D5B
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300904 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300904-0004785AA170F0FE00560EF4F309B4093B0F9E4B373A73858D1BC5EAB6A78EFE
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300905 added to the blockchain in 7 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300905-000104DA81F149BB37A711462D0E45015705A1A9D54B6B8BC10F2A015CC81B29
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300906 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300906-0002841E4F6A7ED6CB9C0E323A4001E97DBDE6D58CD3932743A544E75020F313
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300907 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300907-0009633026F9E88206EF8D8AFB6576C81FD2BE2FED41DEB8F29165A82D4A1B41
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300908 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300908-00013FADE5BB97C215572F70A5C9005F02F0935BC1EC464FDDCDA8AE44A641DA
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300909 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300909-0006DF678CEF8860D917DBB14917DBFBFB4DD6BD7403731C9C49374F36B38FCD
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300910 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300910-000540F3B706E9E4A3FBEEB8C7B3C19F7428AE869343FBB0C43FA9D18B8E2418
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300911 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300911-000556A2FA2F701BAA39C743F803FED6618B5B0F60A1C88A23CB66D33B277922
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300912 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300912-0006622B3BC2EDF99F7AF1120A664AE82076BF0D93F7A32B3498EC990A8676DB
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300913 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300913-0002146F0621AD05ED8FF20B568ACBA095653A2AACE89ADD939D3C3572817B0F
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300914 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300914-0004D958919CCC10D69424BF134E50F50245710055843320D711BA18CFD0A29E
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300915 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300915-000342287C0E1DB4A15A253BF9E05F68C0EF6D7F9FA5ABF42A654175946C2CA3
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300916 added to the blockchain in 5 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300916-000739286E7ED70198B3408415F94BB9DB4248A9D27081BBABD5407E50CE87E1
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300917 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300917-0003E734A5FD7957B8616CA3341E3CABBCE7316B4CA1745A344AA6396A1527B3
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300918 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300918-0002C411371FC84A74DA83E27819023619DE8CE713B5DC238B28F9E6583C78C0
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300919 added to the blockchain in 7 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300919-0002BDBF1CDED1BD9EB2F715E102EF30F776E4F945304F35FA61B0DDDE14189C
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300920 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300920-0002BCC6D5CDCE4FD61CC8FFEC0BE1ED50B153A90860CDD9B70141CA8F0C2B58
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300921 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300921-0009C5C8082516401F791BF9B3393D9BED4684BEC07F23B52C22E8C1A7B5D9D5
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300922 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300922-000329D1084E4B1DBAB9FAA243A3FD237FCB3877943D34870C9DBE937392B919
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Block #300923 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300923-00044BA7E614A45CE53CE2D6EA87CBB7CA44AA3B111FE9197658070FCE942D9C
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300924 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300924-00035B83A7694D70F566C2DAA68FA5D02951BA578FE7DB331A1D412ED7C5000E
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300925 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300925-0001EE414FC23F2F57C15A1E4100AB46D03EB6E0BE21990E4EEA5AA77713F32A
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300926 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300926-00036C45A247683CA13356995E0EA14F684EA34E51269E06CC0022E9931A3D7B
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300927 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300927-0004AEC3A182EBCDF5147C968B55174CE8D0197D14DC69932625BEE3D139D86F
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300928 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300928-00059E285DC69288481E33F8F331B5B445A2F605AA9A50FA6924E0C99926AE4B
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300929 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300929-00064DA35EBEA6A33221474374DBA41364E42EE80ED4729D8EB14BE2D769C882
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300930 added to the blockchain in 6 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300930-0008497DA4FBC7432694BDB361C9A35A984BA9C6D89C3B3AC9C74317087E24FD
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300931 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300931-0007F735ADD766AACBDC426E78AA138CD675ADC6E0B76AB4A24453C652680902
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300932 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300932-0001E828D8A6F47AA16C20DA36EAB4147F1C70D7956046FEDCBB3B6EDC764044
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300933 added to the blockchain in 6 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300933-000553C01201D1394FBE59D22BC33E52491EF580C856DD2B723498371A84E5CB
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300934 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300934-0006F6C7FC33BDC6CFD06596E7ED51A01CC28C3E4ACB212258D68790466E363A
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300935 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300935-000670F10EAD32F3C24B0B6702519196D9E606038296751228545D5AC85D37BB
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300936 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300936-0004A5872933E246575B413AD13055EBD33BA2B97B1440BD3C347255FFFF14B8
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300937 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300937-0003910148A610A2145A7D769B2A1C92C0FC45D9FD1B8AB352296BF9E950B533
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300938 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300938-0004CA6F52F5F02E7BDF5242A610F7D5A9F54DE954DC22A770B98C6996730919
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300939 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300939-00060594AFE3FCBD6457A7A33A8E91CB9E721B818FB9CB206F8B1A9A8130A60B
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300940 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300940-00010CAB9F26DA38470483261CB60C7A7AFF24E7B5BF6155B6D6EFFB6FAB2F2C
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300941 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300941-00001E5CCBDDDC4DCB5AA2D78A238EFA5D574615341A8F47C1F385711955F8ED
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300942 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300942-0008C36E08A7E821FADBC4B98628A1B944C65D21990D4FC10CF0EB3DBD13667F
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300943 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300943-000340B06034C266A9B1BDC135023CE8DA5466CBB35B5741992B33A632FDB5AA
