Cannot sign up G1 with Caesium

Hi Arcurus,
indeed I can answer your questions in English (I could do it in German, but I’m definitely more comfortable with English, and this message could also benefit other English-speaking people) and bring you up to speed on the latest developments. I’m currently reviewing the translation of the main RTM book so that we have a solid base in English as well, as I do understand that material in English is either scarce or even broken, since most of the discussions were done in French for efficiency in the past months.
About your questions: yes Duniter is designed in a way that allows to create as many currencies as needed. However, we also try to federate the effort as much as possible, and the current choice is to have one main currency that everyone would join. The main idea being that having 1000 currencies with 100 people in each would make a network of very weak currencies, whereas 1 currency with 100.000 people in it would make one very strong currency (not even mentioning the maintenance effort which would be much harder with lots of currencies). So the idea is to better stick with the current Ğ1 currency. The only problem (or strength, it all depends on your point of view) is that entering the WOT requires some effort to meet with existing members in order to get certified. Along with the fact that the parameters that have been chosen don’t allow many certifications to get through in a limited amount of time, this means that the growth of the WOT will be slow - but again on the long term it is better to grow slowly while developing strong bonds rather than grow fast with loose links. So the intent is really to stick with one currency, the one that already exists, although it is technical to create many (and if open currency is really going to grow, we could imagine that every country - or economic zone - would decide to create their own, but we’re not there yet, and I’m not even sure it would be desirable).
So to sum it up: there is no rush, and whenever you come to the south of Germany, for instance, you may want to visit some Swiss friends (since we already have some people from Switzerland who are interested) or even visit Paris and get to meet some members IRL.
In the meantime, you can already have your account, and I’m sure some members would even agree to send you some little amounts for you to use. You can use that account, the only thing is that you won’t get a daily UD until you become a member.
Feel free to ask questions, I’ll do my best to answer them. :slight_smile:

PS: you are on the map alright! :slight_smile:

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I’m also willing to help translating stuff :slight_smile:

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Ist AFoZf3y1WUJzqahwiFs6W2ivrm1NE9c3yZpUNvi8n3pH deinen Öffentlicher Schlüssel? Ich kann dir ein Paar Ğ1 schenken.

Yes my pub key is:

UPDATE: Now it seems to work, thx all!

Some very important piece of advice: do pick some strong identifiers. The ones that were generally in use for test currencies are generally not strong and could potentially be hacked. Again, there is a post about it, but it is in French (and maybe it would be worth translating as a priority for us). The main advice was to choose a strong Secret Identifier along with a strong password, for instance generated using Diceware methods. Until you receive your first certification, you still have a chance to change your IDs.

Yes, as we are currently in the launch phase, we have a lot of incoming “interested” people who would like to join, which is why we are reaching a bottleneck in the protocol. There are discussions about it right now, but the situation should unlock by itself on the long term. Everything is about patience and long-term view, in contrast with our current fast-paced and “immediate” world. :slight_smile:

I managed now to login in, and my pubkey is AFoZf3y1WUJzqahwiFs6W2ivrm1NE9c3yZpUNvi8n3pH
Now i will work an my profile :slight_smile:

do you have a link, i would love to participate?
Yea its good to grow slow in the beginning, until things are figured out and people know each other:)

With the certifications,
One solution could be to use different types of trust certifications with different trust levels.

For example:
Trust level one is:
I just verify this identity for receiving universal dividend.

Trust level two is:
I trust this person to be a verificator, that can verify other people

Trust three is:
I trust this person to be a sentry, that can verify verificators

The higher the trust, the more time you need to make a new certification with the same trust level.

yes, thx for the hint, my password and secret should be very strong already, except someone hacks my computer…

In the long run i would suggest to make it similar to other cryptocurrencies, that have different kind of private keys.
The first one is to reset the account.
Second one is for transactions that require high trust, like big transfers, or making certifications.
The third is low trust, you can only transfer small sums
( in the beginning two different keys should be enough)
Also it would be good that you can opt in that your account can be recovered from people you trust (like 2 out of 3)

To generate keys i would suggest to use electrum like seeds like 13 words to write down.
That’s just my thoughts…

It is already the case:

  • your member keypair allows you to certify people, produce money and compute blocks
  • you can produce other keypairs for transfering money: Sakia has built-in multiple wallets support, while you have to open several browsers to do it with Cesium.

