Yes it is not the same, but it is sill a voluntary act of violence against an identity. My opinion would be to say “OK, I made a mistake, now it’s done, I cannot take this action back.”
Just like when you said something hurting to someone, you cannot take your words back from him. Still, you can let time go. After some time, the hurted individual may have forgotten about it, or just forgiven. But this won’t be made instantly. You may have to wait months or years for that.
Certifications expire. So your mistake will be forgotten. We should just let it go and think before we act.
I know it is kind of philosophical position, but what is not? Libre Currency is not war, it is an acceptation (of both relativity & causality principles). This is pure peace to me, so I won’t include war in it.
I hope this will help you guys better understand my positions