Presentation and new light web client Ğ1nkgo

Have you deleted the local storage on your phone ?
If not, the wallet is still accessible and you can try to export your private key again.

Je ne suis pas développeur, mais je crois qu’il est assez simple via l’API de récupérer la valeur du DUğ1 courant, ensuite une simple division permet l’affichage en nombre de DUğ1. Et une simple multiplication permet de faire un paiement en DUğ1.

Le DUğ1 étant la base de la monnaie libre Ğ1, il me semble indispensable de pouvoir utiliser cette unité pour l’affichage des prix et les paiements en monnaie libre.
Sans cette fonctionnalité, une application ne me semble pas pleinement utilisable.

I’m not a developer, but I think it’s pretty straightforward via the API to retrieve the value of the current DUğ1, then a simple division allows the display in number of DUğ1. And a simple multiplication allows for a payment in DUğ1.

As the DUğ1 is the basis of the free currency Ğ1, it seems to me essential to be able to use this unit for displaying prices and payments in free currency.
Without this functionality, an application does not seem to me fully usable.

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yes @vjrj you have the method getCurrentUd() in Durt to get the current UD value: test/gva_test.dart · master · clients / durt · GitLab

query {
  currentUd {

By default the result of this query is in ğ1 cents, Durt converts it to ğ1.

You just have to multiply the values in G1 everywere in your app by this result to get the values in DU/G1.
Same thing for UD transaction, just multiply g1 amount with UD value to make the transaction in UD mode. This is relativity :wink:

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@fIodef I fixed many of them in the web. Feel free to subscribe/test (those with commits associated should we fixed):

About DU. Thanks indeed for the directions @Maaltir & @poka. You can subscribe too here:

PS_ I don’t know why I was thinking that I had to store the DU value in some time of a transaction, and each transaction with maybe different DU… :smiley:

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We all wanted to do that at the beginning of the money ! :sweat_smile:
But it is too hard to display a transaction in DU G1 with the DU at the time of the transaction (for the moment with the current APIs, to retreive the DU amount at the time is too slow, afaik). So we only display the amount using the current DU G1. You will see that a transaction displayed in DU G1 unit will be reduced periodically as the DU value grows… This is a normal behavior.

May be we will find a solution with the indexers to easily retrieve and display the old transaction in DU G1, using the DU value at the time of the transaction. So we can have three display modes : “G1”, “Current DU G1” and “Historical DU G1”. :wink:


It could be btree map (ordered indexed list) time → new UD value. A new entry would be inserted at each UD reevaluation. To get UD(t) you just read at the greatest key smaller than t. This is log(n). Indexers could do that easily.

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Fantastic :heart_eyes: I’ll do that ASAP.

Very nice job ! Congratulations ! :slight_smile:
work perfectly for me.

Many thanks, again, because i will be able to use it in replacement of Cesium in many cases. A lot of users, as you know, had many issues with Cesium (that no one have time to fix).

Please let me know your pubkey G1.


Thanks indeed @kimamila for your words and of course for your work.

I’m like mad trying to publish a first version of g1nkgo like stable and ready for more public, but later if you want maybe we can find a moment to talk and to share experiences (mine as a newcommer arriving to this beautiful project and you from your big background).

BTW my cesium pub address:

6DrGg8cftpkgffv4Y4Lse9HSjgc8coEQor3yvMPHAnVH (vjrj)

Merci beaucoup again


For the braves, I’ve published the 0.0.21-SNAPSHOT of g1nkgo for Android in Private Seafile,

Includes mainly:

  • many fixes of the issues that @flodef raised,
  • inline tutorials explaining recurrent doubts,
  • transaction page with pagination,
  • android <= 7 connectivity issues,

I’ll try to freeze this a bit and just fix things in order to release something stable and ready for the non tech public.



Great job again !
I like the help feature, that focus on a screen part.

A small suggestion :slight_smile:

  • for QR code (from the point of sale tab) : you can create and use URi like this one : june://9oKB35LgNQ9PBGPMgxq63kDVYrr3jb8D9NnyiEKQtRxQ?comment=GCHANGE:AYDI9JPOVIL9ZVG-PNCU&amount=100 and your app can declare to handle it. This way the buyer can use another wallet software.

And some questions :

  • i see that your are not a G1 member ?? I think we should know who you are before we can trust your code and your app.
  • to save/restore a wallet, did you plan to use Duniter file formats ?
  • dis you plan to come to the Free currency meeting in France ? (12th to 16th june) Can be cool ton meet you !

@poka did you review the code ? I think we should be able to rebuild and check content by a checksum. No ?


Off course! I didn’t know this, so I was trying to suggest something similar, thanks indeed.

I can understand. Take into account that I arrived to this initiative (3 months ago, I don’t remember well, but see my friend (xavidp-A1Fc1VoCLKHyPYmXimYECSmjmsceqwRSZcTBXfgG9JaB) that give me a donation in the previous mentioned address.

I shall start to ask for certifications in the next markets (for example this weekend) to understand better all the process.

More info: vjrj (vjrj) | Keybase

I didn’t know about this format. I need to read, but why not?

I have several problems: jobs, small kids, and… fuxxxx long covid. So it’s hard to travel right now. I can try. Going to G1 markets was the first thing I started to do these days.

Same message signed:

Hash: SHA1

[quote="kimamila, post:71, topic:10701"]
for QR code (from the point of sale tab) : you can create and use URi like this one : june://9oKB35LgNQ9PBGPMgxq63kDVYrr3jb8D9NnyiEKQtRxQ?comment=GCHANGE:AYDI9JPOVIL9ZVG-PNCU&amount=100 and your app can declare to handle it. This way the buyer can use another wallet software.

Off course! I didn't know this, so I was trying to suggest something similar, thanks indeed.

[quote="kimamila, post:71, topic:10701"]
i see that your are not a G1 member ?? I think we should know who you are before we can trust your code and your app.

I can understand. Take into account that I arrived to this initiative (3 months ago, I don't remember well, but see my friend (xavidp-A1Fc1VoCLKHyPYmXimYECSmjmsceqwRSZcTBXfgG9JaB) that give me a donation in the previous mentioned address.

I shall start to ask for certifications in the next markets (for example this weekend) to understand better all the process.

More info:

[quote="kimamila, post:71, topic:10701"]
to save/restore a wallet, did you plan to use Duniter file formats ?

I didn't know about this format. I need to read, but why not?

[quote="kimamila, post:71, topic:10701"]
dis you plan to come to the Free currency meeting in France ? (12th to 16th june) Can be cool ton meet you !

I have several problems: jobs, small kids, and... fuxxxx long covid. So it's hard to travel right now. I can try. Going to G1 markets was the first thing I started to do these days.


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Certification in progress :man_facepalming:

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