This is also possible, using external techniques making people able to reproduce your keypair.


Here is the main discussion about the current (hopefully very temporary on the scale of the currency), but it is… in French:

What @cgeek is saying is basically:
-right now, people who use the main cesium node on are all blocked because they are all trying to register on the same node, which is already full and won’t accept any new identities,
-one solution is to set up your own node, and register from there, since a node always accepts its own documents,
-from there the node can propagate the identity to other nodes.

This is an interesting proposal, that is somehow similar to another recent proposal to give a “trust level” during certifications (again, a thread in French, sorry!), which was rejected since “a percentage of trust” would totally be relative from one person to the other. Another problem is that it would make the system more complex while not really bringing much additional value, and one additional drawback I see with your proposal is that it would make a de facto hierarchy in the WOT, which I believe is not wanted in the philosophy of the project. Everyone can be a member (as soon as they get enough certifications) and every member is equal in the system.

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yes, it would make a hierarchy, or better said, it would increase the hierarchy. Currently we also have a hierarchy through having sentries and the wot itself. The more distant you are from other members the lower you can say you are in the hierarchy, because your verification is worth less, because it reaches less members / sentries.

That said, i would not advocate right now for using different trust levels, because it’s good to experiment now with the one that we have, but we should have it in mind in case it makes sense someday.

Yes i also think a percentage trust level would not be a good idea, because you don’t know what it means exactly. In case we use different trust levels i would advocate to use clear trust levels, like member, verificator, sentry.

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just thought about it, yes it would make / or increase a hierarchy in the WOT, but it would help to reduce the hierarchy between people in the WOT and out of the WOT. But yes, lets first test more without trust levels and see then further.

Just FYI I have translated the “security recommendations” post here: Security Recommendations: READ THIS BEFORE CREATING YOUR Ğ1 ACCOUNT
As I understand it, you will keep yours as you trust they are safe enough, but it can be useful for others (and you may learn a few things too :slight_smile: ).


thx for the nice recommendation, always good to see what others recommend.

I think it would be good to mention to save the website first and check if it is not compromised (thats the tricky part), but saving alone allows you at least to create your password offline and in the future the password generator is still save and useable without having to open the website again. The longer you have it saved, the longer the time where a hack could become known…
Generally if you want to have a true save password you must also do it offline, or at least combine it with some external hardware like a trezor…

But I guess for the most users the biggest risk is, that they simply forget it…
Also against state like attackers, you would need most likely at least something like multisig to protect you…

just for clarity, the private key is generated out of combination secret plus password or?

Using the Revocation file to revoke the account, would allow to set a new secret and password and therefore generate an new private / public key, but the account Alias would be still the same? Everything that is connected with the old public key would be transferred to the new one?

another question, the increase of UD per 6 month is round about 5%, so the yearly max increase of UD is around 10%, right?

I think I lost you there. :slight_smile: Which website would you save locally? On the DiceWare website, only the list of words is important, you generate everything “offline” from dice throws. :slight_smile:

Actually, it works this way:
-protection passphrase + password are used to generate a 256 bits seed via Scrypt,
-the couple private/public keys is generated from the seed with ed25519.
So basically, you technically don’t really need the passphrase/password, but all clients work with them right now so better use them. :slight_smile:
Here is an interesting page where you can play around with different methods of generating keys, and you can use it to generate paper wallet addresses (just save it as an html page, and copy it around).

Yes it is.

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Oh yes, offline dices :slight_smile:
Normally i just generate some words and then flip them manually :wink:
Saving the website is useful if you happen to use something like bitaddress…

By the way I posted now my ask for certification. And whoever was the one who send me some duniter, thx a lot!
See you,

You have to try again.
Two members of our community have this problem. One tryed every day, and the third day was the good.