Willing to make €0,01 - €1,- bank transfers for 100 - 10k Ğ1


I just sent you 5 Ğ1 :slight_smile:

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Erf, too fast :slight_smile:

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We have a problem here right ? We say that users can use G1 without being member by selling goods and services, but they need to send 1 G1 to start using it.

It’s just to ensure that the wallet is correctly owned by the user. It’s a security put in place by gannonce, but not on gchange.

I don’t know if it’s the case for gchange.fr. But for gannonce, Yes!

It could be a good idea for gannonce to send 1 G1 on a 1in2 multisig contract. A user can prove he own the address by sending it back, but if it’s not the case it can redeem it. Note that with the current protocol it’s impossible to force the user to send back the money, but it could be possible in the future.


Et voilà.



I don’t know if you will succeed, but your french is nice :slight_smile:


About your request, there is this (in French):


Pas si la majorité est une traduction google, pensez à des choses qui, je l’espère, peuvent être traduites un sur un et devinez ce qui est bien ou mal.

À moins que cela ne soit sarcastique.

And while google is getting pretty better with non-linear European translations, I should not use this, or weird Anglicisms start to creep in.

I’ll bet you guys have experienced them as well?
American medical webcommercials in half-broken French where there are no spelling errors or even grammatical errors, but it’s not how you would say it in France.

And I find it irksome of how bad this influence has become in the Netherlands.

For example, I heard an equivalent of “Assez est assez” on the Dutch news last week for “trop ç’est trop” or “Nous avons ici propre assez de” (literal Dutch), said by a Dutch local.

In reality there is nothing difficult or hidden in creating a genesis block, it just need custom software be able to generate the genesis block document. But you can also create it by hand.

You (and the initial users of your currency) need to create Identity, Membership and Certification document like you’ll do it on G1, but with your currency name and without publishing it (since there is no chain to publish to). Then you create your genesis block document with all those and the currency parameters. Then a first node can publish this genesis block, and the users sync to it and it should work.

All these steps can be inferred from the Duniter protocol documentation which explain the validity rules of each documents. If all your documents are valid, then it should work.

I say it should work since I’ve not tested it, but by reading the protocol specifications it should be correct. If it’s not (and the G1 genesis block has not been generated like this), let me know and I’ll be happy to read the explanation and to donate some G1.


So Duniter has a gitlab repository now?
I seem to have missed out on a lot.
This looks like enough reading material to figure it all out.

I will revoke the offer.

Thank you for your help.

Maybe wait for a confirmation of one of the genesis block creator.

It is. We can already do atomic swap crosschain transactions.

It’s not actualy a crosschain transaction, but it can be made with off-chain contracts “à la Lightning Network”.
But in this idea in mind, gchange should only ask for a signed message to show that it can sign transaction for this pubkey.

@nanocryk you just destroyed 10 000 Ğ1 of valuable information ! :blush:

Sorry @Galuel, you won’t earn 10kĞ1 for a simple explanation :wink:

Yes we can !! :v: :grin:

Actually, gannonce don’t asks to have 1 Ğ1 to prove that you control the account, but just to avoid spam of account creation.

We already know that you master your account, when you authenticate on gannonce. :slight_smile: