Traduction de la TRM en espagnol

TRM repo is now ready for spanish translation.
@PifPafPouf MR is merged in master branch. Thanks a lot for his work !

Weblate can be plugged on this folder :

But on a dedicated branch and MR maintained by the « spanish translation team ».


By the way, the weblate project for the TRM is out of service: TRM/Théorie Relative de la Monnaie @ Weblate
Perhaps it is due to the migration to the Duniter’s Gitlab.
Can someone give me the rights on the project on Weblate to repair it ?

Access granted.

It seems I need to access some configuration files too, where the GITLAB_CREDENTIALS variable is set.
Yesterday the issue was about an invalid_token, and today it is more Please make sure you have the correct access rights, and I think it is related.
Can you check that or let me check it?

There we go!
You can translate the TRM in Spanish here: TRM - Spanish @ Weblate
Every 24h, changes will be commited to the repository, and I will validate them manually. I’ll make a release from time to time or on demand, when significant changes come in.

People at ease with GitLab can also contribute manually. The translation is in .po files that can be edited locally.


The Spanish Translations team has finished translating the full TRM and now some members are trying to export it into a physical book.

Thanks guys to setup that weblate and to be able to autosync with the git…
for the moment until some volunteer will move all the paragraphs to the weblate, here are the .docx chapters:

Their public key for donations is: AwAXgRQQVRaXNCUjyaZ7S2YwHVsgg9gkfiYmeDZXng4Z

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There is nothing below “TRM_castellano”.
I plan to make a release of the TRM soon, I don’t know if that helps towards making the physical book.
I am curious what is the process for that, actually.

@galuel managed to print a physical book with a soft cover of the RTM from the pdf version. Surely using some website offering that kind of services.

The best way is just to send the text to an editor/publisher. This way the book will be available in bookshops and libraries, and the result will probably have a decent quality.

However editors generally use proprietary (Adobe) software and are not aware of free licenses and how free culture works. So it may be difficult in this case.

Some editors (like l’Harmattan in France) don’t do their job and make the authors pay for being published.

Some websites also do this but the book won’t be available in bookshops and they will make no advertising about the book. This also redirects more money toward Amazon and the industrial publisher, rather than indie editors and bookshops.

The hard way is to directly call a printer and do the editor’s job, but this is a lot of work and if you’re not an editor it may not give a good result. (and availability in bookshops will be very limited, and you’ll have to handle shipping yourself)

You are right, 12 march we will update since we have now 2 weeks to review offline… that way we don’t have to rechange in weblate afterwards.

I have just made a new release.

The Spanish version is very incomplete, so please contribute here.

@kapis the link you shared does not give access to the translation. Please update it.

I added in the nextcloud link the .odt with the till now best translated version of the TRM. This is the version that now is going to be published in paper…

Lacking people to add it to weblate though.

Alright, so I might start filling the translations in one of these days…

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