ViĞnette, création d'affichettes pour Ğmarchés

@arbocenc I just thought that you might want to translate the Ğ1 logo with « Monnaie libre acceptée ».

I wrote it in SVG (displays well in browser only…). So it is pretty easy to modify the strings, and change the offset of the text to keep it centered (property ‹ StartOffset › od the ‹ textPath › tags).

And export it to PNG afterwards.

SVG code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" width="512" height="512" viewBox="-1.25 -1.25 2.5 2.5">
 	  	<!-- path for upper text-->
        <path id="uppertext" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="0.1"
        d="M -3.5,0 A 3.5,3.5 0 0,1 3.5,0" />       
	    <!-- path for lower text-->
        <path id="lowertext" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="0.1"
        d="M -4.3,0 A 4.3,4.3 0 0,0 4.3,0" />
    <mask id="hole">
		<rect x="-256" y="-256" width="512" height="512" fill="white" />
		<circle r="4.8" cx="0" cy="0" fill="black"/>
	    .text { font: bold 1.1px sans-serif; }
	<g id="gbreve" transform="scale(0.25)">
	  	<circle id="donut" r="5" cx="0" cy="0" fill="black" mask="url(#hole)"/>
	  	<circle id="centercircle" r="3.1" cx="0" cy="0" fill="black"/>
		<path id="g" d="M 0.7071,0.7071 A 1,1 0 1,1 0.866,-0.5 L 1.7321,-1 A 2,2 0 1,0 1.4142,1.4142 l 0.3536,0.3536 v -1.4142 h -1.4142 z" fill="white"/>
		<path id="breve" d="M 1,0 h 1 A 2,2 0 0,0 -0.5176,-1.9319 L -0.2588,-0.9659 A 1,1 0 0,1 1,0 z" transform="translate(0 -3.14159) scale(0.5) rotate(142.5)" fill="white"/>
		<circle cx="0" cy="2.5" r="0.3536" fill="white"/>

        <text id="test-monnaielibre" class="text" fill="black">
            <textPath href="#uppertext" startOffset="0.2">Monnaie libre Ğ1</textPath>
        <text id="test-acceptee" class="text" fill="black" >
            <textPath href="#lowertext" startOffset="3.8">Acceptée</textPath>
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