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300944 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300944-0009D4795FC4633B4F747F4247C5A9414F9F62C30936A26E8E7FBE200CEDD1E0
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300945 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300945-0003C0D9A74A996B5C19570DF15C728ABF8C9A985CB2FAB624DD5A5626FF0DB9
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300946 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300946-000847DE52E0899707C06A31799E90B15761939B06A633941F5435D8D4C86509
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300947 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300947-0007F7B54C3E59868C0AF220722088F73D9C11FD37F8EA8DD771F0FFCD3A5207
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300948 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300948-0001263957DF62647CE661A35BD3B54C93BDA78B575E0690EF190D840BA6A457
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300949 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300949-000322BF12C3B315E18304B18BF22A4037C9DD38CF24C349B6F82612E01073FB
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300950 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300950-0006469FA44109540F073AD1866B1FD48C464EA092572F47695474985B331246
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300951 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300951-0007571799ADEEBEBE54DB45CC70013A00475CF7076808C62C4E302FC8D66DC8
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300952 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300952-00018278D2A875826E22634FEEED216AD8E4EE8996AEFF0F4FFF653A2E091699
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300953 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300953-00008161B4CA06F350AF02B8CA3BF74AE77D80CC30B92E34E358C3FEEE25E61C
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300954 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300954-00040E9A41543BCF5BF961125CF0FAB46BC18AC40D1D1D248F9C1B5F539A72DD
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300955 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300955-0006C6694CF83C597727B8DBB4B2D04070AE83A6BC86FE789AE6022B81D0454E
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300956 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300956-00028DDAEFCB810D333064C07E60F34C39086A608B579A5F4005382696B09BFE
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300957 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300957-000594378D899306B6A559898AD700AE969D4FEE826A33315A15417313CDCD84
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300958 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300958-000105CFA59B11C380B61E9B7D54D523F7D613798BA823DB2020AAC68266DBAC
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300959 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300959-0001032D8454FC68E8A24F2030862474B55087C783450A912745FA9BC632FB7A
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300960 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300960-00008B81308C7C8EDD265FBF44DA5EA71F48E3787E59CAE1DAA72B577AB21282
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300961 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300961-0004414B7AED1D900E4E9B0AD6C01BDA2B1FD896CAD129541801F16E68F7386F
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300962 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300962-00045AEB94C589E84F1B64BACD0BC930A0CB0F351FF1977EEBDE95C67788290A
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300963 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300963-0008BDDD759F39206CEE64BEEA706FFC873E5A8F66B23C8ADC7B25251D23722C
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300964 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300964-0004FA4082C0C2E7BAF3505AF7E955918A52D098CE3E24ED067A13CB1EAEF3D5
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300965 added to the blockchain in 2 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300965-000618701EA4B3C95CA5A20C00A61CF0EA1EF4560038BA9B78CD559CC25BA3D0
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Block #300966 added to the blockchain in 2 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300966-00068CFBB31FCF75BEBCDEC28E15BE2B2F96FF35DA3B13274590AADDE13DF1B0
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Block #300967 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300967-0001C237C785E939C286AB054D9DBD15E1CAA0A5134F0A0DAACDE8646C677F65
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Block #300968 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300968-0004D33C91EFB2D2952CE85A8BA9048BE1B5B6A8BD2E7C298DA2F11049CFBBE0
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Block #300969 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300969-00075BAF94537A55426318F7D0B63A1B88F9E68308888549D9962EA5DFB8F373
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Block #300970 added to the blockchain in 6 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300970-00024A06C3BC2425D380033173617B35E65B82FCEEB01AA15FC5B3E897D4E727
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Block #300971 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300971-0002EAA6E3C31375A72CE405BEFDD1001505944C81A394D6A2395BC7041F3199
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Block #300972 added to the blockchain in 4 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300972-0004451497CE498B3B0D283D0D120C82DBFAF341F88FDC92DD7FA9FDB6287B69
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Block #300973 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300973-0002EF8176377E7A3057F021DCD499F8E40FFC997100F9C30360D3038A249E8B
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Block #300974 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300974-0000FE9FADC56F0043628635123D4843171CBCCEFB6AD4337FC5F8486E8B7EA7
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Block #300975 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300975-00047FAB71CB023AD824F8540988FA20764AD068967A4AD973667B7B41B31143
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Block #300976 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300976-000516AA9C149057FBDD9935E76643D64C45F449D32F6EF37C12A840CCD869CA
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Block #300977 added to the blockchain in 2 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300977-000095E2D43FECFE92D003F27FC7B6EA77E172B2E66EE4AB413D6B9D403A0D6F
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Block #300978 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300978-0005973FF30CB908F794F50AE488E5BBFDD52E1313D229753C3724AA463D0F01
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Block #300979 added to the blockchain in 2 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300979-0000BFA60146630824F40658F072A3C65341914176935CF3DC846C4BDD48EE81
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Block #300980 added to the blockchain in 2 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300980-00015FFD7A9C36A4E460ACE03E996A309A03200D0EFF02D3BDE7CE9DD5D7426A
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Block #300981 added to the blockchain in 3 ms
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 added block#300981-00057CF15B7FFE2FC747B36F4EEF41122BC7ACE00D651ABC162C8D5CB5FB77C7
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 REFUSED block#300982: ruleIssuerIsMember
2019-01-02T17:24:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/230 reached HEAD + 94. Now rolling back.

