URL https://www.gchange.fr/ redirecting to a 404 Duniter error: browser not compatible

Hello everyone.
I am reporting a bug with my web browser. When I go to the URL https://www.gchange.fr/ I am redirected to https://duniter.fr/browser-not-compatible/
I am on LibreWolf (fork of Firefox) in version 110.0-1.
From memory, it was still working a few days ago, probably the last browser update that crashed the matrix.
Thanks :slight_smile:

Bonjour tout le monde.
Je remonte ici un bug en rapport avec mon navigateur web. Quand je vais sur l’URL https://www.gchange.fr/ je suis redirigé vers https://duniter.fr/browser-not-compatible/
Je suis sur LibreWolf (fork de Firefox) en version 110.0-1.
De mémoire, cela fonctionnait encore il y a quelques jours, sans doute la dernière MAJ navigateur qui a fait planter la matrice.
Merci :slight_smile:

Screenshot at 2023-02-18 13-26-27

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As a workaround you can try to install the extension “User-Agent Switcher” and switch it to Firefox.

I think there should not be a redirection, only a client-side message that would not rely on browser information but only on whether the required feature exists or not.

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