New version 0.1.2+59 of Ğecko mobile
- fix: keep keyboard focus when changing wallet source in payment popup (b835c70)
- fix and improve mnemonic print pdf (4cbb0bb)
- tr: translate pdf infos (acd8387)
- fix: double home screen after forget all safes (ea43d66)
- fix: paste from clipboard text padding (1f72710)
- feat: balance multi queries is working (fadc3c0)
- feat: big improvement on wallet scan at safe import (a751b1e)
- fix: good display of wallet names on transaction screen (e47211f)
- fix: bad display on wallet choice dropdown on pay popup (433452d)
- bump polkawallet 0.5.4+4 (b3fc3e7)
- wip: adapt duniter genesis config to latest runtime (0c562bb)
- fix: add --alice option to duniter test node (dbdfd0c)
- feat: allow idty with index 0; certsData is nullable (08ea844)
- refacto: walletData idtyStatus enum type (6f2d33b)
- refacto: remove deprecated code (f65b194)
- fix: can open Certification screen only if get certs (1b1c5ab)
- refacto: add methods to WalletData (b916c44)
- wip: highlight wallet with status in safe wallet list (7514eb7)
- fix: bugs about idtyStatus and few stuff (b436341)
- fix: update changeOwnerKey tx for runtime 700 (6be89a3)
- feat: Load idtyStatus on readAllWallets method (e3dc579)
- test: fix and adapt test to latest UI (a13d191)
- fix: idtyIndex is nullable (a35d6b5)
- fix: empty username is indexer is off (5ccacea)
- fix: isolate safe_home listener in consumer (cab22eb)
- wip: use multiqueries for idtystatus and idtyindex (db13c4a)
- fix: replace null value by high idtyindex for multiquery (cf9f557)
- enh: replace switch case by map for idtyStatus (80cbde7)
- test: scroll before add derivation in safe home (4614f81)
- refacto: replace huge switch cases by 2 maps in screen transaction_in_proggress (db5358a)
- enh: improve routes to safe home (6d16b99)
- UX: change search button appBar with home (5dbec1a)
- feat: wallet membre can be drag and dropped (19fdf97)
- refacto: widgetized wallets_home screen (bad65f5)
- feat: show certifications on membre wallet tule (9f01448)
- refacto: username is nullable (d9c30d3)
- deps: upgrade packages (c294177)
- bump v0.1.2+59 (9a171a7)
- deps: upgrade to Flutter 3.16.0 (breaking changes) (fe75821)
This is a BETA build, connect to ĞDev network.
ĞDev is a Duniter v2s test currency which is mirror of Ğ1 data blockchain from December 12th 2022.
Every action you make on this network doesn’t affect Ğ1 currency.
For more questions about Duniter v2s, please read this category or create a new topic here: Duniter-v2s - Duniter Forum
For questions about gecko app, please ask on this topic: Ğecko talks / user support - #285 by cgeek
Download for Android:
armeabi-v7a (old phones):
arm64-v8a (new phones):
x86_64 (x86_64 CPU phones):