Je repars sur une nouvelle synchronisation.

La prochaine fois, si possible, conserver une copie du dossier “duniter_default” en retirant le fichier keyring.yml, et mettre cette copie à disposition pour que je puisse investiguer.

Ceci dit, 230 suites de forks disponibles, c’est vraiment beaucoup.

edit : pour la 1.6.28, je vais plutôt produire une 1.6.29 car il reste un bug de longue date qui pourrait perturber le réseau chez ceux qui utilisent le même nœud à la fois pour ĞTest et Ğ1, alternativement. Les paramètres monétaires du précédent réseau utilisé peuvent produire de mauvaises entrées d’index pour le nouveau.

edit 2 : @Moul, quelle version pour ton erreur ci-dessus ?


Et… je n’arrive pas à synchroniser ma 1.6.28 sur GTest :roll_eyes:

2019-01-02T19:45:02+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Fork resolution: block #193500-00023A1C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T19:45:02+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Fork resolution: block #193500-00023A1C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T19:45:02+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Fork resolution: block #193500-00023A1C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T19:45:02+01:00 - e[33mwarne[39m: Unknown reference block of peer
2019-01-02T19:45:08+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: SIDE Block #301132-0000BE25 added to the blockchain in 13 ms
2019-01-02T19:45:08+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Block resolution: 2 potential blocks after current#193499...
2019-01-02T19:45:08+01:00 - e[31merrore[39m:  TypeError: Cannot read property 'medianTime' of undefined
    at (/opt/duniter/1.6.28/app/lib/indexer.js:715:40)
    at <anonymous>
2019-01-02T19:45:08+01:00 - e[31merrore[39m:  Error: ruleNumber
    at Function.checkBlock (/opt/duniter/1.6.28/app/lib/blockchain/DuniterBlockchain.js:56:19)
    at <anonymous>
2019-01-02T19:45:09+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Fork resolution: 101 potential block(s) found...
2019-01-02T19:45:09+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Fork resolution: block #193500-00023A1C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T19:45:09+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Fork resolution: block #193500-00023A1C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T19:45:09+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Fork resolution: block #193500-00023A1C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T19:45:09+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Fork resolution: block #193500-00023A1C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T19:45:09+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Fork resolution: block #193500-00023A1C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T19:45:09+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Fork resolution: block #193500-00023A1C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T19:45:09+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Fork resolution: block #193500-00023A1C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T19:45:09+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Fork resolution: block #193500-00023A1C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T19:45:09+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Fork resolution: block #193500-00023A1C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T19:45:09+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Fork resolution: block #193500-00023A1C is known as incorrect. Skipping.
2019-01-02T19:45:09+01:00 - e[32minfoe[39m: Fork resolution: block #193500-00023A1C is known as incorrect. Skipping.'''

