About the Kanban boards category

The Kanban board category is a category dedicated to project management. It should only contain tasks ordered by status and has the kanban as default view.

Kanban board plugin allows to view any category as a kanban board, but such a board can get difficult to read if not tidied correctly.

An administrator can customize the default board view of a given category:



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Could you please divide the Kanban so we can focus on the following subjets:

  • What is necessary to migrate from Duniter V1 to Duniter V2.0
  • What is wished for Duniter V2.X (a future version)
  • any other division of interest.

It seems it is just a story of tags, isn’t it?

Here is the granularity and priority of the tasks:

We can modify the default displayed tags or restrict certain tags to certain categories if necessary.