Cutecoin 0.8 released!

Here is the 0.8 :

What’s new :

  • New table to display transactions : dates, pubkeys, uids, payments and deposits
  • New table to display members : join date, membership expiration, name and pubkey
  • Warnings when memberships are going to expire soon
  • Information tab to analyze currency parameters
  • Multiple referentials available to show money value (Quantitative, Relative…)
  • Newcomers can now be found in the wot table
  • Added a popup window to get informations about the software
  • Added the possibility to add, edit and remove accounts (account and contacts)
  • When no source is available, the transactions is displayed as blue and the user can send it back or cancel it
  • When, 15 blocks later, the transactions is still not written in the blockchain, it is displayed as red and can be sent again or canceled
  • Cache is now removed on its own when a new version is deployed
  • Multiple bug fixes

Download links :

On linux, don’t forget to install “libsodium” library. For ubuntu, you can find the debs files here :

Let’s hear from your user experience so we can enhance cutecoin again and again :slight_smile:


Thank you very much for this version @Inso and @vit! Such a huge work you have made :astonished:

Be sure I will play a lot with it and give you many feedbacks :wink:

Yes, it’s a superb work. Thank you.
The four referentials are very nice. However, I don’t think the display is correct for the transactions in the first two referentials (Quant Z-sum and Relat Z-sum). The displayed values are negatives and very big. The negative sign is correct for the wallet in these referentials, but transactions are differential values and their sign should not change.

Ah perfect, I couldn’t think about the logic problem behind the transactions values.

It will be fixed in 0.8.1.

In fact, for transactions, value in Quant Z-sum = value in Units, and value in Relat Z-sum = value in UD. Same sign and same value.

Yes that’s obvious, but I didn’t took the thame to think about the conceptual differences between transactions and wallets amount. : )

Yes gerard94 is absolutely right and I made this issue regarding that point.

About money case, what do you think ?

Is it better to have “MB” or “mb” ?

A M with a circle like $ £ € are letters we can identify as a money unit.

Not a lot of answers…

I propose to use :m: for Meta_Brouzouf, giving the URL of the official enclosed alphanumerics unicode to use it easily, and to let specialists of fonts decide later how to generate and use a special and normative symbol letter font for any new uCoin free money.

I suggest uCoin development will integrate free money system with the use of a special uCoin font, which will be able to receive a full new set of caracters, where each new one letter will be the symbol of a new uCoin free money symbol.

Examples :

777 :m: = 6,07 UD:m:

Use <sub>Ⓜ</sub> to have an indice in HTML format (thanks to cgeek, this markdown specification is not a native one).

For instance this is a music font able to display music instead of alphabetical symbols. So we can developp a uCoin font, where alphabet will be the money symbols only like this one. To write then the correct symbol, you specify the font you use (must be uploaded generally but not always, you also call it thru URL), and use the correct font code corresponding to the money symbol (for instance ‘S’ in unicode will give ‘$’ or ‘£’ or ‘€’ with the money font)…

You can also choose to create svg symbol font better than simple icon symbol font, so you use the best : vector graphs. Check this page to see compatibility and more information about fonts, and this page to study icon fonts.

Here is an example of how to use specific fonts with HTML5/CSS3. You can also visit W3School.

Finally you will specify the uCoin font to display the uCoin free money unit symbol, and any community will be able to propose its own symbol to add in the font (font can start with only one symbol for the first free money, and then will be updated when necessary to add more).

I prefer MB over mb. Better detach in a text…

@Galuel: you can use HTML tags UD<sub>Ⓜ</sub> for it to work. What you use is pandoc specific, not markdown native:

777 :m: = 6,07 UD:m:

0.8.1 released

  • Multiple UI bugs fixed
  • Bugs with new transfers management fixed
  • Bugs with account creation fixed

Thanks to all of you, a lot of bugs have been found and fixed. 0.8.1 is one of the most stable released we have had since cutecoin begining :slight_smile:

We are on our way to cutecoin 0.9 now !


Thanks a lot.
A new bug (or restriction): in the field “Transfer Money -> Transaction Message”, accented characters are not allowed.

This is a restriction of ucoin.

Field Comment is a string of maximum 255 characters, exclusively composed of alphanumeric characters, space, -, _, :, /, ;, *, [, ], (, ), ?, !, ^, +, =, @, &, ~, #, {, }, |, , <, >, %, … Must be present even if empty.

Before those transactions would be sent but never validated.

OK, c’est en ascii. Pour des raisons de simplicité, je suppose.

0.8.2 is released today.

  • Fixed some informations
  • Multiple UI bugs fixed
  • Diverse refactorisation into core code

Thanks a lot to vit who worked fast on this release.

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Hi all,
I’m new on the forum, but very interested in Ucoin philosophy and seeing it happen !
I’m on Ubuntu, and would like to beta test cutecoin 0.8.1, but I can’t put my hands on libsodium : url not found, doesn’t appear in synaptic either. Can someone tell me how to do ?

And btw, I guess I need to be certified to access the interactions with cutecoins : how should I prove myself worthy / trustable ?

Thanks, see you soon on cutecoin !

link fixed !

Also current release is 0.8.2 :

Do you have any account on social media that you could link to us ?