Le bloc courant sur ĞTest est > 300k. Là tu as des résolutions de fork sur le bloc 193500, ce cas me paraît extrême. Pourrais-tu vérifier que tu n’as pas d’autre Duniter de lancé ?

Aussi, supprimes complètement le dossier “duniter_default” si possible si tu n’utilises pas l’option --mdb, ou le dossier concernant sinon.

Et même si tu arrives à synchroniser, ton nœud forkera à terme sur ĞTest et t’obligera à resynchroniser une 2ème fois pour être définitivement tranquille. C’est le bug que je viens de découvrir et qui me fera produire la 1.6.29 dans les prochaines heures (la 1.7 n’est pas concernée).

j’ai cette erreur aujourd’hui

    2019-01-02T20:35:16+01:00 - info: [5esxEcaS] ⬇ PEER 4r8dD6CH 301121-0
    2019-01-02T20:35:16+01:00 - info: [5esxEcaS] ✔ PEER 4r8dD6CH 301121-0
    2019-01-02T20:35:16+01:00 - info: [5esxEcaS] ⬇ PEER 4r8dD6CH 301121-0
    2019-01-02T20:35:44+01:00 - info: SIDE Block #301152-0002C10E added to the blockchain in 1 ms
    2019-01-02T20:35:44+01:00 - info: Block resolution: 3 potential blocks after current#301151...
    2019-01-02T20:35:44+01:00 - error:  Error: ruleIssuerIsMember
    at Function.checkBlock (/opt/duniter/app/lib/blockchain/DuniterBlockchain.js:72:19)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
    2019-01-02T20:35:44+01:00 - error:  Error: Block's signature must match
    at Object.checkBlockSignature (/opt/duniter/app/lib/rules/local_rules.js:79:19)
    at ALL_LOCAL (/opt/duniter/app/lib/rules/index.js:25:51)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)
    2019-01-02T20:35:44+01:00 - error:  Error: ruleIssuerIsMember
    at Function.checkBlock (/opt/duniter/app/lib/blockchain/DuniterBlockchain.js:72:19)
    at <anonymous>
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)

Rien de grave apparemment car je trouve toujours des blocs et le reste des logs est en vert, mais quand je vois des problèmes, je suis toujours pris d’une petite peur.

Je suis en duniter 1.7.8 sur un VPS debian 9

Ce genre de messages veut dire : « j’ai reçu un bloc mais sa signature ne correspond pas ».

C’est vrai que ça peut faire peur (surtout sous forme de stacktrace) mais en l’occurrence, pas de soucis.

Une des améliorations que j’aimerais apporter une fois le renouvellement des certifications activé, c’est justement le suivi de tous les événements qui peuvent se produire au sein d’un nœud, de sorte que l’utilisateur devienne un peu plus maître de ce qui se passe.

Ça va venir.


J’ai réussi à synchro (duniter 1.6.28) mais je suis deja en train de forker à cause de ça :

