Warn: TypeError: config.remotehost.match is not a function

Bonjour !

Je viens d’installer Duniter serveur 1.8.0 et j’ai une erreur visible dans le log:

TypeError: config.remotehost.match is not a function

Ce qui m’étonne aussi est le warning:

warn: Local node is not a member. Waiting to be a member before computing a block.

alors que j’ai utilisé mes clés de membre Duniter.

Voici ci-dessous le log complet, si vous pouvez me dire si ce sont des erreurs « normales » ou pas.

Merci !


root@debian:~# duniter direct_start
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - debug: Plugging file system...
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - debug: Loading conf...
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - debug: Configuration saved.
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - debug: Opening SQLite database "/root/.config/duniter/duniter_default/duniter.db"...
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - debug: Now open indexers...
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - debug: Opening SQLite database "/root/.config/duniter/duniter_default/txs.db"...
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - debug: Opening SQLite database "/root/.config/duniter/duniter_default/peers.db"...
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - debug: Upgrade database...
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - info: Block resolution: 0 potential blocks after current#10901...
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - info: >> Server starting...
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - info: NodeJS version: v10.20.1
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - info: Node version: 1.8.0
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - info: Node pubkey: ePs5xpo1rMQgvrKrthYXSLHMawKTNebqFnUqifW5P6v
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - warn: Local node is not a member. Waiting to be a member before computing a block.
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - info: Sibling endpoints:
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - debug: Generating server's peering entry based on block#10871...
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - info: [ePs5xpo1] ⬇ PEER ePs5xpo1 10871-00
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - info: Peer with zero endpoints that is not already known
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - info: [ePs5xpo1] ✔ PEER ePs5xpo1 10871-00
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - info: Next peering signal in 359 min
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - trace: WS2P: mapping external port 20900 to local using UPnP...
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - info: WS2P server ePs5xpo1rMQgvrKrthYXSLHMawKTNebqFnUqifW5P6v listening on
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - warn:  TypeError: config.remotehost.match is not a function
    at WS2PAPI.getEndpoint (/opt/duniter/app/modules/ws2p/index.js:302:43)
    at server.addEndpointsDefinitions (/opt/duniter/app/modules/ws2p/index.js:170:64)
    at Promise.all.endpointsDefinitions.map.d (/opt/duniter/server.js:539:80)
    at Array.map (<anonymous>)
    at Server.getEndpoints (/opt/duniter/server.js:539:71)
    at PeeringService.generateSelfPeer (/opt/duniter/app/service/PeeringService.js:233:50)
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - info: >> Server ready!
2020-08-23T21:23:44+02:00 - info: WS2P: init: bundle of peers 1/1
2020-08-23T21:23:59+02:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer 8iVdpXqF using `WS2P g1.duniter.org 443: WS2P connection timeout`
2020-08-23T21:23:59+02:00 - debug: WS2P: init: failed connection
2020-08-23T21:23:59+02:00 - info: Block resolution: 0 potential blocks after current#10901...
2020-08-23T21:23:59+02:00 - info: Block resolution: 0 potential blocks after current#10901...
2020-08-23T21:28:44+02:00 - trace: WS2P: mapping external port 20900 to local using UPnP...
duniter wizard network

duniter --help
sync [source] [to]   Synchronize blockchain from a remote Duniter node. [source] is [host][:port]. [to] defaults to remote current block number.
1 Like

Salut !
Je crois comprendre dans le style télégraphique que tu me suggères d’utiliser le wizard ?
J’avais bien lancé le wizard pour le network, je vais refaire et capturer les logs.

Y a t’il par exemple des numéros de ports interdits (autres que ceux <1024) ?

Aussi comment fais-je si je suis directement sur internet par le biais d’un VPN ? Puisque dans ce cas l’adresse IP publique et privée est la même ?

N’hésite pas à me rediriger vers des pages wikis, je suis celle-ci qui me parait la plus compréhensible: https://duniter.org/fr/wiki/duniter/configurer/

Je viens de voir aussi que ce post peut être intéressant:


Duniter essaie d’ajouter des blocs à partir du numéro 10901…

Tu as donc du mettre un espace entre le host et le port dans la commande de sync, car ce numéro est un numéro de port.

sync [source] [to]

s’utilise ainsi :

sync url:port [numéro_optionnel_de_bloc_de_fin_de_sync]

Une fois la synchro terminée sans erreur, ta clef publique sera reconnue comme membre.

Hope it helps.


ça y est ça a l’air de fonctionner:

2020-08-25T20:24:58+02:00 - info: WS2P server ePs5xpo1rMQgvrKrthYXSLHMawKTNebqFnUqifW5P6v listening on
2020-08-25T20:24:58+02:00 - info: BMA server listening on
2020-08-25T20:24:58+02:00 - info: WS2P: init: bundle of peers 1/1
2020-08-25T20:24:58+02:00 - info: Sibling endpoints:
2020-08-25T20:24:58+02:00 - info: BMA access:
2020-08-25T20:24:58+02:00 - info: WS2P access: :443
2020-08-25T20:25:47+02:00 - info: ENGINE c#0#3 HAS FOUND A PROOF #00000026F531F95BB78BB8BEC8CDAA309E5B277737DA742DB56CBE95524D7DF9
2020-08-25T20:25:47+02:00 - info: Matched 6 zeros 00000026F531F95BB78BB8BEC8CDAA309E5B277737DA742DB56CBE95524D7DF9 with Nonce = 10400000075570 for block#350939 by ePs5xp
2020-08-25T20:25:47+02:00 - info: Done: #350939, 00000026F531F95BB78BB8BEC8CDAA309E5B277737DA742DB56CBE95524D7DF9 in 46.98s (~302276 tests, ~6434.42 tests/s, using 4 cores, CPU 60%)
2020-08-25T20:25:47+02:00 - info: FOUND proof-of-work with 6 leading zeros followed by [0-3]!

Cependant je note des erreurs:

2020-08-25T20:38:13+02:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer 8iVdpXqF using `WS2P g1.duniter.org 443: WS2P connection timeout`
2020-08-25T20:41:04+02:00 - error: Error: timeout
    at Timeout._onTimeout (/opt/duniter/node_modules/nat-upnp/lib/nat-upnp/client.js:187:14)
    at ontimeout (timers.js:436:11)
    at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:300:5)
    at listOnTimeout (timers.js:263:5)
    at Timer.processTimers (timers.js:223:10)
2020-08-25T20:47:58+02:00 - warn: Security trigger: proof-of-work process seems stuck
2020-08-25T20:47:58+02:00 - warn: Too high difficulty: waiting for other members to write next block
2020-08-25T20:48:13+02:00 - info: WS2P: Could not connect to peer 8iVdpXqF using `WS2P g1.duniter.org 443: WS2P connection timeout`

Tu peux désactiver upnp si ça donne une erreur.

Snif, beaucoup d’émotion, mon node vient de trouver un bloc !


Je pense qu’on peut définitivement dire qu’il fonctionne :slight_smile: