Development talks

As part of the v2 migration coordination group, I would like to invite you (@contributors @elmau) to a technical meeting on Monday, November 4th 2024 at 14:00 CET.

This date most likely does not fit our schedule. In this case, please fill up following form, so we can decide for a fitting date together. I did set up the form to have weekly meetings such on how they are doing in the v2 coordination group, but I can change the form to have it every two weeks or monthly, if the frequency is too high. Just let me know below in the comments.

Please, invite anyone interested to this technical talk regarding v2 ecosystem.
Non-french speaking contributors (specially our lovely Spanish-speaking contributors) are more than welcome! We would simply switch to English and do our best with Shakespeare’s language.

Is anyone interested to moderate this/these meeting(s)? @1000i100 ?


I guess the calendar goes from sunday 3 to saturday 9?

I think the goal is

Beginning from 2024-11-03T23:00:00Z. Once a recurrent date is found it would be more “opt out” than “opt in”.

Someone else willing to join these meetings? We are feeling a bit alone :cold_face:

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J’ai l’impression que dans @contributors il manque @bgallois

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Je l’ai rajouté, merci pour l’œil attentif !


Is there a consensus for the next meeting?

According to the poll (which is still open for edition), the best dates are:

  • monday 10h-12h
  • wednesday 10h-13h
  • wednesday 16h-18h
  • thursday 10h-13h
  • friday 16h-18h

I changed my availabilities. I am not available Fridays evenings.

Otherwise let’s pick one of these four slots. @contributors, any preference for one of these?

All are fine for me at the moment. I can be unavailable at some dates but I’ll try to inform ahead of time case by case.

The best for me is wednesday.

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@contributors, we could meet on Monday, November 25th at 2 PM on
@kimamila plans to be present.


As I won’t be available, here is one thing I would like the wallet developers to discuss:

Are they OK with using the protocol proposed here for offchain private messages, as a replacement of Cesium+'s private messages.

The implications for wallets are that:

  • listing available messages needs querying the datapods (don’t know how yet)
  • messages are sorted in conversations between two public keys
  • the private conversation state (containing cryptographic overhead specific to a conversation) needs to be fetched and updated each time we receive a new message or send a message
  • this state can be stored in the local storage (file, browser storage) or encrypted on the datapods or on a server
  • this state is generally pretty small (<256 bytes) but may store a limited number of pending messages if a previous message were not received
  • some work to adapt the UI
  • need a Rust library (native, binding or WASM) or a translation of this library to another language (I can work on it if needed)

I added it in my notifications tomorrow to assist. Thanks for coordinating. FYI @vjrj

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Starting soon!

Thanks @kapis @vjrj @vit @moul @bgallois @kimamila @ManUtopiK @1000i100 (9 people there) for being there today. We were cut at 3 pm because Kimamila closed the meeting for everybody when leaving.

row notes taken during meeting
- on passe au français suite à proposition de vjrj 
- Cesium v2 schedule
    - de nouveau papa donc moins de temps
    - un peu de retard avec Dorian, va s'y mettre
    - interrogation sur les datapods
    - parcours membre et évaluation de la règle de distance (depuis le client ? téléchargement de la WoT via l’API graphql, calcul local dans le client via
    - fonctionnalités satellites (wotwizard, g1-monit, carte)
- Ǧinkgo will likely support web of trust 
- Hugo time 
    - rôle clé vision d'ensemble et coordo
    - insiste sur migration / chronologie
- feeless transactions
    - plus à plein temps sur Duniter, mais bénévole sur l'oracle de distance
    - résumé du fonctionnement des frais
    - point R&D sur la nouvelle version de substrate avec les tx extensions
        - possibilité d'utiliser des fonctionnalités polkadot-sdk pour gérer les frais autrement
- Manutopik
    - presque fini les travaux de sa maison
    - se lance à fond sur la ML après décembre sur la partie front
        - carte ML / site ML / Äž1 companion
- kapis
    - interested to port g1superbot in v2 / py-substrate-interface
- vit
    - available for information about python API

Unfortunately the meeting has been stopped.
Hugo and I, we reconnected and had informal talks.

Wednesday and Tuesday from 10:30 AM till 11:15 AM we would be 7/8 participants.
With Hugo, we decided next Wednesday, December 4th at 10:30 AM would be a good fit! :crab: :muscle:
We invite you, @contributors to join at this date!


We did not discussed this point but identified the priorities for Cesium² :

  • core feature: identity creation and process
  • core feature: UD display (unclaimed UD to take into account in account balance), and UD history display
  • core feature: account management
  • Cesium+ features will be handled later, and I recall that my datapod implementation is very experimental and not ready for production, so it does not make sense to count too much on it, in particular for applications like messaging

I strongly support this double ratchet and internal signing protocol, but for it to become real, it has to rely on a reliable data layer that we do not have yet.


We agreed one meeting per month fits our need.
Next one is planned on 2025-01-08T09:30:00Z→2025-01-08T10:30:00Z


ping @Nicolas80

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