2019-01-03T00:16:19+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: 20 potential block(s) found...
2019-01-03T00:16:20+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: 20 potential suite(s) found...
2019-01-03T00:16:20+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: HEAD = block#301220
2019-01-03T00:16:20+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/20 (-> #301224-00020C) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:20+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:20+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:20+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 1/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:21+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 591 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:21+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 285 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:21+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 2/20 (-> #301225-000319) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:21+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:21+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:22+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 2/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:22+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 600 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:23+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 280 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:23+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 3/20 (-> #301226-0001AB) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:23+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:23+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:23+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 3/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:24+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 572 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:24+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 273 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:24+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 4/20 (-> #301227-00010D) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:24+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:24+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:24+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 4/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:25+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 573 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:25+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 285 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:25+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 5/20 (-> #301228-00021D) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:25+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:25+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:26+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 5/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:26+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 610 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:27+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 272 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:27+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 6/20 (-> #301229-000292) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:27+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:27+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:27+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 6/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:28+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 556 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:28+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 293 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:28+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 7/20 (-> #301230-000340) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:28+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:28+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:29+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 7/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:29+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 577 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:30+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 262 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:30+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 8/20 (-> #301231-000008) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:30+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:30+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:30+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 8/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:31+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 590 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:31+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 263 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:31+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 9/20 (-> #301232-0001F8) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:31+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:31+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:31+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 9/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:32+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 625 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:32+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 289 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:32+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 10/20 (-> #301233-0000B4) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:32+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:32+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:33+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 10/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:33+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 609 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:34+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 274 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 11/20 (-> #301234-00007C) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:34+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:34+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:34+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 11/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:35+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 572 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:35+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 262 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:35+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 12/20 (-> #301235-0003B1) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:35+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:35+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:36+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 12/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:36+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 579 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:37+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 271 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:37+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 13/20 (-> #301236-00038E) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:37+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:37+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:37+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 13/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:38+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 606 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:38+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 271 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:38+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/20 (-> #301237-00003F) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:38+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:38+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:38+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 14/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:39+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 545 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:39+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 265 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:39+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 15/20 (-> #301238-0000DC) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:39+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:39+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:40+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 15/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:40+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 583 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:41+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 297 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:41+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 16/20 (-> #301239-000041) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:41+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:41+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:41+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 16/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:42+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 574 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:42+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 342 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:42+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 17/20 (-> #301240-000145) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:42+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:42+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:43+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 17/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:43+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 553 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:43+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 284 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:43+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 18/20 (-> #301241-000192) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:43+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:44+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:44+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 18/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:45+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 629 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:45+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 267 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:45+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 19/20 (-> #301242-0001A9) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:45+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:45+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:45+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 19/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend
2019-01-03T00:16:46+01:00 - info: Block #301219 added to the blockchain in 562 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:46+01:00 - info: Block #301220 added to the blockchain in 283 ms
2019-01-03T00:16:46+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 20/20 (-> #301242-0003FE) revert to fork point block#301218
2019-01-03T00:16:46+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301220...
2019-01-03T00:16:46+01:00 - debug: Reverting block #301219...
2019-01-03T00:16:47+01:00 - info: Fork resolution: suite 20/20 REFUSED block#301219: ruleDividend'''
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Est-ce que tu pourrais faire ça ? De sorte que je comprenne ce qui se passe sur ta machine.

Sortie de :

Duniter v1.6.29

Version cumulative des modifications apportées par les versions 1.6.26 à 1.6.28.

Nouveautés par rapport à la 1.6.25 :

  • implémente le renouvellement de certifications
  • permet le téléchargement rapide des milestones pour la synchro d’un nœud Duniter 1.7

Correctifs par rapport à la 1.6.25 :

  • les nœuds 1.6.25 ne pouvaient plus aller au bout de leur synchronisation de la Ğ1
  • un nœud tout neuf forkait quelques temps après sa 1ère synchronisation

@Moul : cette version est validée comme compatible avec le changement de protocole du point de vue des index. Je vais mettre à jour Remuniter et le nœud WotWizard.

@jytou : une dernière dose de release ARM + Win ? :slight_smile:


Of course, c’est parti !

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Concernant la 1.7, je prévois une 1.7.9 car il reste visiblement un soucis à la synchro qui se « bloque » de façon un peu aléatoire sur la partie téléchargement, ce qui fait qu’on peut attendre des heures sans que celle-ci se termine.

Ce problème est particulièrement visible sur ĞTest où il existe peu de nœuds pour télécharger la blockchain.

C’est releasé.

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Mon nœud en 1.7.8 utilisant le paquet Debian et exposant BMA a crashé :

019-01-03T16:40:15+01:00 - info: [GfKERHnJ] ⬇ PEER GfKERHnJ 184636-0
2019-01-03T16:40:15+01:00 - info: [GfKERHnJ] ⬇ PEER EwXXo4YA 184608-0
2019-01-03T16:40:15+01:00 - info: [GfKERHnJ] ⬇ PEER DTgQ97Au 184637-0
2019-01-03T16:40:28+01:00 - info: [GfKERHnJ] ⬇ PEER DTgQ97Au 184637-0
2019-01-03T16:40:30+01:00 - info: [GfKERHnJ] ⬇ PEER EwXXo4YA 184608-0
2019-01-03T16:40:50+01:00 - info: [GfKERHnJ] ⬇ PEER 2ny7YAdm 184608-0
2019-01-03T16:41:02+01:00 - info: worker 15927 died with code null and signal SIGKILL
2019-01-03T16:41:02+01:00 - info: [GfKERHnJ] ✔ PEER 2ny7YAdm 184608-0
2019-01-03T16:41:02+01:00 - info: [GfKERHnJ] ⬇ PEER D9D2zaJo 184609-0
2019-01-03T16:41:03+01:00 - info: [GfKERHnJ] ⬇ PEER 5cnvo5bm 184608-0

En tout cas ces logs ne disent rien. Le worker c’est juste une cellule pour le calcul de la preuve de travail.